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George had opened the gate for Sylvester before he could open it. He stepped into the mansion and heard George greet him.

George was the butler of the Breckley mansion. He was a man in his forties and had been working for the Breckleys for the past eighteen years. His face held the blank expression he always carried.

"Welcome, Master Sylvester" George greeted with a bow.

"Thank you George" Sylvester responded heading towards the living room and George followed closely behind him.

Sylvester stepped into the magnificent living room and saw his mom sitting comfortably on the large sofa with her feet stretched out being massaged by a maid.

Mrs.Rose's head snapped to look at the entrance when she heard someone enter the room. She saw that it was her son and she immediately stood up from the sofa walked to meet him halfway and pecked his cheek. Sylvester did the same.

Mrs. Rose was a petite woman with brown hair and jade green eyes. She was a beautiful woman.

"Where did you go very early this morning, son?.. I heard from George that you left this morning.."Mrs. Rose informed, shifting her gaze to George who was standing behind Sylvester, for a short time before her eyes came to settle on her son's face.

George bowed his head slightly when his eyes met Mrs. Rose's.

"You didn't have breakfast" Mrs. Rose continued talking to her son.

"Emmanuel and I had something to do in town" Sylvester answered his mom's question.

"Did you have to go so early in the morning??"Mrs. Rose questioned.

"Yes mom" Sylvester replied.

"Alright, let's get you breakfast dear"

Mrs.Rose ushered his son into the dining room. She signaled George who headed to the kitchen and ordered some of the maids to bring Sylvester's breakfast.

Three maids walked into the dining room holding trays in their hands and placed them on the table not raising their heads to meet Mrs.Rose's or Sylvester's eyes.

They walked briskly out of the dining room and headed toward the kitchen.

Mrs. Rose prepared Sylvester's tea for him and took out the toast for him.

Sylvester started eating quietly and could feel his mom's gaze on him while he ate.

"Has dad left already?"Sylvester questioned his mom lifting his head to meet her eyes.

"Yes, not long ago" Mrs.Rose replied almost in a whisper.

"When will he be back?"Sylvester asked.

"He'll be back by noon...he went to check out something at the factory in the East of Wetland."Mrs.Rose replied.

"Hmm..."Sylvester hummed, nodding his head."I would like to discuss something with both of you when he comes back."

Mrs. Rose wondered what his son wanted to talk about but she decided not to question him but wait for her husband to return.

"Alright son" Mrs. Rose responded.

Sylvester finished his meal and went up to his room.

He entered his room which was located on the far right of the last floor.

His room was considerably big which had a king's size bed in the middle, an inbuilt closet on the left, and the bathroom on the right. A large sofa was situated across the bed and he had a desk in the room too. His room had a patio attached to it.

Sylvester went to sit on the bed and heard his phone beep. He took out the phone from his pocket and unlocked it. It was Emma who had texted him to find out if he had informed his parents about working in Mr. Wilfred's shop.

"Not yet...Dad isn't home yet" Sylvester texted back and threw the phone on the bed and laid on the bed, his front facing the ceiling. But before he could close his eyes, his phone rang. He picked it up and sat on the bed.

"Hey Sly," a voice from the other end of the receiver said.

"Hey" Sylvester responded, knowing who it was.

"I heard from Grace that a new club has been opened at West hills and I was hoping we could check it out this evening, you, me Emma, and Grace. what do you say?? It was Richie on the phone. Sylvester's other friend, but not as close as Emmanuel.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I'll make it this evening," Sylvester said. "I have work tomorrow, I would have to wake up early," Sylvester said in his mind.

"Alright, Bro...How about Emma?"Richie questioned.

"You can call him and find out"Sylvester replied.

"Okay," Richie said and Sly hanged up, a sign passing through his lips.

He placed the phone on the bed and went to lie down again.