New experiences

I was expecting many things, maybe being pushed out of my body all astral style or even outright being dropped into a pit of darkness or unlimited colours or simply just fading out

However, what happened was none of that because at the moment just after the last message was shown another screen loaded and was displaying a video message and the one whose message was being conveyed was the first person who I saw in this life

Mr K still looks awesome by the way

" How you've been kid? " looking up from his paperwork he asks me and I immediately told the truth because once again a celestial being probably can read my mind and thus no need in trying to deceive them

" Not bad, How about you? " ' Was that pretentious of me? '

" Could be better and good behaviour isn't pretentious, it's sure as hell is better than all the lying and screaming "

' Can't argue with that '

" So what's up? "

" It may not be of the most concern to you but I suggest you either pick to talk formally or informally right now. Flipping between the two is weird....even for me "

At this I just shrug, I mean I speak the way I speak because it's the way I learned from my surroundings and as I'm a person who had access to the internet, media and entertainment in many forms I believe it's not that uncommon for kids to have such problem

" So once again, what's going on? "

" What's going on is the fact that I'm here to explain about the dungeon you picked "

" Well thanks for that "

" Quite frankly you're welcome. Now onto business, as you would already have realized and accepted the concepts such as dimensions and timelines I believe I don't need to speak further on that subject "

" Nah... I'm a nerd, you only need to explain if I've got even the basics wrong "

" One good thing about your generation is that you're slightly familiar with the non-scientific part of the process as it were, well that and your excitement and passion towards it "

' I guess in some ways being an otaku pays off '

" So to put it briefly your dungeon was once a normal Pokemon world "

" Was once a normal Pokemon world? Is it something like the apocalypse phase now? "

" Nothing so drastic. As you might remember there were theories that the Pokemon manga and games and the show were completely different "

" Because they were right? "

" Exactly and sometimes the protagonists can't always save the world and this world is one of the many worlds that end up destroyed or close to it "

" The power of friendship and all good things failed? "

' Shit, what in the world happened? Is that going to happen here as well? It's gonna happen, isn't it? Please tell me I've at least got enough time to get strong before shit hits the fan because of the butterfly effect or some shit '

" You'll be surprised how often that happens if not for divine interference "

" Now that makes a lot of sense " ' because some of the protagonists were dumb as shit '

" Keep it in mind that this world was more in tune with the Pokemon game canon universe, do you remember the leader of Team Galactic named Cyrus "

" Yeah, the dude wanted to create another world "

' He succeeded or did he fail this time? '

" Did he do this? "

" Not directly, just as in the canon he was defeated. However, unlike canon life goes on and thus the plan of Cyrus was quite public within a certain amount of time "

" So someone tried to do it and did something? "

" you might remember a certain person named N from the Unova region game "

' Oh you have to be kidding me, the green-haired emphatic idiot did this? '

" The way to hell is paved with good intentions and N who wished for the peace of all Pokemon eventually recreated this plan and succeeded in creating his ideal world "

" In that case shouldn't it be safer than usual? "

" I'm afraid not. You see at the time of his success he believed that another might also succeed as he did and they might not have the brightest intentions so he took a drastic countermeasure "

' Why do I feel this is a twist scene? '

" Because it is. N believed that for Pokemon to exist in peace and for that to remain in perpetuity that their abusers should not be present "

" Wait that means! "

" It means precisely what you think, he created a world in which there were no more humans, a bereft world in which nothing aside from the human's creations hinted their existence "

At this moment I unconsciously said with great feeling " fuck!! "

" Interesting isn't it? To know how one's fairy tale can turn into a nightmare so easily. Anyway now you know what the world looks like. So that's my part done and your system will do the rest and everything aside from that is all your actions and consequences "

' That's foreboding '

" That's life. Now to make this clear the dungeon you have is the world in which the protagonist failed and as you know when a protagonist fails terrible things happen to the world, especially in worlds like this "

" How do I make a Pokemon my familiar anyway? "

" You can set a Pokemon as your familiar if the Pokemon is agreeable to it, this is especially true in the case of evolved ones but if you're going for infant Pokemon or Pokemon eggs you might not face that much resistance. Of course, if you're strong enough all Pokemon are fair game. The familiar is more like a starter that's always with you in the world rather than your battle partner that comes when you ask it, you can send your familiar here and do it the normal way if you wish "

" So how should I make one my familiar? Do I just say out loud that I want it to be my familiar? "

" About that, the other thing you need to know is that as you know dungeon provides loot after you defeat its natives or more accurately when you kill them. But as this is a world where the native monsters can be caught and raised it is quite different. The main difference is that you too can choose to be a trainer "

" So catch 'em all? "

" In that sense, yes. But you should know that the Pokemon you catch aside from the Pokemon you set as your familiar cannot be summoned to your current world. "

" So how do I summon them? "

" Well if they agree to be summoned by you then that would be the easiest way but otherwise you would get their particular summoning contracts after defeating them as loot, if you are lucky you might get it in one try or you might get it fragmented in which case you should be able to figure out you have to father enough fragments to get that particular contract "

" So I'll have multiple contracts? "

" Listen just think of the true summoning contract as the Pokemon transfer device, you see the summoning you get from the loot or volunteers will be in the PC and these are the ones you summon and if you completely earn the entire species contract then you can also summon the same species you have caught as a trainer. Of course, the summoning contract will be quite difficult to gather as the higher potential a Pokemon has the more it will take. And the system will allow you to set a Pokemon as familiar when you ask for it, but be warned there are no take-backs or repeats in this scenario "

' Well the permanent part I had figured but still... '

" I also wanted to ask if having a familiar would make me like a Jinchūriki in some sense. "

" Only in the sense that your souls will be entwined "

' There goes that plan '

" Wait.....will I get the weakness of my familiar? "

" Your affinities will be strengthened while some weaknesses will be mildly weakened further on your familiar's side, remember your familiar is not just a summon and know that you will find yourself regretting it if you don't treat it like that "

But regardless of how intimidating his last words were, he took the time to give me this knowledge so I should thank him but I'm interrupted before I open my mouth

" Oh this is like a pre-recorded message kid, I'm too busy to brief you like that but still good luck "

" You know what, thanks all the same "

Just like that, I'm standing in space, how do I know that?

' Because I see a damned planet that looks too similar to the Earth beneath my position in space '

And it is glorious, it really is. That planet looks gorgeous and regardless of the fact this helps one understand how little they truly are and by understand I mean get into our head like a concussion, the experience is still awesome

At this point, another screen pops and this time it's quite different because unlike a message what I'm seeing is different than what I expected

Kanto region(+)

Johto region(+)

Hoenn region(+)

Sinnoh region(+)

Unova region(+)

Kalos region(+)

Alola region(+)

Galar region(+)

Well seeing this screen I did what everyone would do, as in I immediately opened one option in my case the option being Kanto

Immediately the iconic game map of the region Kanto appeared and this assured me on some levels because I know this map best and as I look at the map my eyes naturally go towards one town that might hold a great loot

I'm talking about Celadon City, you see I was told that I could catch Pokemon and to catch them you need Pokeball

' Sure you can get a Pokeball from a shop in every town but the mall will have everything I need and more, and I'm going to rob it blind '

Sure it might not be morally right but hey, I'm the only person that has a legitimate use for those things anymore I believe

The other towns I have my eye on are Pallet Town and Fuchsia city which as you know hosts the safari zone and I will not be surprised if there are stars in my eyes right now

' I mean in the game you encounter them Pokemon based on programming here where I have observation haki I can find them and then it's just the hassle to make the walk and catch them '

But I guess I have to also make sure that I defeat some Pokemon because there's no point in being a trainer in this world

But as for the other thing

" Well Mr. K helped me narrow it down since a dragon familiar won't solve the dragon seed issue I guess I can cross the brutal dragon off my list and since I don't remember there being a ghost egg and my mind isn't strong enough to make the evolved Pokemon bow to me so the ghosts are out too. "

So I make the choice

• travel to Celadon city? •

' Yes '

Immediately I'm hurtling down toward the earth like a meteor and I have to say while I admit I like space, I don't really care for re-entry that much and I slow down as I get closer to the ground till I eventually land gently on the road where a signboard can be seen that says 'welcome to the celadon city' and some jargon underneath it but I'm more preoccupied as I spot something

' That is a pidgey, an honest to good pidgey '

My stare is matched by it as the avian chirps at me and I can't help but smirk back

" I swear, I may not be the best ninja but I sure as hell am becoming the best summoner "


Sorry for the late update, I wanted to manually update my chapters as I wasn't able to really thank my readers who contributed to the story personally with automated updation so I wrote the chapters and waited to upload but I was taken surprised by a surprise test in which I was really surprised and thus didn't have much of a result I was hoping for which predictably got me into trouble at home

So with that side story finished, once again I thank everyone for reading my story and hope you liked it and as always your thoughts and reviews are always welcome

There is still time to choose a familiar so you can support the ones you want or introduce a new one and if it works then it works so vote if you want to and only if you want to

And I thank fuchiku, ben54312, yemisi_ola,

killersoul, Miuyuki_Snowfall, Sri_747, D4n,

Lucifer_Glass, Myzy, Shaky_S for giving this story its power stones

And most importantly hope you guys are safe and happy and hope you all have a great day