Can We Be Friends?.

"Jada!" A voice called behind her, causing her to instantly stop in her tracks. 

The person puts on the light in the passageway, revealing himself to Jada who's shocked to see him.

"Jason?" Jada whirled around, to find out who actually called her and to her ultimate surprise it was Jason. 

"Jesus!, Jason you scared the holy crap out of me" She said to him, clutching her heart firmly as if she got a heart attack. He wanted to send her to an early grave.

"I thought you left the party earlier than us because I searched for you in your room and couldn't find you there" He stopped and scratched his hair lightly before proceeding with his statement. Jada just stood straight watching him perplexingly. 

"I waited for you to come back, that's why I left the door unlocked for you" He continued his speech, scratching his hair  in an intense manner. He couldn't look Jada in the eyes which she noticed.

"And so?", She asked him in a nonchalant attitude, she didn't give a damn about what he had to say to her after all what he was going to say was going to make no sense  to her at all but she still listened.

"So are you seriously waiting for a thank you from me to you, not even in a million years to come Jason" Jada blurted out to him as she rolled her eyes too.

Jada studied him closely at that moment.

was he shying?, She wondered. If he was truly shying then it was the first time for Jada to see him that way, he always acted all strong and mighty whenever he was in her presence so why was he shying in front of her all of a sudden.

"I waited for you to come back and here you are", He smiles inwardy. "I'm glad you are home, Lewis did a good job by driving you home himself, that's a sign of a loving boyfriend" Jason added. 

"Jason if you have anything to say for goodness sake, then just spit it out and get to the damn f**king point already and stop beating around the bush!" Jada yelled out to him immediately, she wanted to get this over with. She has had enough of his talks; it was boring her to death already.

He keeps on saying things she couldn't find any meaning to, if this is the reason he's preventing her from going to have her beauty sleep and prepare herself against the date she had with Jason tomorrow then he was crazy.

"Shush, you are going to wake them up" He whispered to her, rushing over to her side and using his hand to prevent her from speaking anymore.

"Get your dirty hands off my mouth" She protested in a muffled tone, biting hard on his fingers to set herself free.

"Aaah" He screamed but in a low tone to prevent waking his parents and Joe from sleep. 

"What in the hell is wrong with you Jada?" He asked her, staring at her with a fierce look.

"That's for making me look like a fool in Lewis's party and trying to shut me up right now for reasons I don't know of" Jada smirked at him, grateful that she has had her revenge on him though this wasn't enough for her.

"About that, I'm really sorry for acting like that to you" He got up from the floor he was on one knee, twisting his fingers softly to subdue the pain it caused him.

"Sorry?, did you just say sorry to me?" Jada asked, coming closer to him to confirm whether she was really talking to Jason.

"I am, I realize it wasn't right of me to make you feel that way and I'm really sorry for that" more words dropped out of his mouth in an apologetic tone.

"What the f**k is going on here, I don't understand" Jada's jaws dropped surprisingly out of shock.

"Who the hell are you?, You are not Jason" She added, this literally was the first time in a million years her brother Jason actually apologized to her using his own mouth to say sorry to her.

"I think you got misplaced at Lewis party because you exactly aren't my brother you simply aren't and could never be" She uttered to him in a clear tone her eyes popped out widely.

"The Jason I know would rather have his tongue cut off rather than apologise to me" Jada pointed out to him, pointing her index finger to his face.

"This isn't a joke Jada, I'm serious this time I didn't mean to humiliate you in front of everyone at the party" He smiled at her but through gritted teeths. The only reason he was doing this was because Joe told him to or else this was the last thing on his bucket list to accomplish.

"Okay, continue" She urged him to continue.

"So can we be friends?" He brought out a hand for her to shake.

"I forgive you Jason but you should know I barely keep friends" Jada pointed to him, not accepting his handshake and leaving his hand hanging in the air.

"Well that's okay" He giggled, "we will take things slowly" He brings down his hands.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have to go sleep" Jada remarked pointing at her room, leaving immediately not wanting to listen to anything else he was to say.


Once inside her room, she moved to her bed huskily. She removed her shoes and threw herself on the soft bed.

"Home sweet home" She mumbled in a sleepy tone but then remembered Lewis.

She had to call him to know if he had reached home.

Bringing her phone out of the purse she carried to the party with her, she got her it out and dialed his number.

"Baby!" He exclaimed over the phone as soon as he picked up her call. "I thought you had slept already?" He asked her over the phone.

"I wanted to hear your voice one more time before i'd sleep" Jada let out a small laugh.

"You need to sleep and prepare yourself for our date tomorrow" 

"You didn't mention where we would be going"

"That will be a surprise too"

"There's been many surprises since you got back"

"That's one thing you should know about me" He giggled excitedly.


"So Good night, tomorrow then" He said to her over the phone.

"Sleep tight"

"I love you"

"Love you more".

He hanged up, Jada's heart throbbed with joy. Lewis still loved her the same way he did when they were still kids. He had said to her he loved her two times in a day which gladdened her.

Never were they going to break up. Was the last thought she had before she gave in to her beauty sleep.