The search

' So we have found the issue now what can be done to rectify it? Should I specify in the lobby that I have to learn from a dragon or should I somehow try to replicate a dragon seed on my own? '

Because the shadow dragon slayer art is something that could have really helped me out with all the benefits it brings to its practitioner

Even the minor inconvenience of travel sickness was dismissed earlier on because of the benefits it would bring but now that even practicing the art is in question

' Should I even waste more time on it? Should I choose another thing to focus on to improve my umbrakinesis instead? '

This was sadly a question that I could not actually answer right now

' But it's not like it's an insurmountable obstacle because in the show they said that Acnologia bathed in the dragon's blood so much due to the battles that he turned into a dragon despite his hatred for them, this implies that draconic essence to put it simply can be taken, all second-generation dragon slayers are another reason to believe this '

The thing is I remember there was a ninja called Hiruko who created a technique called chimera technique or something that would allow him to steal bloodlines

So there are paths that I can take in that regard to ensure that I can continue learning the Shadow Dragon Slayer art

You see any other person might believe it a hard and pretty much a difficult task to find a dragon in this world but I on the other hand am someone who only needs strength to achieve this goal because in my dungeon there are hundreds of dragons waiting and if I can steal or copy their essence without harming them all the better for me

If I can also learn a technique from the lobby that would allow me to replicate said draconic essence in my body on my own then problem solved

' But if I can't, it's called a dungeon for a reason. Besides I also need to look into what really familiar means '

Because if it's anything like a Jinchūriki then all I need to do is to contract myself a shadow dragon

' Which I admit is not an easy task as there are only three in my memory that come to mind and even then I'm not really sure about the third one '

The ones in mind were the legendary Pokemon of the ghost-dragon typing Giratina which is pretty much the ruler of a shadow realm on its own and with its techniques such as shadow force it's pretty much guaranteed to have an umbrakinesis to its skill set and a dragon seed to boot

Next is Psuedo legendary Pokemon Hydreigon which has the typing of dark-dragon and as like before the dark typing itself will grant me said dragon seed and umbrakinesis

And the third one is the one which I'm unsure about and the reason why is that pretty much aside from its typing and it's an ultra beast I don't really know much of Guzzlord to guarantee myself a dragon seed plus an additional umbrakinesis

' However, these choices at the end of the day can only be chosen regarding the circumstances at the procedure of acquiring myself a familiar '

Because if it didn't work like a Jinchūriki which subtly edited their DNA just so their containers can actually conduct their chakra then contracting beasts like this whose typing is only three and even the weakest of them at psuedo legendary pretty much ensures the loot would be of great quality and even though I don't know how the familiar is selected I remember that Mr.K said that once I chose one as my familiar that I wouldn't get loot from that line again

' And that would just be a waste of precious resources and lives if I don't do it right '

The concept of familiar was indeed something that I had thought long about. While I didn't know a lot about alola or after alola, I was up to date till alola. I was a frequent user of Pokedex and thus I knew how the ranking was in the type the last I used the app

As we know in most of the novels familiars are contracted when they are in eggs or just after they are born which automatically puts most of the legendary and ultra beasts out of the way

' I'm pretty sure I don't remember there being a legendary egg of Dakrai or Giratina or Guzzlord '

And if that is not a limitation then we can conclude that one can choose a familiar from a fully evolved species as well

However, this is all under the assumption that the familiar will no longer have any misgivings or negative feelings toward me

' No need to choose a pretty dagger to be stabbed in the back with it '

But if the familiar is more like a starter Pokemon then there is a chance that it will outright hate me in the worst scenario and that needless to say is an unwanted option

The last time I used the Pokedex aside from the legendaries the first ranked dark type was Tyranitar and after that Hydreigon and both their base stats were about 600 and the one standing at the top of the ghost type was mega Gengar whose base stats were 600 which as we know is quite different as the dark upper ranks basically match it without any mega evolution

However, if we include legendaries in the ranking then the number one on the ghost type is Giratina followed by Lunala which is the psychic-ghost legendary of alola, then it comes to mega Gengar followed by Hoopa in the unevolved version

But you see in the dark type section there's a difference because in the first position stands Mega Tyranitar and it's only after that beast the legendaries start coming in

The second in that section belongs to Yvetal which is the Kalos legendary and the third belongs to the unbound form of Hoopa, the fourth is mega Gyarados and mega Houndoom which is then followed by Tyranitar who is then followed by Dakrai

But the selection of familiar can't just be made rashly still, based on the stats alone Tyranitar is the seeded contestant that I need to choose but Tyranitar is part rock type which as you know has a lower defense against types such as water, ground, grass, steel etc

' Water and ground jutsu are common and grass and steel bloodline exists so I should not blindly choose it '

And it's because of things like this that I was hesitating between Tyranitar, Hydreigon and Gengar in the non-legendary section

' Hydreigon has weaknesses against ice and fairy which pretty much is rare to find as jutsu and can only be found as bloodlines if it is and Gengar as a ghost has a weakness against Normal and dark, normal might be something like raw chakra manipulation but dark also has to be a bloodline '

The other fact that I should take into consideration is the approach I'm going for. Because Tyranitar and Hydreigon are basically powerhouses that focus on physical confrontations however Gengar is not like that

' So should I try for physical supremacy and overpower them or have something nearby to provide me with support moves and information '

And Tyranitar is also one of a kind so if I choose it then no more said resources and Hydreigon is in the same boat as the other two are legendaries/ultra beasts and we don't really know if there are multiple Giratina but there might be for guzzlord

But at the end of the day, it offers me air support and Gengar, on the other hand, is not the only ghost and thus there won't be any deficiencies in the resources and has its own logia type thing going on

' This is a damn headache, I really need to go into the dungeon '

I originally wanted to hold back because I didn't know if I would be dropped onto a conflict or territory of something beyond my reach and that I would be caught missing plus the additional time sync issue

But I no longer have much of a choice, I need to pick up my pace even more and go dungeon-diving

Regardless of my misfortune regarding the shadow dragon slayer art, it could not be said about the shadow binding technique and I am a person who keeps to my part of the deal so I squeezed as much as I could out of Ensui with the last training session I would have

' I'm not afraid of failing the requirements my parents have set because if I can struggle when Ensui is trying my best then I can surely beat the academy and genin standard of the Nara as I am '

That's a comforting fact at least still I can't just let ensui hold on to the fact that he bound me completely without any chance of escape so this time I focus on just breaking his hold on me from the beginning instead of trying to maximize my gains

And my efforts were rewarded just after noon my shadow broke from his after my actions with haki and I was able to remain free like that even with him trying to recapture me

" Well guess that's my job done, wonder if I can charge you? "

' This guy...! This isn't just your actions you know '

Ensui sat up and asked me with more interest on his face

" Want to see how long you can hold me? "

" Hell yes "

And that's how the last training session ended, me holding him with effort if he really struggled for ten minutes and an hour at the genin level

' Which is completely satisfactory and realistic for my stamina '

And the reactions on my parents' face when they heard Ensuiʼs report was also satisfying to watch and even greater happiness for me when they made me demonstrate it

' Don't underestimate me in learning techniques '

However, once it was proved Ensui was dismissed politely and told that he no longer needed to train me in this technique

' I do believe however that both me and Ensui did not like the implication of 'that technique' '

Still, he left, we are dinner and I steeled myself to open the damn dungeon tonight and forego the lobby for it

So the minute the clock reached midnight I activated the menu and activated said dungeon and my vision was met with in familiar screen of said dungeon

Dungeon extension selection

Continue activation?

ʼ yes '

Activation successful

Preparing for transportation

' Let's do this shit! '


This is an automated chapter release so sorry if this seems out of sync to you

Hope you liked this chapter and your thoughts especially on the familiar selections and the story are welcome as usual and most importantly I hope you guys are safe, happy and have a great day