My Parents freak out over my genius at a young age

Ok so from what I can tell I'm a human baby(why couldn't I be an elf or something must I be human, it's like I'm blindly following the poorly crafted script of an average isekai anime), today would make it about 2 weeks since I was giving birth to, 2 more weeks and I'll be a month old, I can't wait to become 18 and be a sexy OP badass teenager.

So in the two weeks since I was born, I've learnt that the language they speak is somewhat similar to the language I spoke in my pre-reincarnated life(its a term I came up with to describe my life before I became OP), also the air in this world is cleaner and there's no thickness in the air that the media of my pre-reincarnated usually mistaked for love, I mean the air was so bad that to a common distraction of the pollution of the air was people going around saying there was love in the air. There was so much love in the air that even if you wore a nosemask you would still cough an average of 27 times a day because love particles still found a way into your throat, that's how lovely my pre-reincarnated worlds air was. I know It seems like I'm making a big deal out of air but air is actually a big deal because you need it to stay alive, so it needs to be clean at all times.

Ok so this world is currently divided into 5 continents but the people of this world call continents, jamaams(I'm not really sure what made them call it that, now that I think of it I'm not sure why we called it continents in my pre-reincarnated world) and each jamaam has a ruler, so it's more like each continent in my pre-reincarnated world having a dictator ruler governing the huge floating piece of rock.

The names of the five jamaams are Athenis, Catheca, Ixon, Glaciarus and Zema.

So Athenis is populated by elves, Catheca is populated by Orcs, ixon which is in the middle is populated by Humans, Glaciarus is populated by dwarves and Zena is populated by giants. So one similarity this world shares with my pre-reincarnated world is an equal number of world wars which involved all the world powers, each Jamaam had an advantage, so there was always a balance and no race won and became a super world power, the elves had their greater affinity and control of magic, the orcs had their extremely short gestation period plus they grew extremely fast so numbers weren't a problem for them, the humans were a jack of all trades but masters of none, they weren't particularly gifted in magic which was the elves skill or well versed in science and technology which was the dwarves skill, they weren't as big as the giants or as small as the dwarves but they had the spirit of not giving up. Even in the face of imminent doom they foolishly marched on, even though the odds were unevenly stacked against them and they held out in the war, the dwarves had elite mastery of science and technology, so this gave them a major advantage and the last but ironically not tbe smallest, the giants were extremely huge but they were small in number, all this situations kept the power balance in check. Another similarity that they share with my pre-reincarnated world is that they had their own version of the Holocaust, I think the giants would be the Germans and the dwarves would be the Jews.

Ok so back to what I was saying, another thing I learnt in this world is that I'm born into a long line of rich people who have a lot of influence in the nation as a whole, but when my father's family didn't approve of their marriage, my father had the genius idea to elope with his soon to be wife in a remote village North of the Central capital of ixon(name of the central capital is demos, where royals, rich people and celebrities stay, so like the Los Angeles of America), where they had no influence whatsoever ever and nobody knew their name, what my father did was very stupid if you ask me, who renounces money for some woman and if I'm being honest my mother is a 5.8 at best, people won't know we're related if we walk side by side on the road, I'm so happy I still look like myself from my pre-reincarnated world, it would have been a bummer if I had looked like my mother.

I know you're probably wondering how I've gathered so much information even though I'm merely 2 weeks old. The answer lies in my frequent crawls to my house library where I devour all Knowledge in all the books, my curiosity increasing with each new knowledge I come across, curiosity might kill a cat but it can't stop an OP baby. So I'm basically done with learning about the lands in this new world. The last thing I learned was that each jamam have different native languages but when the representatives of each race comes together to discuss on the future of their species, they speak the central language which they call "drunduk", also each jamaam has a unique resource peculiar to it, that makes it prosper, for the elf kingdom, its the elder tree which is the heart and soul of their magic, they spend their entire life trying to connect a part of themselves to the tree but no one has successfully done it, it's said that if anyone completely connects to the tree, the secrets of magic would be revealed to them and they would basically have godlike powers but none of the elves are close to such feat. As for the orcs their unique resources are special rocks that contains runes that speed up their growth process, the humans resources are gold, diamonds and other precious metals, they use this in running their civilisation and also creating an ever widening divide between the rich and poor. The dwarves have lava, from which they use the geothermal energy generated to produce energy to further their science and technological advancements. Finally the giants use mountains to make weapons and houses because they're so big so it makes sense for them to use mountains as raw materials.

So when I was done learning about the lands of this world, something caught my eye and it was a spell book, I squealed like a sqeezed rubber duck in delight and crawled to where the spell book was, my father seems more of a sword person so it's obvious to assume that it's my mother that's the mage, damn if I had a dollar for every cliché I experienced, I would have more money than a billionaire who's name rhymed with tusk.

So I put my chubby fingers(because I'm still a baby and baby's have chubby fingers) on the cover of the book and open it, luckily for me everything the pictures and words are in black and white, I'm really beaming.

So I'm reading the spell book and I'm really understanding and enjoying it because the images are in black and white and manga is in black and white, and I enjoy manga, so it's only natural I enjoy the spell book.

So the first thing I learnt is that magic is like the force from star wars except that it's within us and in some people it's small while in others it's large, there're basically 4 basic elements, fire, wind, water and rock but groups of people don't just go to the elements they belong in and form nations.

There is no strongest magical element, it all depends on the user and there're deviations of magic like lighting, gravity, sound, light, darkness, divination and also healing magic. Not every one is born with a deviation magic, only a select few and its only one deviation magic, a person can have.

I'm casually reading and devouring knowledge from this spellbook until I see it, an eight legged beast who normal people might call a spider but I really hate spiders, so I close my eyes and wait for it to go away, I open my eyes and it hasn't gonr away so I come up with the next best solution.

I close my eyes and try to summon a fire ball, I open me eyes and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with myself cause the fireball is bigger than expected, "Hahaha", the spider won't know what hit him. I hurl the fireball at the spider, it tries to dodge but the radius of the the fireball is too big for it to escape, it gets hit and immediately disintegrates but the fireball doesn't stop. It keeps moving until it hits the wall and makes a very big EXPLOSION that destroys a section of the house, my parents rush into the library to see what caused it, then they see me sitting on the floor near the spellbook and the shattered room and they put two and two together, "My daughter is a genius, she isn't even up to a month old", my father boasts, "now now dear, I remember being the one who went into labour and I recall her being our daughter ", my mother interjects, "well I'm sure my daughter will make me proud ", my dad says, my mother slaps his chest playfully and says "OUR CHILD", "ok, ok, I was joking ", my father says, "I'm sure she'll make us proud", he corrects himself. As for me all this room destruction has made me sleepy, so I close my eyes and met my mind dissolve into the world of nothingness, my last thoughts Is wondering what my stats are and then I fall asleep.