
You know although I'm a person who now has so much potential for untapped raw violence and how my body is made for battle and all that, I'm not a fighter, not like that at least.

But as I punch a seven-year-old in the face and hear the oomph of a good punch landed and recognize my mother's gasp as one which indicates that I'm in big big trouble but even that realization is not enough to rid me of my satisfaction at that moment

' But it's quite troubling that I'm prone to violence so easily, I really hope that I grow out of it at least '

" Shikamaru!!! You're grounded young man, I'm really sorry for my son's okay, it'll heal quickly but let's see the doctor anyway alright? " Mom shows her multitasking abilities as she consoles the idiot and his frightened cronies while glaring at me at the same time

' I should really get observation haki combat-ready as soon as possible, not cause the kid was hard to fight or anything but because I would have dragged him somewhere else or delayed his punishment till she was gone if I had known she was here '

" Oh well "

Choji seems surprisingly shocked as he still gazes at me

' I guess he didn't even think of someone doing that or he couldn't imagine me doing that for him '

" You all right Choji? "

" Wha- Yeah But Shikamaru you're gonna be punished, you heard aunty Yoshino "

" Yeah right, if I'm gonna regret this then I ain't cut out for training "

" Woah that was wild, though you're gonna catch hell for that " 

Who the hell said that?

When I turn round it's to the sight of chibi Kiba who is surprisingly without Akamaru

' Guess they're not bonded yet '

" My little brother's right, for once. You shouldn't have done that " and that advice was said by his elder sister Hana who of course is accompanied by her familiars the three dogs literally named one, two, three while patting Kiba while he tries to push her hand away

" If he can't take it, then he shouldn't dish it out " Okay maybe not the best analogy but it gets my point across

Honestly, the idiot and his three cronies started this shit, I was just the one who finished it

' I mean I didn't want to punch him either, I warned him to stop it, hell Choji warned him to stop it, but nooo he's gotta be a damn bully '

And I can't believe how my day turned out like this because the day started out good, I just did my morning training and told mom that I was going to the playground with choji

Mom while suspicious was happy enough to pack me a box of snacks that we could eat when we get hungry playing and it was so thoughtful and probably tasty as well

And I thought I could try and rope choji into training as well or at least make him really sweat to build up those muscles of his

I thought that I would find him in his home and then go to the playground but apparently, Choji left alone like usual

And when I come to the ground it's to the sight of three idiots pushing Choji into the ground and spoiling his snacks, I just shouted and made my way to help him get up

" And who're you supposed to be? His nanny or something? "

'Oh great preschool banter, just what I needed '

So I just ignored him and helped Choji up and asked him who the hell these idiots were and upon introspection maybe I shouldn't have said idiots straight to their faces while pointing at them which did appear to somewhat anger them

And when Choji started to speak the idiots started to speak trash louder

' Honestly these morons '

" Could you please shut up, let him speak "

" The fatties not gonna speak anything you moron " the boy who clearly can't backtalk for shit says as if his statement was one for the history books while his cronies crows moron and fatty at me and Choji

But I'm an adult, at least in mind so I ignore him and hear Choji explain about these idiots and it's when he explains that I remember how Choji was kind of poked fun of and Shikamaru was his first friend

' Wait a minute are you telling me because I was training instead of coming here he had to put up with bullying from these morons '

Shit, I never even thought of that till now and apparently these idiots have been troubling him for quite some time and most of the other children really don't play with him because of what I'm assuming is child peer pressure or just plain old bullying

I'm kinda pissed about that so while I'm surprised that I punched him when he pushed Choji into the ground again while his minion tried to ridicule us, I don't really regret it

' Ok maybe expecting a kid to stop after one warning was maybe pushing it, but really like the wise have said there is no behavior that can't be straightened out with an appropriate beating '

And I stand by it

" And you shouldn't just take it Choji, that jerk would have stopped this long ago if you just stand up to him " Kiba seems like a good friend to Choji at least

' I guess Kiba was one of the few that still played with him '

" Choji's kind like that, but I ain't. Anyway thank you for looking out for Choji while I wasn't here, the name is Shikamaru "

" I'm Kiba and believe me you just beat me to the line anyway, that Sato's been just a bully and I would have given it to him eventually "

" Yeah his face did look mightily punchable didn't it "

' Yeah I was right, Kiba and I should get along just fine '

" Alright bad boys, I guess their play dates are cancelled today? " she asks mom who has gripped my shoulder tightly to make her disapproval known

" I'm afraid it is Hana-san, please excuse us and Shikamaru, apologise to this young man "

' No way in hell am I bowing here '

" Sorry for punching you, now don't make me do it again " my apology sincere as it is, still invokes my mother's anger but I see the morons see that I mean it and I guess that's a fair trade-off

Hana seems to be really amused and Kiba is outright laughing while patting my back while Choji still seems a little out of it

" Shikamaru seems to be a riot Yoshino-san, quite different from what I was expecting of him "

' Damn right, ain't no one like me except me '

And before I could make that known, mom has my ear in a vice grip as if she was hoping to elicit regret through pain

' But sadly I could not be moved '

After all, it's not my first punishment even if my body doesn't get it.

Well I was nonchalant enough to say my goodbyes to Hana and Kiba and I made sure to say my goodbye to Sato with the meanest glare I could

' Hopefully I didn't look stupid '

Needless to say, both Choji and me was dragged into a meeting with our parents

While I did protest about Choji's involvement in the matter and him being innocent I was ignored and he too was for whatever reason it was to share a " parental advice/suggestions " session with me

While all four of them was not angry when Choji told them about Sato they still tried to tell me to not be so triggered or something to that effect

' I think I should have listened to some of it but I'm pretty sure these things are mostly the same across realities '

Judging by Choji looking lost and kinda sleepy, I'm guessing I'm right

Regardless of my admittedly neutral karma in that matter

' In my opinion at least ' I was still grounded but as I'm as far as they're of the opinion to make a training maniac suffer as my punishment was literally to do household chores with mom for the next two weeks

Unfortunately for my parents, I'm a kid that grew up watching shows and movies that literally makes household chore as challenging to be training

' Bless me Miyagi-sensei '

So for the next two weeks I literally made my mother crazy with my actions. I literally used most of the chores like dusting and cleaning to strengthen my non-dominant hand while dishwashing and the like was all to train the wrist as much as possible

Needless to say, both my parents were not amused by my actions ' meh can't win them all '

But it was in those two weeks that I spent recalling my memories of all unorthodox training that some goldmines stood out to me

There are so many things to get started on, But now ironically enough I don't think I have the time

For example Suna->puppeteer->chakra string

Chakra string+haki-> doflamingo

And remember the breathing methods of demon slayers

Hell remember that anime Ranma which basically had things like Crushing Point, Neko ken and that weird finger thing done by happosai which literally made Ranma weak as a baby

What about things like Avada kedavra from Harry Potter or what if I could learn Pokemon moves

I mean as a fighter moves such as endure and destiny bond are outrageous

Just try to think if endure really do what it's described as, will it work if the harm comes from something like the celestial gates?

Hell Meliodas's full counter and counter from Pokemon are basically the same, okay the revenge counter is different

What if I could heal with water like shown in the avatar or even send back lightning like in that show

Maybe the Bankai might be out of my reach but what about kido and shunpo

The possibilities are endless!!!

Needless to say a week after my "punishment" both in sleep and out of sleep started the journey that was all about verifying what I could do.

While I earned some success in some

' Success here representing the lowest measure of being capable of it '

I was disappointed in others but I was hoping that I could change that as I grew older and stronger

And to reach for the sky like I wished to I literally trained without holding back, with heavier and more gruelling methods I could think of, punished my body enough that I literally began to see that 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep as paradise and I was tired both mentally and physically as I was training a few techniques as well and just like that, months passed like days

I was literally a robot in those months or like a sim - wake up, train, eat, train, sleep and probably would have skipped the eat portion if I could

But as I open the status after blowing out the candles of the cake celebrating my fifth birthday the only thing I could think was

' Hell yeah '


Once again thanks for reading my story and I've already set two more chapters on a timer in the app so if I couldn't somehow post it again it would automatically cover me.

I especially thank Zero616,Sad_vip and Octoberwind for giving my story power stones

Looking forward to everyone's review and comments hope you're looking forward to the next chapters

Have a great day, stay happy and safe everyone