Unforeseen circumstances

For a while, I was content to watch the eyes of an animal which would lead me towards numerous experiments in the future

However all good things have an end and as I don't know how much the time difference between the dungeon and the world is, I've suitably set a period of three hours to get that checked this night

' Especially as this is daytime here when I came in the night '

My way of attack as it were was quick, easy and efficient

First I shocked it with the conqueror haki and as it was having a mental breakdown I power-walked all the way to its tree

' To intimidate it further and certainly not because I'm feeling dramatic '

Anyway, after 10 more seconds after I reached the tree the pidgey fell to the ground and I steeled my heart for what I was about to do

' After all the only thing I've got experience killing is bugs and pests like rats '

Deciding to get it over with I place my foot over its head, apply it with armament haki and stomp down. Naturally, it died and I guess the auto-loot was on because the Pokemon turned to light and disappeared

" Inventory "


3 occupied 97 free

And in the first three places of the inventory were three items

4 Pidgey feathers

1 Pidgey meat

2 Pidgey talons

' Looks like a standard RPG dungeon loot to me '

And it was the things you could find in the real world as well when you hunt a bird so it's kinda realistic too. A shame it didn't drop a summoning fragment, probably used up my luck on the quick fight cause I know no creature should be dumb enough to stay still while someone attacks it

' I mean it didn't even cry so either that was a dummy encounter brought by my luck or I'm seriously lucked out and have underestimated my haki '

Probably the first one

So I stopped wasting time as I was on the clock as it was and started jogging till I reached the town which didn't take long as I wasn't that long from it in the first place

' Convenient that '

I also had an encounter with 3 pidgeys and a caterpie which brought my pidgey summoning fragment up to 3 plus the apparently standard normal loot of that line is feathers, meat, and talons

The caterpie brought its summoning fragment into 3 which was interesting because I don't know if it was the difference in potential or their rarity that influences fragments of the Pokemon on the same level

The other things it dropped were Caterpie web and Caterpie Carapace

' I'll be honest I'm puzzled by the lack of meat, I mean it should have meat as one of its loot '

But that's something that I will solve after encountering other Caterpies so that's that. What was normal and very useful was the fact that my conqueror haki was enough to shock these Pokemon into giving me 15 seconds of free time

' I counted on the last Pidgey encounter '

This means that I'll be able to farm some places a lot more easily as long as I don't be an idiot and fight large numbers for fun

So here I was preparing to sneak as best as I could towards the mall when I was stopped by a voice

" Who are you? "

And like everyone who was caught sneaking, I try and play it off but I think no one will mind me losing the cool I had when I see just who it was that called out to me

Was it a human? No, they all died and Mr K has no reason to lie to me

So as we can correctly assume it was a Pokemon that called out to me and the kind that can do that are mainly the psychic Pokemons and a few anomalies like Meowth

And really that would be appreciated, instead I get a green fairy

A green fairy that's capable of time manipulation and who is older than me, smarter than me, more experienced than me and as anyone can conclude stronger than me

" Who are you and how are you here? "

Who is still questioning me and you know how at certain times in your life you know that no matter the consequences you have to tell the truth, to set it free as it were...yeah I don't really feel it

' Alright not really the one I expected to talk to but let's go with the flow and survive '

So I regain my calm and try and look important which I kind of am, what with being a clan heir and the person who can perform summoning with them and the only human that can enter here and nod at Celebi, I nod because if I bow in respect now it's going to get more formal later, on my part at least

" Celebi, it is an honour to meet one of this world's guardians "

" This world? Once again I ask you child who are you? Why are you here? "

" Peace guardian, I shall answer your questions but only when every guardian has gathered and thus we can be done with this without much interference as I have no doubt they will sense me and come just as you did "

" There is sense in that "

And here we are joined by another legendary who becomes visible and I mostly remember this one being all playful and joyful so it's quite jarring to see it being serious

" Guardian Mew it is an honor " Once again the respectful nod

' God it's weird to see the joy kitty so serious '

" Very well I shall gather the others if you could bring him to the hall "

' The hall? The hall of Arceus? Guess I'm meeting the whole management team '

And by the way, the act of teleporting, not really that weird and perhaps it might be because it was done by a damned legend without any forewarning but in one blink I was standing just on the edge of the city and looking at the Celebi and the next I was looking at only Mew while in a large hall

' The hall is amazing by the way, it's really really impressive looking... It's kinda like a hall of fame for legendaries '

But I'm brought out of my musings when Mew speaks again

" I can't read you "

' So I guess that's safe, wonder if that's gonna be the case for the psychic ones I get as well? because that's going to be a letdown '

" I shall explain once the others are here, just know that if you try and force yourself in my head... Don't expect to come back "

' Was going for small talk but unexpectedly become threatening '

Mew doesn't even reply to me

' I guess it's because both of us know that I'm not a threat to anyone here, yet '

But soon enough legendaries start appearing in a flash all around the hall and remember the goosebumps you got when you first saw a realistic Pokemon in the Detective Pikachu film

The first thing you have to know is that every being here aside from me is legendary and most importantly that means aside from some of them, most are really big and kinda intimidating and that was before I tried to look at them through haki

Because before that the only reason I would have recognized them as special and legendaries was that I had watched the damn show but within my observation haki it's quite different

All of them are physically present but it's also what's unseen that's amazing, each and every one of them feels like their element not as in I feel a flame in them, as in that one is flame

And it's fucking crazy when all of them are freely expressing so many things at once and it's just amazing

' I can feel the heat of the flames, I can see the warmth it can give just as I can see how it can consume, I can feel the waves of the ocean, pushing and pulling within its depth and surface, the storm of the skies, the foundation of the ground, the elements, the factors of life and destruction... I can see them, hear them....feel them '

I don't have any doubt that if you want to humble an arrogant sensor all you need to do is just drop them in a setting like this, believe me when you feel so many things naturally you'll find yourself so small in the grand scheme of things

' I have no doubt that for some people out there that this experience alone would have elevated their selves, it's pretty much every cultivator's guide to the evolution gathered in one room '

But enough of that it's time to get the show on the road now that all of them are here and all of them are indeed here

From the original trio bird of Kanto and the ancestor Mew to the newest introduced legends of the Galar region like Eternatus and its brethren

All of them are here, in this world bereft of humans right now, in this hall stands the authority of this world and it is greatly important that I reach an understanding with them and just as I notice them they also notice me, and their voices echo In the hall as they speak, some so melodious it should be a crime and some so booming that it will probably give a patient heart attack and I catch a few of their words

" I thought they had all been gone? "

" How do you explain this then? "

" Are all of them going to return then? "

" How does this happen? "

But they're all silent when the big boss arrives with a light so bright that even with my eyes closed felt like the sun minus the heat

And as I open my eyes I'm matching gazes with the God of this world and a being that as far as they know created said world

' You know I used to doubt what Arceus was even supposed to be, I mean it's certainly not a deer or goat or things like that. Now I know that I shouldn't have judged like that in the first place '

Because Arceus had that presence, not as much as Mr. K had but Arceus certainly had divinity and you don't judge entities on whether like they share an appearance with goats or deer or cows

And his voice literally gives me goosebumps

" Who are you child? And what is your purpose here? "

But time doesn't wait for me so I begin

I cup my fist with the other hand and bring them to my chest and do a martial artist greeting while meeting the eyes of everyone there, the martial greeting because I want them to draw assumptions about me

" I greet the great creator and guardians of this world. My name is Shikamaru Nara and we have much to discuss "


Sorry for the long wait, I discovered a mistake I made which really changed things in the chapters that should come after this

so I had to rewrite the chapters so that it could fit my plot

I really thank you guys for holding on and for reading my story and I really appreciate

Reistlan, Zarosian, Myzy, Shanky_S, Sri_747,

MericasReader, Ishinaki just for giving this story their power stones

And I really hope you guys liked this chapter and have a great day