Chapter 36: We Need Tunes

“Okay Indiana Jones, what do we do now?” asked Nori.

Brad and Nori landed in Denver not too long ago. Denver International was absolutely packed. The air was pretty chilly and Nori was supremely glad that she’d made Brad buy her that magenta ‘I-love-NYC’ hoodie at JFK Airport.

They’d gone shopping before the flight and bought a black backpack for Brad and a turquoise one for Nori. Nori picked out two pairs of whitewashed jeans, a black t-shirt and a yellow one with different flowers on it. When she showed it to Brad he grimaced and turned away, rolling his eyes. Then when Nori wanted some neon-pink hiking boots, he put his foot down.

The hiking boots they eventually got were more to his taste– black and expensive. Brad had on a black, cashmere V-neck sweater over a white t-shirt. He looked quite at home in his gray slacks and matching pair of expensive-looking black hiking boots.