The devil in the details

' That was certainly cringe... It got the job done but still cringe, hell I'm feeling ashamed just remembering those words '

And struggling to not let the troublesome thoughts I have on my mind appear on my face I hurriedly start talking again instead of taking the time to observe them to see what they thought of me...

" I didn't go back when Brook gave me his chance and left to join his family, instead I was taken to the head honcho who introduced himself as Mr. K and he is the higher life form in charge of things like us and worlds. "

Here Arceus speaks without opening his mouth, he could at least pretend to open it just for a five-year-old kid's sake

" And he explained things to you? "

" He explained what I could understand, I'm a smart cookie but I'm still a cookie so he just simplified things for me. Usually when a loophole individual appears their authority is greater than the usual individuals that go back from the void and thus more deviation from the canon because let's be honest once you know the story it's almost impossible for it to continue that way "

' And that's the cold hard truth, once you know the future even if you kill yourself you still have the chance of being that butterfly that's going to wreck canon and most of the canon is messed up to being with '

" Celebi can do it. Why can't you guys? "

" Celebi is for all intents and purposes a damn forest fairy that controls time, I'm not. I'm a kid of a species that doesn't have a quarter of life span compared to any of you. And you want me to do as well as Celebi at four years old? "

" .....ok that might have been too soon "

" In many ways ironically "

' I guess that is too soon. '

Though the aforementioned forest fairy spoke up soon and I could hear the curiosity in her voice

" So what happened next? "

" Well, my authority could ensure that my world was safe from the problem you faced and the stronger I grow the more authority I gain. But he introduced me to this world and said that we would both benefit each other if I was to share my authority with this world and I accepted "

Here Arceus interrupts

" Why? " He literally goes for the throat as he lets loose and now I can't see him as anything other than God because

' Damn this is intense '

Because even when I instinctively let out my haki to clash with the pressure Arceus let out, it only brought me a few seconds before being forced down and while I have not kneeled or bowed thanks to my haki I was still in a position in which he had the opportunity to look down on me and even when he did not his tone made sure that this was the clincher for me, either I would satisfy him with my answer or he would take action regardless of their concerns

And Arceus's voice booms in the hall regally

" Speak Shikamaru Nara, Child to all world! Speak of the reason why you have done this. What motives do you hold for your action? "

" Because I was dead and I at least had the opportunity to learn why and was fortunate enough to return. You on the other hand was not lucky, this world you created and every life in it fading because of naive wish and I couldn't look at myself in the damn mirror if I stood still when I could have saved at least one being " at this point I'm shouting as well because now I'm pissed as well

' Fuck this being a game world, because this world and every being in it burned because of your damned inactions, all that power and still not being able to prevent shit like this from happening and he wants to fucking lecture me?!! '

" Do I wish for a beneficial relationship? Yes!! But would I stand by and watch when millions died because I wouldn't get it? hell no!!!! I'm not a God. I'm just a bloody mortal and if there's one thing we know how to do, It's trying! "

And here I'm straining my body much as possible, coating it in armament and using shadows to fix my legs in place as I slowly come back to straight back posture because I'm not bowing to these idiots and I snarl out what I want to say

" I'm a boy who regardless of what I want will be a killer just to protect my kin and home, it won't matter if I want to break that status quo because I'm not strong enough for that and I'm supposed to do nothing in the meantime, Fuck. That! I had a chance to save a life and I took it.

That is my motive Arceus, I wanted to strengthen my resolve and it did. I'm going to fight that fate, even if I can't change it I'm not leaving it for someone else, I'm going to shoulder that burden as well, I'm going to try and break it and regardless of whether it breaks me or I break it at least I'll be able to look myself in the damn mirror and say I tried my best "

And I finish what I want to say and when I speak this time I think about all the named innocents that had their lives changed because of this world and that's only a small number of the people that were shown because there would be the unnamed and unshown that nobody bothers with

" Maybe it's self-fulfilment! Maybe it's just a selfish need so that I can say that I'm not a mindless killer! But I'm not stopping till I'm truly dead "

And there it is, my ideal that I could hopefully live up to

After a few tense seconds, the aura dissipates and I am happy to realise that I have done what I wanted to when I came to this hall

"I am Arceus, Creator of this world and as such, I welcome you Shikamaru Nara to this world. You have helped to save this world from destruction and just as the humans in this world did before you, you too may be a trainer but ensure that you do not harm innocent for I may have been too inactive and as everyone can realise that was a mistake and I do not plan to make it twice "

At the last sentence, I openly smirk and stop my haki as well

" I do not harm innocents Arceus, imply that again and I'll beat you up when I'm stronger. The official term that my people use for individuals who can bring forth beings to fight are summoner and summon respectively and finally "

Here I straighten my back and go into formal mode again to sell my status again

" I, Shikamaru Nara, son to Shikaku Nara and Yoshino Nara, Heir to the Nara clan and Child to all world graciously accept the chance to call this world home as well. "

' All this posturing just for saying that I accept your invitation, man I better not have paperwork waiting as clan heir because if not shadow clone is going to be a priority '

" Before each of you leave may I ask if anyone here is willing to sign the summoning contract with me? "

At this point, silence once again descended in the halls so I spoke my reasons

" In the beginning, I told you that I had not informed my parents about this endeavour and that remains true because to earn the summoning contract is to pass difficult trials the summons can impose on us, this is not unfair but many still fall in these trails "

" That does not sound bright of you " that was said by the being that I really wanted to show to my parents

' I believe the clan has a deer contract and Xerneas will be somewhat familiar and I might get away without any punishment or scolding if the clan's summons can get along and Xerneas has the greater chance at that than anyone else here '

And that was what I truly believed. Showing them power might make problems, maybe not large problems but problems are still problems

' I mean the clan summons are most likely the summons of most of the Nara clan who are capable but my position in the clan and frankly power of the Pokemon might startle them into decisions that no one will like '

" The summons as with everyone has a hierarchy, the strongest one is most usually referred to as the boss summon or a chief summons. A summons that can have this title is either very skilled at techniques or physically large and powerful, physically I'm talking about reaching about Palkia at the minimum and technique-wise I'm talking about mastery in techniques that can range in lethality from a minor water gun to the origin pulse. And the older the summons the more equally balanced and strong they are and such contracts are widely searched for and killed for "

And I guess that isn't much of news to them but then again they are literally hundreds of years old, I guess I don't have to hint about human greed or greed in general to them

" Now this is where it's difficult, naturally older summons as told before has certain requirements, I know for certain that chief summon Manda of the Ryuichi cave of snakes often demands sacrifices ranging from tens to hundreds for some reason, you can see why this is unappealing to me "

" Can the summons of your world not sustain themselves without your flesh? " This is asked by Yveltal who sounds normal, I guess I can't really expect every stereotype to stand true

" They can sustain themselves just fine without it, it's a food chain and cycle, I do not condone hunting for survival. But I hate hunting for sport and similar things do not have my fancy "

" Then I believe I can understand you "

" Actually I think everyone can understand you on this matter "

At least they can understand that because I am not giving them sacrifices, no way in hell

" I thank you for that. But like I was saying most boss-level summonses require large chakra to summon and only the upper echelons in combat have this level of capacity normally. But normal summoning contract generally do not have so many boss-level summonses around, I believe the Nara clan do indeed have a summoning contract but the boss can only be summoned by one person at a time and as you can expect this is quite restricting "

" So there are requirements and not only cannot everyone summon them but those who can summon can only summon if the one in question is not preoccupied to begin with? "

" Yes "

" And where do we figure in this equation? "

" You are basically unknown and while they will search they will get nothing, perhaps this may be more dangerous but I will not deprive my clan of even one single boss-level summon when that being might be the only reason my kin can survive. Each of you without a doubt is a boss-level summons even if you do not allow anyone else to have the privilege I have, just the fact that I do not have to deprive a single summons is something that is greatly relieving to me "

" You talk as if we have already agreed to your proposition "

" I do not. Everyone who joins me must do so of their own will because when I call upon you to battle it means that no matter what happens I trust you with my life and all those I protect and it is not something to be taken lightly, these people are my world and I will not create problems for them. Everyone has freedom, no one who joins me will find theirs restricted or taken, that I can promise you and even if I did it will not matter because I cannot control you, every summons can naturally return to its own world without any permission from me if they wish to "

" That changes things " and seeing as most of them look more interested now I was right in revealing that particular piece of information

' Of course it does, summons are different from Pokemons in that regard, here Pokemon can be restricted in their pokeballs however summons can basically vamoose on their own if needed '

" The reason I ask for this is to assure my parents that I know what I'm doing, my parents do not know why I train so hard, they think that I do not see the way they want to stop me, to not deprive me of my childhood further but they do not know that I lost my childhood naivety when I turned four "

" You have not yet told them? "

" If fate smiles upon me even a tiny bit then I never will! These are my parent's Celebi, and I know for a fact that they will take my death as nothing less than a failure on their part completely disregarding their lack of any guilt in this matter. That is not acceptable!! My death was a fluke and my revival even more so. So no, they will not know about it if I can help it and I hope none of you breaches those terms of mine "

" I still believe that your parents should know about this but I shall respect your wish "

" So shall I "

At this moment Rayquaza started speaking

" You have spoken your words however words need to be proved with actions, you have said that each of us here is the same in your people's eye, so If one of us were to join you will that be enough for you?

Because while you may have saved our world that does not guarantee you our cooperation, just as the boss level summons of your world us legends have trials that those who can call upon us must pass "

" Rayquaza speaks the truth, and I do believe that these requirements of us are reasonable "

" Because they are reasonable and like I said I ask you because I have no choice, I must assure my parents that they can trust me with my own training and this will be of major help in this. So I swear to the one who joins me here, I will pass their trials so that I am worthy of summoning you and If I do not meet your requirements then after this I shall not trouble you, this I swear on my honor as a child to every world "

And as my words end they suddenly start speaking, some speak favorably and most more realistically but none of them really speak against it

' That's great '

" Very well Shikamaru Nara, with the absence of myself you may summon a contract with those who are interested or do you have one in mind already? " well he's not a God for nothing

" While I will be honored by all of you, Xerneas is the one who will put my parents at ease the most so if no one is offended I would like for Xerneas to complete the contract with me "

At this point, Xerneas walks forward to me

" I agree to be your summon with the hope that you shall do what you have sworn if I asked you but I would like to know why your parents will be more at ease with me than others here. "

" I told you of my late leader who lost his life defending us from the Kyuubi the nine-tailed fox of my world, there are nine such beasts in my world, each I suspect capable of sentience as much as you and I. And apparently, these nine beasts have weaknesses in illusions, sealing and mokuton. The first is not efficient if I have to fight and the second is a way that is unknown to you but basically, it's storing or binding it in devices and very nauseatingly within a being and used as a damn weapon "

Predictably no one here likes that tidbit of information and makes it known to me " That is wrong boy! Does your world condone these actions? Do you? "

" Look me in the damn eye and search if I condone that bullshit. It is unfair and I hate it but it exists, for now "

" As you seem to be on the wavelength as us on this matter we shall not hold it against you, but if you do actions similar actions to Pokemon or any beast in general, I shall kill you "

Tapu Koko one of the legendary of aloha said that and honestly I'm down with that and said as much

" That's alright with me but the third way is a bloodline of mokuton. The bloodline itself is the manipulation of life in plants and trees and so on. Naturally, this ability and those close to it are rare and seen as a great bloodline. Even if your abilities do not weaken the beast it will earn enough recognition that they will not wish you as an enemy and mainly because I believe that my clan holds a deer summons contract and even if it doesn't the Nara clan are hosts to deers and the enemies outside might think of you as one of the clan summons further concealing the truth "

As they ponder my words Mewtwo is the one who speaks first

" Your reasoning is logical and sound however we shall see if you are honourable "

" Xerneas do you accept this child's words? Do you find them reasonable? "

" I do "

" Then you may proceed "

And so I began to walk forward to Xerneas and met him in the middle and I spoke the words the system instilled in me when the situation came to this

' Omniscient shit I guess '

" My name is Shikamaru "

" I am Xerneas "

" I wish to complete the contract to become the summoner of one who joins me "

" I wish to be the summon of one who has the potential to be worthy of it "

And as we speak our respective energy spikes and a link is formed with the energies and immediately a new screen opens in the menu


Xerneas ( able to summon )

" I swear I shall do right by you "

" Then I shall look forward to the day where you are truly worthy to call me into battle...Summoner "