The other objectives

As of now, I'm officially a Pokemon summoner

Only of one Pokemon and under certain circumstances true, but still a summoner so I partake in something that a person of my taste would do

' I caught a Pokemon!! '

Complete the phrase with the pose outside, something that naturally weirded out most legendaries who witnessed it

" What are you doing? "

" Celebratory pose "

Dakrai just cocks his head " Celebratory what?? "

" Just... Just be cool okay "

And that made things awkward. Still can't find myself to care, cause I'm a damn Pokemon trainer now

' Well summoner actually but that's just a minor thing '

Xerneas however speaks again

" Are you done? "

" Yeah "

" Then perhaps you could divulge when I can expect to meet your parents? "

' Ooh that's a teacher flashback '

" As fast as possible and if everything goes right within two days and if there is a change in plans I'll inform you "

At this Xerneas tilts his head slightly as he questions me

" And what are the current obstacles in this plan of yours "

" You are legendary, which is equal to a boss summon and a boss summon requires a large amount of chakra to summon and that's within the same planet while I am going to pull you into another dimension, on that thought... You don't have a terrible weakness for teleportation right? "

" .....No " and Xerneas's face already has a put-upon expression which is rude considering that I haven't pulled anything yet

Anyway since the primary goal is achieved let's see if we can go for the secondary as well

" By the way Arceus, you have the jewel of life right? "

At this Rayquaza starts " how do you kno-, Never mind " while the others are still kind of unsettled by my question, for reasons I can certainly understand and Arceus nods to me to indicate that he has the jewel and so I keep speaking

" I know what happened the first time so I won't ask you to give it to me without observation but I would like access to it temporarily "

" And for what reasons do you require this summoner? " And that's my new summon Xerneas

' Alright man enough fanboying, snap out of it ʼ

" The jewel works like a passive booster for all life, especially the young ones. I don't think I need to explain further but I promise I won't take it off this planet "

" The ones who were given it before you also promised some things " 'That is true '

" That man was an idiot and I'm not "

" And how was that man an idiot? Did his plot not work? Did not he injure me? "

" His kingdom was prospering and at peace, before he started a war because he was a kleptomaniac "

At this, some of them snort and nod alongside my words and while Arceus wasn't as serious as before he was still hesitating, so naturally I jumped in

" You should know that I'm planning to use the jewel for the other Pokemon I forge a contract with as well "

" Hmmm? "

" Remember how some of the ordinary Pokemon was a literal giant in size and I'm sure you guys have your theory as well but I'll cut to the chase, it's cause of energy and the jewel is a reservoir of the purest energy they can access "

At this however Mewtwo chimes in

" That doesn't exactly sound scientific "

" That would be because I'm not exactly scientific. I looked at the method and the result and moved on "

" That's such a waste "

" Maybe to geniuses like you but to people like me, it was looking like another language that was translated by an amateur "

" I'll get you some books to get started on "

" That's.... acceptable, will need to bother you sometimes though "

Our conversation done with, we look at Arceus to see if he's decided and luckily he decided in my favour

" I shall temporarily grant you the jewel Young Shikamaru, do not disappoint me "

" I'll likely return it to you within two decades and besides it will likely rest within the distance of my companions here and I'll teach them whose it is "

" Very well "

" Two more matters before we're done here "

At this Groudon groans which is not that humorous considering his booming voice

" Oh calm down it's not that hard. Anyway, I'm figuring that even though the humans are gone the ones whose trainers were affiliated with the league will continue to do their duty till something changes right? "

" So far that's what has been happening, yes " I guess Celebi knows best in this case, I mean the fairy deals with time so even if Celebi can't see everyone Celebi must see the majority

" So if you could just inform the ones in charge of the things that happened here so they won't try to interrogate me or in the worst-case scenario try to kill me, that would be really appreciated. "

" We would have done that even without your input "

" I figured but sometimes common sense actually isn't that common "

" True "

And here Kyogre speaks, urging me to finish so that we can all be done with this. So I proceed with the third objective which is a bonus objective

" Right the third thing is kinda for personal use "

" So were the first two "

" More personal use, it's a request to Rayquaza "

At this Rayquaza glides forward and I'm left with the doubt if his limbs would have been larger if he wasn't always in the space and thus not using them for nothing more than fighting

' Maybe it's like the snake's theory of how they lost their limbs when they evolved because of their decreasing usage of their limbs '

" Well speak. What favor do you ask of me? "

" I need you to pull three meteors of moderate size for me "

At this Keldeo speaks for the first time in the meeting and he can't quite hide the incredulous in his voice as he speaks

"..... For what need? "

" To create my blades "

" And you can't do that with normal metals? "

" I may have stumbled on a great forging method of another world that could be replicable "

' At least I hope it's replicable '

" Ah... I had forgotten what it was like when your kind still fought with blades and you have a valid reason as well...I'll drop it at the Hoenn league stadium after you leave and then I'm staying in space for some quiet "

At the next bit, he glares at his counterparts

" And you two better not start trouble because I will not be kind if I have to return because of you "

' Can't blame him, wish I could leave the planet to get some peace though '

" So I guess that's all "

" Yes I believe so " Saying so Arceus brings out the jewel in a rainbow of energy signatures

' I feel like a power puff for some reason '

" Keep your word Summoner "

Xerneas once again reminds me, so I just nod at him while putting the jewel in my inventory which of course startled the hell out of them which was amusing to me

" What the hell was that? "

" Where the hell is the jewel? "

" Not even a second and you already destroyed it? "

' The hell is that last one '

" I put the jewel in my inventory "

" What the hell is inventory? "

" My personal space to put things in "

Here Uxie speaks quite enthusiastically with Mewtwo also looking quite interested as she speaks

" You have a domain of space for your personal use? " In the face of their enthusiasm I shrug and try to play it off

" Well the traditional way felt like a hassle "

Here Mewtwo interjects

" So this ability is not available to every one of your kind? "

" I won't say I'm the only person who has created their own space but it's something that's unique as far as I know "

" And what is the traditional way of going it? "

" Fuinjutsu-the art of sealing. Don't worry I'll personally give you the books about it, it's about time I get started on it anyway "

" that will be much appreciated "

' And that's pretty much a study group that I can lean on when the time comes, at least I hope that I'll be able to lean on '

Which depends on whether they could put the theory of Fuinjutsu into practice as well

Originally I also wanted to ask for Giratina's sphere as well but that didn't seem like a good move

' I mean Giratina is the second strongest after Arceus and I don't think for one minute that even if I had the protagonist's luck they would give me so many benefits when I still haven't proved myself, I mean the fact that I already achieved the three goals I had set is lady luck smiling at me '

But times ticking on and I don't have any ideas how the time difference between here and back home is so I wrap things up here

" So that's my end finished, unless you have things to inform me? " at this I look towards them because I want this to be over with

" We don't "

" Go away " ' What the hell? '

" Just leave " ' What the hell did I do to you? '

But then again I did change some of their views of the world and removed their place at the top by informing them about the real gods so I guess they do have justification for their attitude

So I just inwardly sigh and continue speaking

" Rude.... but true, so if you could do the informing to the pokemon in charge thing "

" Already done "

" Then can you teleport me to the Kanto league headquarters "

" Really? "

" I can only choose the location when I come from home and I gave you my word that I won't take the jewel off the planet so "

At this mew just giggles and says she'll do it

So I do the formal bow and finish properly

" May you prosper and be at peace "

' Yes I don't know what the hell I'm saying, but they don't know whether it's just me or my people also do things like that '

They wisely just nod and look all serious and thus majestic like the legends they are

' So damn cool '

And soon I'm at the entrance of a building which should be the headquarters

' Nope it's the headquarters for sure '

Because I'm literally surrounded by Gengars at the moment I appear and you remember how you thought Gengar was a little funny looking for a ghost

' We were wrong, we were so damn wrong! It smiles like the joker and not the one from the circus '

Thankfully my saviour calls them off

" I believe that's enough " and the one that calls them off is a Jynx, which by the power it radiates as I look at it with my observation belongs to the ace trainers/ league personnel or Lorelei as Jynx is an ice and psychic type

' The Gengars on the other hand are different though. They exist but in a much more gaseous and distortions like state which is also how Gengars look in the real world though obviously in a more solid state '

Wonder if every ghost looks like distortions with haki, hell I wonder what Kamui would feel like

But I'm grabbed from my thoughts as jynx speaks once again

" I believe you have all the time to get acquainted with them child, but now some of us have things to talk about with you "

At this, I inwardly roll my sleeves up because honestly

' Here I go again '


Honestly I rewrote the chapter many times but this was the best I could make it

Onto more important matters I once again thank Reistlan, kiel_23, Majeh7, Shanky_S, Ciwan_Salin, Berserker_Dragon and MaxAkki

for giving my fic their precious power stones

Most importantly I hope you guys stay safe and happy