WebNovelThe FAITH90.00%

Chapter 45: Escape

Luke looked down at Abel's limp body in horror. Just a moment before, he had looked so menacing, so terrifying. He'd looked invincible.

Now, the very real possibility swam through Luke's head that Abel might be dead.

Disbelief locked that thought into an inaccessible box in the back of Luke's head. Abel couldn't die. The man he'd thought he loved couldn't be dead.

"They all got bitten," one of the Doyens said, doing a quick once-over of the bodies on the ground and barely glancing at Damon. "Are we just going to leave them?"

"He's a half-vampire, so I think his venom wears off quicker," the other Doyen said. "They'll probably be fine in like fifteen minutes. We'll come back for them."

"Okay. Grab his arms," the Doyen murmured, bending to pick Abel's wilted body up by the legs.

"Where are you taking him?" Luke asked, his voice barely coming out of his throat.

The other Doyen did a double-take. "You're awake, Luke?"