Showing off for a reason

The next day

I wanted to kind of familiarize myself with my capabilities and wanted to see the improvements I had made so I was doing the routine that came to mind when Choji came to get me into going to the playground with me.

' While he's a cute kid with those chubby cheeks I am weirdly kind of thinking that he's the human version of Theodore from that three chipmunks movie '

Of course, this line of thought has been crucial in making sure that I don't cave in that easily of course and helped me say no to him

And since he was here I thought I could even try his progress I mean he's been kind of being trained with me as well so I thought I could get him started on the Saitama routine but then I started to think

' What the hell am I doing? If I just make Choji do it then Kiba will whine when he learns and Shino...Shino probably won't do anything '

Shino's kind of logical like that and the Saitama routine is literally a common exercise routine so it's not like it's a secret or anything

' You know now that I think about it, I probably should get a few of them started on some other routines as well '

I mean I don't know if anyone besides Lee or Gai can do the marine style but I'm sure at least most of them could learn the martial arts from home if they focused since right now most of our slates are clean and since I can literally get a perfect form of the arts in the lobby if they can learn it they might not be averagely hopeless at taijutsu

' Not that I remember I don't remember most of the rookie 9 aside from Hinata or Sasuke having that much interest in taijutsu. I mean most of them just used taijutsu as a kind of filler for their ninjutsu, I mean naruto even with toad kata was kind of a brawler then, of course, there's Gai and Lee but they are always the square in the round hole and Neiji is a jackass and won't get better till Naruto punches him and talks his ear off so he's off, though Tenten could work '

I mean Tenten is kind of an overlooked character, she's kind of like Tashigi that didn't get the power up

' And in a sense, it's very hard for her, she focused on all weapons and not just one and that's really hard and she's from a civilian family I believe, though I'm leaning more toward her being a second-generation ninja and she really deserves a power up '

And I'm sure she could kind of develop the demon slayer kata and dances just to further herself and most importantly she will really appreciate it...

' But how the hell do I get it to her, draw it and drop it off in her bag or something or should I teach her like I would do the gang, regardless of the ways I choose I should be aware of her in the public's eyes ....which is hard considering that she's one of the few girls that literally wants to be strong and works on it, even then I have to be aware of her passion with weapons as well '

I'm sure I can find a way to drop it in her bag, I mean I'm pretty damn sure there might be at least one Nara in her class and that one can be both my messenger and a convenient reason for most of the ones I want to meet

But I should get it to her as soon as possible to give her a good start.

At least that's what I've been able to come up within the time Choji and I reached the playground

Which both he and my mother found suspicious as I don't really stop training that easily

You see an unexpected side effect of the fifth birthday was that I was able to and kinda wrangled it out of my mother that she wouldn't accompany me everywhere, which she didn't like the idea of but I played dirty and said that's my birthday wish and shit

Of course that only worked because we always have an adult from our clan watching us

' She could also have played dirty and be following me right now but I'm hoping she didn't '

" You're late Shikamaru, Choji "

" I concur "

Of course, we went straight to where we usually meet which was under a big tree near the end of the park

" Good morning to you too Kiba, Shino "

And Choji greets them back and then I get things rolling

" You know I'm kind of feeling free, how about a competition? Just for fun "

"I don't want to Shika"

' Yeah I figured '

" Yeah all you want to do is train, you got problems "

' Thanks, Kiba '

Shino moved it along because he's all about progress

" It appears we are at an impasse, perhaps we should- "

" If it has a possibility of us training with him then don't say it "

Kiba interrupts Shino without any hesitation.

In the beginning, the others used to think that it was rude of him to interrupt others like that but now we're kind of used to it

' Alright then, time to poke the bear '

" That's a shame I was kind of hoping to see if you where you guys stood on the scale "

" First of all, don't play that card on us.

Second of all, we know you're ahead of us don't rub it in "

Kiba seems pretty irritated saying this and both Shino and Choji chime with a ' he's right '

Still can't give up

" And why do you think I'm ahead of you "

" Because you're training maniac "

Et Tu Kiba

" And I'm doing it for your benefit too, guys the more we train now the more breaks we're gonna get in the future "

" Yeah I'm not convinced "

" I agree with Kiba "

" I agree with both of them "

" Oh my dear friends I disagree with you, here's what going to happen despite the fact I'm a training maniac you're not exactly going without training either so...

Let's take it to the next level "

At this, they can't help but find themselves curious about what I'm talking about

" Next level? "

" I'm finding myself curious "

" Do we have to? "

All right Choji's still the only one seeing it as trouble

Needless to say, I pushed and pushed till I got my way which is how now two hours later I'm watching and realising how far behind they are

' I mean I knew they weren't that hardworking but still only Kiba came close to finishing the routine, with breaks... '

This lit a fire in me instead of letting them rest I talked about my current routine to rouse that same fire in them, however while they were impressed by it they did not still find it a good enough reason to start training

This is where I found the need to show some things to finally get the show on the road

' And I did it in style too, I literally pocketed my hands, closed my hands and played tag with them '

Now I finally realize how the teachers feel when you're so good at something compared to your student. No wonder Kakashi liked doing this.

And it was glorious!

' At least for me, though I'm pretty sure even Shino was annoyed how they couldn't touch me even when they were only a footsteps distance between me and them '

Then I showed them the clincher as they sat on the ground tired I remained standing and I did the only thing I could do with the shadows now which basically was kind of dimming the light around me but even that is impressive apparently as I hoped it would considering the reactions I have, even Amai-san who was watching Shino today seemed to be impressed

" Uncle has already started to teach you? " Choji seems to have struck blind and his question seemed to have a similar effect on Kiba who lets out a quiet ' awesome ' and Shino is kinda staring really deeply now

' Honestly it's kind of funny '

Standing up Asai-san approaches us from the bench he was sitting on

" Indeed....learning your clan techniques at such a young age is a great accomplishment "

And now I'm looking forward to the next reactions

" He hasn't started on anything " I respond without much fanfare

" Yeah right " Kiba as always reacted without giving much thought to it thinking I was joking

Unlike Choji who knows I won't joke about it and Shino and Asai-san takes their cue from him and just stares at me further

" That's quite hard to believe, why? Because learning clan techniques without a teacher is hard, even for a person of your potential "

" Shino-kun is quite right Shikamaru san "

" It's just Shikamaru, besides this ain't a technique anyway. I read my clan could manipulate shadows and I wanted to do it so I did it, still have a long way to go anyway, you can ask dad and mom whether anyone taught me this if you still doubt it " and there it is ..... the part which is gonna get me into trouble

" If you are indeed speaking the truth, then I assure you this matter must be resolved. I implore you to stop this training further till you have an adult teaching you for I assure you, even those who specialize in the creation of your clan techniques require a medium of luck to remain unscathed like you are "

And this is delivered in the class in the classic monotone voice of the Aburame which is basically a robotic-sounding Siri

" Yes I know it's dangerous to train in this but it honestly was easy and that's the only reason I kept poking and training without overseeing "

And there we go the unbelieving gazes

" It came naturally to me, but the reason I showed you guys is that you have to stop limiting yourself. Honestly guys just cause I'm good at one thing doesn't mean I'm good at everything and it certainly doesn't mean that you can't beat me in things. We are going to be ninjas, we need to be strong and we won't become strong if we just wish for it. Don't settle for being another copy, be original where we can. I certainly know you can do it if you really want to. "

' Ok most of that was a damn lie as they didn't really branch out in the future, but I needed to hurry things along and this is the only way that I found that would get my points across'

Though I'm gonna be in so much trouble for sure, but it's worth seeing as father still seems to hesitate and he needs to understand I'm not like the others. 

' And I'm not joking about that, I know that everyone can be strong if given time but I have the genetics to do it easier and I'm not comfortable with wasting time '


Ok this chapter might feel a little bit out there compared to the others and I'm sure most of you guys are going to have a lot of different thoughts and plans that might not need revealing Shikamaru's hand like that but the point I was trying to make is that Shikamaru can also make mistakes regardless of his mental age and knowledge and I hope I got that across by Shikamaru's decisions and actions

As always thank you for reading my story and I really thank Look124,Gambitbandit,NathanielSonOfGod, RanenGuy,Twisting_edge,LuizCNeto,Phoenix_Blitz,QuietKaren,Octoberwind and LouieTemp for donating power stones to my story and as always hope you guys stay happy, safe and have a great day