chapter 13

the ride home was quite, with a few more fire engine's passing by.

'the fire must of spread...' I thought to myself as the last fire engine zoomed past.

we rounded a corner, that lead up a dirt road.

not far up the road was a rusted gate, the diver let me out there.

"thanks..." I said as I handed him the cash I owed him for the ride.

with a few pleasantries, the driver left, and I turned back towards the gate, it opened with a loud creaking sound that could be heard all over, up the path was a white farmhouse with a grey roof, and red shudders, along the side of the building, was a large pattio connected to the house, covered by a white pergola.

as I rounded the house, towards the patio, a cloud of smoke bellowed out towards the sky.

and there's only one person I know that smoke pot all day everyday.


as I got closer I could here the speaker playing on shuffle.

"Jake! what took you so long?" Sam exclaimed as he look at me.

"the fire must of spread, hey that's my bong!" I stated as I pointed at the glass bong with stickers all over it.

"w-well mine needs to be cleaned, and you were out for like a full twenty-four hours, did you expect me to just not smoke until my bong is cleaned?" He countered.

"it takes like, ten minutes to clean a bong, and yes, you could calm down on the smoking..." I stated with a matter-of-factly tone.

Sam nearly shrieked at the words that came out of my mouth.

"it only takes ten minutes to clean a bong!?" Sam completely ignored half of what I said.

"yes, how did you of all people not know that?" I asked in disbelief.

"that's not important, I gotta check on my bong, it's been soaking in the sink all day!" he said with worry as he nearly sprinted into the house.

I just sighed as I followed him into the house.

and my fears came true, the intire house was a mess, empty soda cans, beer bottles, and empty bags of snacks, all over the place.

"I-it's only been one day, how the hell could it get this bad!?" I asked in utter shock.

"it's not that bad..." Sam scoffed, "besides, with all this trash we could use it as kindling for a fire!"

"I don't think we should just burn all you're damn trash though..." I muttered.

"nonsense, it'll be a blast!" Sam exclaimed, "we get a big ass fire going, smoke, and eat some food it'll be awesome!"

"fine whatever..." I muttered in defeat, "but you're doing all the damn cleaning."

he looked at me with a horrified look on his face.

"y-you're serious?" He gasped, "not even a little help!?"

"nope, I'm going to relax, I've been busy for the last twenty-four hour's..." I said as I walked towards the stairway that lead upstairs to the bedrooms.

as ascended the spiral staircase, all I could think about was all the crap me and Sam have been through the last three year's in LA, Sam helping me with my 'bloodlust' as he calls it, which started to take affect shortly after we've moved into this house, which I have no clue how Sam paid for, when I questioned him about it, all he said was "it don't matter, bro" so I never got an answer about it

in order to 'learn' to deal with my bloodlust, Sam said I needed to wean it, like I was a child, the less I drank the better, the longer I could go without drinking improved, but during those very painful days I learned what it feels like when a vampire doesn't drink blood for over a week.

my body started to feel weaker and weaker as the day's went by, immense pain assaulted my body, as if telling me to stop torturing myself.

after that the way I saw thing's changed,

when I looked at someone all I could see was there skeleton, along with all the vains, arteries, and organs.

with each pulse of there heart a bright red wave rushed through there bodies, with each pump I saw the life rush through there entire being.

and it made me nearly loose control the first time it happened.

at first, my vision only shifted, when I went a long time without blood.

I also learned that the blood packs Sam gave me taste much better then any other type of blood I've drank.

thank God that I'm still able to eat human food, after all, there are many different types of foods out there, and I plan to try most of em!

once I reached my room, I went into the bathroom that was connected to my room, the best word I could use to describe the bathroom was, 'high-class', it's walls where a light grey, tile-like pattern that covered each wall, the ceiling, and the floor were also a similar color to the walls.

to the left, along the wall was a pristine, white marble sink, with a large mirror, and a steel piped sink.

to the far right was a large bathtub, that looked like it could fit multiple people.

I turned the faucet on to let the water pour out of the shower head.

as the water was warming up I started to removed my clothes, I looked into the mirror to inspect my body, it was relatively the same as before, with scars both large and small running across my body.

now my body has more defined muscles, and tattoos running across parts of my body, mainly my arms, torso, and near the ribs on my right side.

"hmm." I muttered as I noticed three distinctive scars that ran between my ribs on the left side of my body.

'I don't remember having any scar like this, is it new?'

I quickly knocked that thought out of my head, because with closer inspection, the scars looked to be many years old.

"eh, whatever, it doesn't matter, I'm tired, I'll take a nap after I shower..." I muttered to myself as I climbed into the bath tub.

after the quick shower, I went back into my room, a king sized bed with multiple pillows laid half-hazzaredly across the unmade bed.

poster's of various movies and video games where placed along parts of my dark blue walls, shelves filled with cd's, and video games, and comic books, laid against parts of my walls, in front of my window was an oak dresser, with tree drawers side by side, multiple items laid along the top of the dresser, my dagger, wallet, and game controllers for various consoles.

I pulled a pair of pajama pants out of the dresser, put them on and headed to bed with a yawn.

I laid my phone on the nightstand next to me and drifted off to sleep.