Making gains

There's always satisfaction in knowing your efforts paid off

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Title: Nara heir

Age: 5 year


Strength: D

Speed: D

Dexterity: D

Intelligence: D+

Stamina: D-

Wisdom: D

Luck: D+

Chakra: D

Chakra control: D+


Observation haki: D

Armament haki: E+

Conqueror haki: locked


Strategic Level 5

Sleeping Level 5

Language Level 7

Calligraphy Level 7

Hiding Level 5

Killing intent (resistance) Level 9

Dungeon admittance Level Max

Umbrakinesis Level 2


Spirit gun Level 1

Leer Level 4

Scary face Level 2

Focus energy Level 2

' Damn I'm good '

And I honestly believe that I'm one of the best 5-year-olds in the village now, I mean look at's beautiful

"Aww...Shikaku look at him, he's so happy"

" I see him dear "

And my parents' comments help me focus on reality again and both of them look so happy at this moment that I almost don't want to interrupt because I know that these 6 more years are all the peaceful ones we're gonna get before shits get real

So I just smile at them and keep listening to Ino babble on while putting more cake onto Choji's and Kiba's plates and be a child for a change while holding onto Himari-chan tightly as she looks curiously at Shino.

And that's one of the new things in my life. While I upped my training and all I didn't leave Choji out to dry again, sure at the end of the day Choji might have gotten tired and dealt with it himself but Choji's too soft and I really don't want him to be like I am but that doesn't mean that he has to be weak and so a day after my punishment ended I personally went to Choji's house and kind of manipulated him into training and once he was used to it then started training for real together as many times as we could.

And that's when Kiba became helpful, everyday we went to the playground and played tag till both of them were tired to the bones which I believe is the thing that got Kiba fired up the most and even a few hand games to train their hand to eye coordination, while I was looking for the blonde kid who really needed friends I found the only shinobi like person of rookie 9

Shino apparently was just coming to the playground just for observing the bugs and just observing in general. Unlike Choji I didn't even try to cover it up, I literally went up to him and asked if he would like to participate in our physical conditioning

Granted while I'm sure he was caught off guard that poker face didn't give anything away

' That damn shade all the time, who the hell do they think they are, rock stars? '

He replied that he would observe and would reply and after seeing us "play" he became the 4-th member of our group, it was at this moment that most of our parents began to meet each on a near-weekly basis just to talk

Granted I might have impressed Shino and his caretaker as I literally didn't give a damn about his bugs or see it as disgusting but Shino became much more open with us, Kiba once swore that he once heard Shino make a joke the right way

Granted most of his jokes aren't all humorous when delivered in the flat tone he speaks but well...he tries and participation is everything

Of course, I asked Ino as well but she joined for a few sessions but then kinda peeled off to play with other kids, I didn't think less of her for that and I made sure the others didn't either.

I mean just cause the other three have an appreciation for training deep inside doesn't mean everyone should have it

Ino still came around a few times after playing to poke fun at us though and I believe the only reason I'm safe is because of my mental age

' She weaves words for her use of mocking us in a really creative way that should not belong to a five-year-old '

And 3 months after that I met Himari Nara which I shorted to Himari chan, granted I didn't do a cliched meeting like in the novels and all that, Naomi san -Himari's mother asked mom if she could watch over the child for a few hours as she went shopping and my mother as all anime mothers is secretly a sucker for kids apparently

' Wonder why she didn't behave like that with me '

I mean I'm pretty sure I'm kinda cute, sure I'll prefer much more cool titles but I'm sure I'm cute.

But regardless of that Himari-chan without a doubt was the cutest 3-year-old and I think what made me attached so quickly was that she kinda behaved like my little cousin back home.

I know I might be doing a disservice by forming an attachment based on that but now himari-chan is kinda her own sibling to me and the fact is that she's also becoming a person who I want to protect in so little time that it's just astonishing to me

' But I guess that's the brother instincts kicking in, granted I was and still am an only child but I literally considered my cousins my siblings because I grew up that way '

I mean when I was young I lived in the family house with my elder cousins who treated me just like they treat each other and I literally did the same regardless of everything else when our little cousins were born so that makes sense to me

' Of course, even if I'm the strongest 5-year old let's not forget about the strongest in the ages above so no slacking for me, no siree '

And that is the mindset I should have considering that I'm sure people would have done a lot better in my circumstances, I'm sure I'm not the worst there is gonna be. But I'm pretty sure there might be someone who could have grown seriously strong in just one year

' But we gotta roll with what we got and I got a lot, though there were some disappointments I still got a lot more than I thought I would '

Of course, I'm thinking of the paths I could take when I said this. When I started training I spent two weeks for each energy without doing anything else but energy manipulation and their basic checks to see if I could do it for every energy I remembered in the lobby

Magic of Harry Potter world did not sadly work, I tried to awaken it which was a wild shot in the first place then I tried to mimic it with chakra but I didn't need max chakra control to know that chakra doesn't have the characteristics their magic is, at least not my chakra

' I say not my chakra because let's admit my chakra is not that alive compared to every magical human who will have a magical incident regardless of their power and control and I say not my chakra because magic seems like an alive force even in the lobby, of course this may not be the case for some figures like the Biju, hell maybe Gaara could do it too I mean if this world has a Harry Potter it's him, a dead mother who died protecting him and continues to do it, a shitty childhood, ostracised existence and not normal, though now that I think about it maybe Naruto could also apply in that as well, what with his "prophecy child/protagonist shield" thing going on with him '

Still, some spells would have been awesome, I mean even the three unforgivables would only be considered efficient and downright be appreciated by shinobi

Then after that failure, I tried the next magic world I knew which was that of fairy tail and it kinda worked which led to my new skill umbrakinesis at level 2 which I'm fairly sure would have been a whole lot higher if I didn't waste the first week being dumb

' I forgot that the magic needs a container and how one chose the magic most suited to them and all that and kept just practising how to control and awaken magic, then on my last session of its first week, It hit me!!

People didn't just use raw magic like that, so the next day I started the lobby with the favored dragons training and as I hoped while I didn't have the magic container.

My potential to shadow was a kind of an acceptable exchange for Skiadrum-the shadow dragon to help me become a shadow dragon slayer of course since while I did realize that I could do it didn't mean I could right now so I used the rest of the week just for that, though I could also have used it for an elemental dragon, I have to make sure of my affinity first. 

But believe this though, the anime and manga didn't do the dragons service. Seeing Skiadrum in that lobby looking like shadow beefed version of the ender dragon/Smaug I got that into my head

' I'm really looking forward to that dungeon '

Then the next was unsurprisingly literally the most op of em all, ki of dragon ball and believe me I had hopes for this one, not big ones mind you just a little hope but unfortunately

' The ki is also an energy that could not be replicated by me and believe me I did my best for that two weeks '

But sadly that was not meant to be, sometimes I wonder over my stupidity of not choosing a potential ki users bloodline as well

' But as you know hindsight is twenty-twenty and all that '

And after that, I tried the soul energy of bleach because it was awesome and I'll leave that at that

' But that too flopped out, forget Bankai when I couldn't even circulate that energy or replicate it even though its an energy that literally comes with the soul, but I guess unless you're dead or one of the shinigami descendants you can't do that shit '

I'll be straight I was in a dump after that I thought I could try one that I didn't really need but wanted the techniques and like I thought while I couldn't even use the chi like the fighters in yu yu Hakusho I was able to learn the mechanics of the spirit gun and it kinda helped to recreate it using chakra

' And it was at this second that I reinforced my idea of not having too many techniques '

I mean just think of the rank difference between jutsus is because they have limits but techniques like spirit gun are literally the techniques of the protagonist, their signatures which literally is at the end of the day a basic technique that grows stronger as they grow stronger as well and most of them doesn't seem to have limits unlike the other moves

' I mean why should I learn moves that can be limited, just think of a character's signature moves instead. Take Goku for example, he went from a kid who could break a mountain to breaking a planet with the same technique, the turtle's school Kamehameha and take Natsu too, the dragon slayers have many forbidden arts but the basic technique they learn is the roar and it is arguably the most high-level technique that unlike the forbidden techniques can be spammed if needed, so in short words only learn op moves and the necessary limited moves '

And even now when I think about it I can't help but nod at the thought process

After that, I tried nen of the HunterxHunter which I didn't have the best of hopes for mainly because most of their ability was kinda like devil fruits and like an underpowered abilities of mangekyo

' And my hunch was right on that one, I couldn't cultivate or even replicate nen and without being able to do that I couldn't even go further so while I tried my best as usual I couldn't be that sad '

Then I tried Pokemon and oh boy this was the easiest one actually

' I mean I don't have aura but here's the thing aura and chakra are pretty damn close to each other in both nature and behaviour so I was able to replicate aura using chakra in a certain way and I even learned a few techniques in the two weeks I had.

Sure I could have learned another powerful technique but moves like leer are underrated in my opinion at least '

I mean a move that lowers an opponent's defence and all you need to do is look at them

' And the scary face is just cause I could try and pull off a cheap version of deterrence and when the conquerors haki awaken these techniques are gonna make it easy for me to deal with both strong and weak '

Then I tried the Ranma world which as everyone knows is the world of martial artists and maybe I should have thought of that when I tried to train in their energy

' I mean it worked as I was able to recognise the mechanism of the breaking point technique but that didn't do me any good as I still don't have enough experience or the body to do it as Ryoga did '

That dude used to be able to break every non-creature in his way like nobody's business and believe me, I'll reach that level maybe not this year or next year but believe me I'll master that technique

' The reason why I'm so hung up on the technique is that it's also a great training method for both resistance and finesse of oneself '

Then I started to do the non-scientific ones of the fandoms like DC and Marvel, mainly marvel because that's the one I'm most familiar with

' Most of them didn't give anything to even start with like none of the lantern corps were at all able to help replicate the energy and the same applied to the flash and I didn't even want to try Shazam but I did it anyway but like I thought that didn't pan out '

Then I tried the non-scientific power-up methods of marvel even put myself in the shoes of beings like ego, quill, Thor and Loki but nope that didn't work at all though when I tried the sorcerers I kind of felt something but I still couldn't do any of the spells so I'm hoping that ones may be applicable in the future 

Then I inevitably turned to the force of Star Wars because come on who wouldn't like to be able to call space lightning or be like Yoda or even Darth wader

' But the force isn't with me '

Then I tried the energy shown in Godzilla vs Kong, the so-called energy that juiced them up

' The good news is I might be able to replicate it once I'm grown up and the sad news is that it's best to get used to it when you're young '

And that makes sense doesn't it, I mean it kinda looks like the primal version of radiation to be honest

' And isn't that a kick to the nuts, the one globally accepted by humans as the most destructive energy made by humans is apparently capable of being green energy like that '

Then I tried to be warg or like a greenseer from the show game of thrones because they appealed to me

' I'm sure I can do it with chakra given time but magic just avoids me like the plague, but as most of that world's magic is because of gods maybe it's alright that I should leave it alone '

Then I tried the training method of demon slayer and as I hoped I found another training I could do anytime without worrying that much

' While I wasn't able to any of the breathing forms I was able to ensure that this body of mine regardless of being capable of bringing the techniques into this world would only benefit from the training nonetheless '

I wanted to try the avatar elemental training as well but I thought it was best I find out my affinity first

' I really need to get that checked damn it!! '

Then on a whim, because even though I wasn't a staunch fan of Boruto I still saw a kid doing the cheap cat doll rip-off version of Susanoo and as I was thinking of Susanoo what slipped to my mind was kung fu panda 3 where Po made the dragon one, so naturally I tried out that world as well

' And it kinda works for training method, I mean most of the instinctive martial arts come from observing animals and in that universe, all martial artists are animals so I'm sure their version of the arts must be more interesting to learn because as we all know the old and ancient in fantasy settings means a veteran player who makes the young look like newbies '

' Damn that's a lot of things to cover and I'm sure that if I'm able to do at least half of the things I'm going to be a shoo-in for hokage after the war ends alongside Naruto and while I have no desire for that hat I better be above the rest when that time comes '

I'm okay with Naruto having the hat because he kinda deserves it even though he can be an absolute moron and pacifist at times but I guess if 6 geniuses couldn't do the trick then we should give the normal ones a try

But unfortunately, I was wrong about the calculation that it would take after the war for me to be considered a shoo-in for that responsibility

And believe me, I knew I was bad at math but I thought that would be fixed by my now current intelligence but unfortunately, that still is a problem for me

But regardless of what they want for the sake of my dreams and goals, I keep on climbing the ladder of strength I'm given.


Once again I'm thankful to you guys for reading my story, hope it makes you guys happy and I'm especially thankful to Lordrim,Zero616,Hayden_Kneipp,jefersson,



And Kami 12 for donating their power stones to my story and as always I welcome your opinions and I hope you have a great day and remain happy and safe