
Okay in hindsight this may have been a little stupid but I made my bed and now I should lie in it

' What the hell am I saying? That doesn't make me feel better...if anything that makes me feel worse '

Asai-san without any fanfare took us to my home to ask my parents about my actions and statement. Maybe he felt the need to immediately resolve this for the continued sanity of his clan heir as Shino seems to have shut down and keeps staring at me

' And now I get why some people are put off by him, he can stare at you and he can make it look worse than a glare. That's kind of helpful for him to have but not against me as it is in this instance '

' And it's not like Choji and Kiba were any better any way they both were just cycling through "he didn't-he couldn't-did he-how-no that's impossible" how do I know that cause Kiba has been repeating it alongside Choji and being a show for me to help my mind ease out of its panic and try to hype myself '

Honestly, the plan was just because I realised that my progress is something that can be smothered if I didn't take action, I mean right now if I didn't show them I could do it I would have to wait longer to let father teach me the clan techniques and he's been skimping on the affinity so far. I'm okay with him not handing me sharp things and I understand his mindset.

' He doesn't want me to be on a level like Kakashi or Minato mostly because Kakashi got problems and Minato still has a lot of enemies and prodigies seem to be fucked up in this world '

Kakashi was traumatized early on by his father's death then he became a walking rule book then he stopped and lost Obito

' As far as he knows ' and then he killed his last teammate by shoving lightning into her heart

Then he voluntarily calls himself a friend killer and that's not an indicator of good mental stability and that was before he lost Minato and Kushina in a swoop

Itachi, on the other hand, was traumatized by him killing a person when he was a kid and then became a pacifist because of it, then trained hard to pull up his clan's reputation and then got his teammate killed by Obito who introduced himself as Madara and then his clan wanted a coup d'état and he becomes a double spy against his family for the village and then the village elder killed his best friend/sempai and then he had to kill everyone else but his brother and traumatize said brother to become a missing-nin and spy for the village

Neji was a good kid who believed that his father was sacrificed in his uncle's order and grew up hating the main family until Naruto socked him in the jaw

' Which is an alright mentality cause that shit is fucked up ' and then basically his superior is a cinnamon bun is weaker than him which made him believe in fate and all that bullshit anyway

And Sasuke is the poster child of mental instability, I mean he loves his brother but he wants to kill him but then he makes friends with Naruto and left the village for power because the said friend was growing stronger and because Itachi kept the illusion and tortured him with Sasuke

' Ok that may not have been the brightest moment of Itachi ' and then tried to kill his friend and keeps trying to kill him while believing he killed the person who was making him strong

' Seriously.... walking into the home of a person who wants your body as a suit and is enemy to almost all of the villages is.....dumb ' and then he kills his brother learns the truth and then he goes against everything his brother stood for and destroy the village and basically flips like that till Naruto fixes him

And it's not just the ones from the leaf, almost all of the other prodigies are pretty fucked up too

Let's take Haku for example, he killed his father with his bloodline which was the reason his father killed his mother and was trying to kill him for and then got adopted by Zabuza and basically imprinted on him and believed he was a tool while being a pacifist and died believing he was a tool

' Till the reanimation arc '

Deidara was also a genius as far as iwagakure was concerned but he was one-shotted by Itachi with a look and betrayed his home to join a criminal organization all the while hating Itachi and believing art to be an explosion

' I would say his art of explosion is also one but his explosion is his literal bloodline which basically helps him take care of his enemies so that's kind of okay '

And his Akatsuki partner Sasori whose parents died in the war wanted to know the warmth of parents and thus made puppets of them and he went from that to wanting immortality because ' art is eternal ' and killed his leader and betray his village to join Akatsuki

' Basically, he's a saner Doflamingo '

Orochimaru while undoubtedly a genius was always slightly touched in the head, though I believe his descent into madness was kind of brought by the village and the absence of his friends but that doesn't mean he isn't messed up

' Oh he's a mess alright but I think he wouldn't have been that much of a mistake if people hadn't helped him along that path '

And Nagato is basically someone for whom "that escalated quickly" meme was meant for

I mean he went from peace seeker to god in seconds and even taking into account of his best friend's death and most of his organization's death that seems a little too much

Though I have to say most of them made their choices understanding the world Isn't fair and is messed up and they couldn't do anything to change it alone

' So yes, I understand his worries that I would sacrifice my childhood to be strong and he's right since all prodigies seem to be a great attraction for disasters '

But he doesn't know the shit that's coming how am I supposed to defend when Madara drops a meteor on me or Pain plays with gravity when I'm weak because I played around too much and wasn't prepared

' I ain't doing that man, no way in hell '

And that's why I decided to give them a shock to their system and showed them my hand early

' Trying to limit my training like that, I'll do that shit instead of waiting for you to teach me and believe me I have the tools and necessary motive for it '

As Asai-san and my friends witnessed first-hand as my mother froze at his question about my shadow manipulation

' Which I'll admit was amazing. Honestly, you don't see that shell-shocked face too often


Granted she immediately refused it and Asai-san looked at me and repeated my actions and my mother saw it fit to ask me which of course I confirmed and she took me by ear and said that I had a lot to answer and ' there's no reason to ruin your day because of my son's foolishness please go out and have fun kids ' and a fake smile focused on Choji and Kiba

' Even they could see the act and pulled out as fast as possible hell, even Asai-san was walking a lot faster than we came here '

Though the moment they were gone mom began scolding me ....loudly

" What were you thinking Shikamaru? How dare you do this? " She still seems a little out of it

" After we told you not to do it!! you're in so much trouble young man " ' Nope, she's fine '

Now she's pacing while talking out loud

" Yes this isn't a little thing you've done, what if something happened to you? " Then she gasps and does the classic scolding pose

" What if something happened to your friends because of what you did? "

' Now hold on a damn second '

" It's playing with the shade mother, not the sun "

" And how would you know what you were messing with? "

" Cause I'm the one messing with it, try and keep up mother "


There She is, the full "I'm angry beyond all belief" mode of mothers and within only one minute, heh still got it '

" You're grounded young man now go to your room and reflect on your behaviour!! "

' She forgot where it started '

"Cool should have just trained here than at the playground anyway"

And credit to her she immediately catches on

" Oh no, you're not getting off that easily young man, you're gonna do all chores today "

" Unorthodox training session, thanks mom "

" No more training, you know what you're going to sit here instead of your room "

" You're right mom I need to read more I'll get the books "

" And do nothing, you're not going to be doing anything "

" My punishment is to laze around? well don't mind me mother I'll be thinking ahead "

'Oh maybe I should stop this she looks really mad '

" Eat your food and go to sleep "

" That'll mess up my sleep cycle "

" I don't care, now wait for your father to get home cause you're in big big trouble "

" Now you're just repeating yourself mother "

Wow she looks like she wants to strangle me

' I think it's time to shut up and train in the lobby '

So I eat the food my mom gives which is still delicious though her glare is kind of ruining the mood and watch her inform Ensui-san to inform my father of what I've done

Ensui is a troubled teenager whose trouble is that most of the adults seem to treat him like a messenger, granted it's because he decided to work exclusively within the clan or just in the deer grazing part, but hey a job is a job

' Though he seems to be more annoyed than shocked though, guess he must've been napping '

" Tell dad he doesn't need to come right now "

" Excuse me? " Mother is full on glaring now

' Uh oh '

Ensui being a bro signals me to stop speaking

" Well it doesn't change anything, I did what I did and was awesome at it and no matter what, it won't change so don't disturb dad, tell him to come home like usual "

" Shikamaru is right " and she's changing from me to Ensui " in that matter at least "

And she just looks at me and just tells him to get that message to pops

" Oh and don't wake me up till " ' let's see it's 1 now ' " 5 in the evening mother, I quite like afternoon laps "

" You don't do afternoon naps "

" I'm 5 mother, I'm discovering new things about me like you are "

And to prepare for the discussion with dad I shall be further training in shadow manipulation

' System. Training guru shadow dragon slayer training with Skiadrum, alright time 4 hours '

Alright.....Let's get cracking


Alright the next chapter is the discussion between Shikamaru and his parents and the consequences of his actions and this kind of includes the attention of those beyond the clan

Anyway thanks for reading my story and really thank Octoberwind,LuizCnato,Facundo_Carabello, Zia_9_2 And Saiyan7700 for donating power stones to the story

And as always stay happy, safe and have a great day