Laying it down

" I do not doubt that you have questions for me and I will answer them to the best of my capabilities but I believe we should start because believe it or not I actually have a schedule to keep to "

As the last of my words registered, some of them were rightfully annoyed and wasted no time in letting me know about it

Groudon's voice particularly makes it pretty easy to hear it even as the same voice drowns the words of other legendaries as he speaks after scoffing

" And what would be more important than explaining yourself mortal "

' Mortal? Really that shtick is what you're going with '

" Well...answer us, boy "

' I take it back, stick with the mortal '

" Well to put it more gently, where I come from is night right now and as far as my parents are concerned, right now I'm sleeping and I would rather not break that thought of theirs, so let's move things along "

Well I guess that is a valid reason as most just grumble and roll their eyes but silence themselves as Mew asks me a question

" How old are you? "

I hold my one palm up and reply " 5 years "

" You hold yourself quite well for a child of few years "

" Circumstances changed many things for me "

But the small talk is dismissed as Arceus asks me to get on with it, more politely of course but that's the gist of it

" Alright as you guys should know by now because of an individual named N the entire human race of this world was simply erased from existence. Any questions on this part? "

" How do you know about that? "

" It was in the introductory packet "

" The what?! "

" That one is coming up so please wait for a moment. Now as most of you are akin to beings connected with the world itself and quite literally older than me by several hundred years in the least, I believe you must be familiar with the concept of alternate realities, dimensions and multiverse "

" Yes we do know of it "

" Only the basics of it actually, never really bothered with it "

" Just explain so we see if it matches with what we know "

Well that was kinda expected so I just start speaking and I know for a fact that there are going to be multiple people that curse me because of the bull shit I'm about to say

' In my defense, I'm not a scientifically thinking genius type. I'm more the common sense type and the only knowledge I have about these things are the ones I read In novels, articles and movies '

" Well to put it bluntly, I don't know much about it either but I'll say it the same way I was given the explanation and that's all I can do about that, so bear with me "

Then I look around to see if anyone has an issue with that but while some appear unsatisfied that I don't have the answers for every question they have (primarily Groudon, Mewtwo, Kyogre and pretty much the original swords of justice trio) most of them is okay with it

" There are multiple realities and in those realities multiple dimensions and in those dimensions a universe and so on. But what is unknown to almost all of us is the fact there exist realities which most of them try to mirror as much as possible "

" I don't understand "

" That is wrong! "

" That's not right! "

' Well that's also what I was expecting but I guess it's time to simplify shit to make it believable '

" Alright, I guess I'm not saying it scientifically enough and I'm sorry for that so I'll try to say it simply. Imagine this, in this world you guys are Pokemon but there are worlds in which you are not, this is what is known as alternate universes "

" That feels somewhat right "

" Really?! The mere thought that I'm a human in some world outright baffles me "

' Oh grow up '

" There is a reality which can be considered as canon or core if you wish to, this world is the one in which all other versions of alternate universes are compared against, the original reality as it were and every other difference from the tiniest butterfly flapping wings to Apocalypse scenarios are considered it's alternate universes. Are you guys with me? "

Well judging by their nods they're still with me

" And here is where things are going to get a little hard to swallow for you guys, this world is not the canon. "

And my tone of finality is pretty much to guarantee that it's true because this is not the original Pokemon world and that is the most truthful I'm going to be here today

But needless to say, they are a bit reluctant to believe me like that and there are the stubborn " You're wrong " to " Are you absolutely certain because you're still a child and mistakes can be made by even the oldest " but Arceus resolves it by asking me to continue speaking

' You know now I'm leaning towards the Arceus is a total dad thing most fanfics got going on because so far he behaves like a family guy and not your lord and saviour and shit '

" You guys just think to yourselves like this... As of right now, there is no human in this world, an erasure of not a few lives but of a hundred thousand lives simultaneously, such a thing is what you're suggesting is the canon of the reality of Pokemon worlds and in what way does that feel right to you? "

That shuts them up because regardless of their stances on humanity, they are wise enough to understand the importance of lives and this type of erasure of life is not something that even the most arrogant of them can wish for

" So like I was saying this is an alternate universe of the canon and here is the thing, canon, as I told you before, is the one the others are compared against and naturally alternate universes try to keep it as close to the canon as possible. The reason for this is that the more a world diverges from the canon the more energy it needs to sustain itself but if it's truly different from the canon then it is cut off from that resource "

And here Mewtwo and Uxie speak as soon as I stop

" And where does the canon universe get this resource? "

" Can an alternate world not sustain itself? "

' Well, I would like to answer their questions... But I don't know the answers '

" It was said to me that it has been that way since the beginning and will continue that way till the end and considering the circumstances when I was told this I have no reason to doubt that it is not true "

' I guess they are not satisfied by that... I need to get this over with before they can poke a hole in my words '

" The alternate world can sustain itself if the changes are small and ultimately not that impactful on the timeline for example just now Uxie and Mewtwo asked me a question but in the canon universe, it might have been Mewtwo asking both questions. There is a difference between the worlds here but the end result is the same and thus it does not take much energy for the world to mirror the canon universe. The same questions being asked is the world's way of trying to correct itself and it will try as best as it can to match the end result "

And now comes the part when I need to really sell it, this shit right here is gonna decide it.

" But the erasure that happened in this world is similar to butchering canon and the world could not sustain itself and there's really not a good way to say it but you guys should know so I'll say it... This world died "

Silence, pure crushing silence around me as they repeat my words in their heads, to try and reason against my words and going through the five stages of grief instantaneously when they can't

In this silence, Arceus speaks up " That is truly disturbing news! But as we still exist are you here to give us hope or give us a reason to make our last moments graceful "

Here as one all of them look at me because they realise from my own words I should not be here and they should be dead but as we're not, clearly something is up. The others add their queries so I weave the story I came up with

" You assume correctly, things have changed and I had a hand in it "

And I don't need to be a mind reader to know that they don't believe me but I guess that's alright because really who in their right mind would believe that I saved the world when they, who are stronger and older than me couldn't even sense it's destruction in the first place

And they speak their mind

" How could you do this? "

" What makes you different? "

" You're certainly not a humble person "

' Hey that's not true '

As I don't want to hear any more of that I cut in " What made me different was that when I was four years old, I died. "

Some of them blink and Zekrom audibly speaks for the rest " Excuse me? "

Groudon who didn't care that much wasn't that okay with further stalling " Why the hell does that matter? "

' Not even one person offering me condolences, I guess they still don't fully believe the shit I'm playing out '

So I do what makes the best lie, I don't change the context at its core but change its surface presentation

" As we already established I'm not from this world. In my world when I was not even a year old my leader had to summon the shinigami who is a deity of my world to stop the nine-tailed beast from destroying our home. However, the price to summon that is the caster's soul, a price my leader was content to pay for the safety of the village "

" He was a good alpha then "

" He could have been even better but life isn't fair and he died alongside thousands of people, civilians and shinobi alike "

Keldeo sparkles as he questions me " Wait... Your village is a shinobi village?! "

" Ah... I didn't mention it did I? Yes the main occupation of my village is ninja, like most of the villages of the elemental nation. My village Konoha is led by the hokage and Konoha is home to hundreds of thousands of people, I myself am an heir to the Nara clan but we can talk about all that later "

" See the thing is.... my world is also not the canon world and somewhere a butterfly snapped its wing and I alone absorbed the tiniest piece of the tiniest fragmented aura of the Shinigami when he was summoned and from what he told me it was quite an interesting rarity when I finally met him "

" So are you here at this entityʼs quest? "

" Not really "

Mewtwo chimes in with a curious tone" Why was your case interesting to him? "

" To understand the significance of that you need to understand the significance of the entity I met, you see in this world you are gods, connected to this world itself... You belong to this world just as much as it belongs to you. But that is the matter you see you are gods of this world and this world only, you are not the gods of every pokemon world out there and that is the difference. "

To this Arceus looks more interested as he questions me

" How so? "

" There are some matters that are essential for a universe to exist, facts such as life and death etc, these are supreme facts of every world and every reality and these entities are true gods in the sense that even though they might be in different worlds there is a version of themselves in that world, it might be under a different name and different race and all that but at the end of the day each a part of the same entity... In every world "

And I can see the moment when their brains are blown out, so I being the kind of person I was heaped more on it

" From what the entity said the possibility of me absorbing his energy in the first place is one in a million, me living till my fourth year with that energy still present is one in 36 million because apparently most die the moment the absorption happens or the energy either fades or is beneficial to the person if it does not kill immediately and when I died I was intact and of sound mind in the void which apparently he can count within four of my palms, so yeah I was a really interesting case to him "

" What the hell are we supposed to say to that? "

" I agree "

Well there you have it, the behemoths of the land and sea joining forces in face of my words

' I guess I've made it, to all who made it possible I thank you for everything '

And internally I'm designing my Oscar speech cause I'm killing it here.

" Anyway this is the part where things changed because in that void I met someone who is the reason for all this, who saved me and your world "


And that's something that has been in my head for quite some time and yes, I know I said many unscientific and moronic and rubbish things and I want you to know that I'm really sorry about that. But you can't expect an Mc who is not a scientist to make scientific contributions just because he's reincarnated it does not work that way, the Mc will learn to explain things more properly once he learns all of the scientific things in the world so till then bear with me

As always I thank you guys for reading my story and your thoughts on it are always welcome and I especially thank Restillan for donating their power stone for my story

And I hope you guys are safe, stay happy and have a great day