It was Cedric's birthday soon.

And for a week, Rosie was in a bit of a tizzy, trying to find the perfect gift to give him.

"What am I going to get him, Calypso?" she half-wailed. She was draped over the breakfast bar while Calypso looked on with amusement from the stove. "He's got everything, doesn't he?"

"Just get him anything. He'll love it as long as it comes from you."

She frowned. "But I want to make it special."

"Then just show up in his bedroom the moment the clock struck twelve with nothing but a ribbon wrapped around you and I'm certain you'll make his birthday this year the happiest."

"I shouldn't have asked you."

"Yes, you shouldn't have."

Pushing herself up, she put her elbow on the table and the side of her face on her palm. "I could ask my best friend, Lizzie, but she'll probably say the same thing as you."

Calypso grinned. "I like her. You should introduce us."

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"