Will You Marry Me?.

A cool deep but light - gentle breeze swept across the whole beach sending shivers down Jada's body, her perfect blonde hair she let loose danced in rhythm along with the breeze.

She was doing a ballet dance, her beautiful body followed along in rhythm with her dance. Her hips were positioned well as she spread her hands up and around her while whirling around, she had a good shape indeed her buttocks were round, large and soft fitting her average body.

She wasn't slim neither was she fat, she was normal. She had a pleasant shape any guy would die for, She did a backflip landing on the dusty sands.

The beautiful sleek white gown she put on was stained with dirt as she laid on her back, looking up to the pretty dark sky. She performed snow - angel on the sands causing more dirt on her white - stained gown already. It was a beautiful evening for Jada.

Letting out a soft chuckle, she continued her design of a snow -  angel on the ground but stopped after she heard a voice familiar to her.

"Lewy?" She got up from the ground with her dirt-stained body using her eyes and searching for Lewis desperately.

"I'm over here!" He called out to her waving his left hand up to her as he hid the other hand behind him.

Jada runs up to him and attacks him with a bone - crushing hug, luckily for her he had a good stamina which he used to clasp her to his body. Spinning themselves around, they both giggled.

"You look dirty baby girl" Lewis said to her, keeping her on the ground and checking out her dirty body.

"I was doing a snow - angel" Jada let out a soft chuckle.

"Snow - angel ?".


"If you are doing it on sand, it's not snow - angel, I will take it as a sand angel" Lewis smiled at her.

 "But you aren't seven anymore, look at your dress it's all stained over" Lewis pointed at her dress, the smile withdrawing from his face leaving it with a frown.

"I had nothing to do while waiting for you, so I just wanted to feel like a kid once more. That's why I did snow - angel I really miss those days" Jada noticed the frown on his face and did the same to hers.

"But you are still pretty with the dirt on you", The frown vanished, leaving a polite smile on his face. 

"Thank you" She thanked him.

"What is in your other hand?" Jada asked him, observing and pointing at his hand which he hid behind him.

"It's a surprise baby girl" He said to her hiding his hand behind him more to prevent her from snooping.

 "Common, enough surprises already" Jada scoffed in agitation.

"Be patient, baby girl" Lewis said to her.

"In one, two, three" He counted, glancing down at his watch.

People suddenly started gathering around the two of them in a circle, both male and female. They were grown up adults.

"What's happening?" Jada asked, surprised to observe what was happening around them.

"I told you it's a surprise".

A slim and tall beautiful lady with chubby cheeks began singing 'perfect' by Ed Sheeran signaling the others with her to sing along, which they did.

Their sweet voices resonated throughout the whole beach chasing the silence away with them singing the song in harmony and unity.

"This is so beautiful" Jada stated, tightly embracing Lewis.

"It is and so are you" He broke the embrace, dropping short hot kisses on her cheeks which instantly turned red. Jada blushed happily.

"Where are you going?" She asked Lewis who stepped away from her slightly. "What are you doing?" She shot another question at him after he failed to answer the first which he still gave her no answer to.

Getting down on one knee, he brought his hand which he hid behind his back to his front. Jada let out a breathless gasp on sighting the ring he held in his hand and before she could form words in her mouth. He proposed.

"Will you marry me?" He proposed to her on one knee, searching her eyes for answers.

Jada dragged her two hands to her chest clutching her throbbing heart which pounded with joy.

"Say yes, say yes" The singers who were singing 'perfect' by Ed Sheeran stopped singing, clapping their hands and urging her to say yes.



"Morning young lady" Jane spread Jada's windows wide open, inviting sunlight to disturb her from her deep slumber.

"Nooo!" Jada yelled with intense vigor waking up from her deep slumber.

"Ooh mom you totally ruined my precious dream just as I was about to say yes to Lewis" Jada groaned, wriggling herself lazily on her bed.

Jada was annoyed at Jane, she couldn't remember the last time she had a sweet dream like that with Lewis in it which her mom just intruded upon, jerking her back to reality.

"You sleep too much Jada and don't tell me it's essential for humans to sleep because you seriously oversleep" Jane preached to her with hands akimbo on her waist, totally ignoring her complaint about intruding on her dream with Lewis appearing in it.

"I don't care, leave me alone I got to sleep" Jada ignored her preaching, lying back on her bed again for her beauty sleep.

"It's 11: o'clock am in the morning and very soon it's going to be afternoon and you are still sleeping, I really can't believe you" Jane mentioned moving to her side, removing the blanket she used to cover her body.

Jada was always such a sleepy head, she loved sleep so much which she could say was her favorite among all her hubbies.

"Ugh, mom let go" She dragged the blanket up back to cover her whole body, preventing the sunlight from preying on her while sleeping.

"Let go Jada".

"Mom, just let me go" 

They both dragged the blanket but Jada's strength couldn't match with Jane's because she won over her.

"Today is Sunday, it's not like I got any place or job to do, just leave me to sleep mom I'm so tired from yesterday's party" Jada protested to her mom, sitting on her bed.

"That is because you came home late yesterday, that's why you are tired" Jane remarked, going closer to her and giving her shoulders a gentle massage.

"I came to call you down for breakfast, Jason made it".

"Jason?" Jada's eyes popped wide open.

"Yea Jason".

"Are you sure he didn't poison mine?" Jada blurted out to Jane.

Jane let out a chuckle before replying. "no matter how much you hate each other, he's still your brother he won't poison you", Jane replies, "so get that dirty thought out of your head" She tapped Jada's shoulders lightly.

"I have trust issues" said Jada to Jane as she stretched her body, getting up from her bed.

Jane stands up and attempts to leave the room but stopped immediately after recalling something. 

"By the way" 

"Eh?" Jada asked Jane who stopped for a bit before speaking up.

"Lewis is downstairs"

"What?!!" Jada shrieked, her eyes almost popping out of its socket.

"He said he cameby since it has been long since he came over, he says he wants to recall the childhood memories he spent here" Jane told Jada who's jaws dropped in astonishment.

He told her he was going to pick her by one for their date but he came earlier than that, she still got two more hours before 1 clocks.

"And you didn't mention that to me earlier mom!" Jada mentioned to Jane with gritted teeth followed by her hands dropping on her head.

"Sorry, but I got things to do" and with that statement, Jane zoomed off.

"What am I going to wear, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet, what am I going to do?" So many thoughts raced through her mind as she paced up and down her room.

"OMG, our date!!" Jada finally rested her mind, remembering she also had a date with him today. Still on that thought, she ran into her bathroom in a flash. 

She was such a dullard for forgetting something special to her like that.