Unexpected Rainfall

I follow Jynx to the room where the others are waiting, even though I don't know who the others are I believe it's safe to assume that they are fairly high up the league chain

I keep my observation field open so that I could perceive who was waiting for me, as even if its just two seconds that I could gain before I met them in person, that will be helpful

The league building with its great history of trainers and pokemons that served it, the champions and countless elites that have given this building its voice is amazing to me, every wall despite showing its history remains stronger than the normal walls

' I wonder how different and durable this world's building is compared to back home '

But I stop my musing as we reach a door that's being guarded by ghosts actively and as those two eye me Jynx gestures me to follow and I do without much fear

' I mean I doubt I was brought this deep so that I can be killed and if it is to kill me, there isn't that much of a chance to me to live anyway. Besides, I have a schedule to keep and time is wasting '

So I meet those gazes with indifference and follow Jynx without any change in expression

' I already met their gods and didn't find myself terrified of them, why the hell should I be scared of them? Sure I have a healthy respect for them but aside from that, no way in hell would I be scared '

But the most interesting thing about this is about to begin as several figures pop up in my observation field, figures that I wouldn't have been able to recognize if I didn't have the information I had

But despite my knowledge, the fact remains that these Pokemon stand at the top of the ladder in this region and maybe even in their whole species itself.

' All right. Standard procedure, let's see what we can conclude '

An Icy core but it feels like one of the sea and with the way it looks in my field it can only be the Lapras of Lorelei, the ice master's ace pokemon

Another sea creature but it stands upright and its voice is particularly clear, just as clear as the voice of the Jynx in front of me.

' Must be Lorelei's Slowking, nothing else comes to mind as a water-psychic dual type '

The next one also stands upright while having four arms which obviously is a Machamp

' And the only one with a Machamp here is Bruno '

But two others stand beside it, their voices aren't particularly clear but it's surprisingly stable like machamp, and both of them feel the same?

' Okay, we know that Bruno had Machamp and so that could be two additional Machokes he's been training up. It can't be Onix or Golem as the shapes don't match, Hell it might be two Primeapes'

At this, my face scrunches up a little which I quickly turn back to impassive to not give anything away while thinking about what this means

' Since they stand behind Machamp they should see it as superior and should have a similar mindset as they are being trained by Bruno. Worst case scenario, negotiation fails because their mindsets are different than I expected '

The next two on the other hand are easier as I encountered them when I appeared here

' Two Gengars which should be the pokemon of Agatha the ghost Master '

The next one is easy to realize because of its appearance in my field. Two wings, a tail and two antennas on its head

' Dragonite, Lance's dragonite to be exact '

The next voice has a certain similarity to both Dragonite and Lapras, which means a dual type of water-dragon but more importantly, It feels like a giant seahorse

' That is a Kingdra, can be Lance's or Lorelei's '

A Lapras, Slowking, Machamp plus two unknown, Two Gengars, Dragonite and a Kingdra

Each of them is strong enough to kill me and I'm about to either rob them blind or Die

It's with these two completely contrasting thoughts in my head that I step into the room and meet the gazes of these elite pokemon

I don't know why I expected them to sit in chairs ' Must be the nerves as it feels like a school meeting besides you can't really expect them to sit unless they feel like it '

But the two unidentified pokemon can be now identified as Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, something that I should have been able to find out if I had been better with observation Haki

' I really need to work on that '

But at our entrance, every one of them became serious, which is expected as we are not meeting in jolly circumstances

I make sure to step into the heir persona, you don't know where it might come in hand

As I match their gaze Slowking speaks " Hello child, I and Jynx will be translating my comrades' words to you as we have this discussion "

I cup my fist and enunciate clearly while keeping a neutral expression on my face

" It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances, But while I do not wish to be rude, let us not tarry further "

At this Dragonite stands up to its full height and grunts which I believe is affirmative as each of them now has certain things to say to me

" First of all each and every single one of us thank you for the service you have done for this world " This is said by Slowking in a heavy voice with none of the former joviality

" Anyone with a conscience would have done the same "

' Because they would have '

" True but that does not make what you did any less impressive "

" If you insist "

From then onwards it was essentially a recap of what happened earlier with the legends. They heard my explanation and then we came into the question section

" Is there a chance for our trainers to return? "

' I don't know but there is a scenario floating in my mind '

Since I didn't have a definite answer and can't be faulted for it, I spoke honestly

" To speak truthfully, I don't know. I have wondered if Jirachi could wish them back but as it is clear that the Creation trio or the time fairy cannot rewind time and stop this from happening, I believe it's a long shot. But I assure you if there is a chance then I will help you "

' Because it's the right thing to do and it's no skin off my back '

But evidently, it seems the right thing to say as some of them look hopeful and even contemplating

" That is not something we have thought about, perhaps that could work. It is another path to try at the least "

" You would have thought of it eventually."

Now Dragonite is speaking

" Are we right in assuming that you would like our assistance like the eternal Xerneas? "

" Yes "

My answer clearly takes a few of them by surprise

" I have told you of my situation, so why would I deny assistance? "

" At least you are honest "

" I try my best "

" So what does it entail? "

At this point, I keep in mind all I have been able to gather and speak my thoughts

" Each and every single one of you is loyal to your trainers and I would not demand you to do otherwise and even if I did, I don't believe I will succeed either. Would I like to have you as a summon? Yes, each of you is an experienced leader and combatant, I would be a fool if I did not see the benefits. So what I propose is something else "

' Hook '

" What is it then you propose? "

" Some of you wish to help me while some of you do not, it is natural and I will be happy to sign the contract with those willing on the terms that you will not betray me or harm those dear to me. "

" Those are acceptable terms but while we will heed your words do not expect us to treat it like a command "

" Sounds reasonable "

' Now for the next part '

So I speak again

" With the absence of criminal organisations like Team Rocket, Team Plasma and the like I believe that you are now facing a scenario in which some pokemon no longer have to obey their orders or have been twisted by their ordeals "

"... That is correct"

' Line '

" What I propose is this, as you know with the absence of sinister influences your forces do not have that much work to be done. While this might be okay to most there will be those who wish to experience that thrill and service again, there might be those who feel like it in the freshly liberated pokemon as well. To put it bluntly, I would like to summon a contract with them "

They seem slightly uncomfortable with the proposal I raised

" You do realize that you are proposing to very large numbers of pokemon? Are you capable of sustaining them? "

" Just as they can find nourishment in the wild, then can find it in my world as well. Besides those who I take to my world will have their situation cleared out anyway. But I hope you could provide me with some basic food so I can research for a suitable replacement in my world "

As my words aren't offensive or illogical they can't help but converse between themselves, but they are still hesitant

" Look it's not the best proposal but it's certainly not the worst one. "

" That is true "

Here they once again converse and inform me that they would need some time to see how this would go and how many would want to do this

' Which means that they are not completely sure about my character they are going to test me using some volunteers and keep me at a distance till the situation satisfies them '

I stop myself from slipping out a smile

' Sinker. Because I damn well can make this work '

" If I may be bold, Am I right to presume that you have access to the storages of the former nuisances you had? "

" We do have some and the number has been increasing "

At this affirmation, I take a deep breath and weave my words in a non-offendable banner

" Even their pokemon egg trades? "

My question clearly makes them feel suspicious as they remain vigilant of me

"... Yes "

Here I try to play it off what I want as something normal, which in a way is

" Some of you might have already realised that I would like to raise these eggs, I already have certain pokemon in mind for my future team. I understand that you might be nervous, but I remind you that had this calamity not happened they would have been raised by those you do not know and certainly not under your supervision. I realise that most of these eggs will be returned to their habitats where they might find those similar to them but you cannot do that with every egg as it will upset the balance in some environments. So let me raise them instead"

However, they do not agree with me on this matter

" While your former proposal is passable with some guidance, Your new proposal is not going to be granted. True you might certainly treat them better than their would-have trainers but that is a future that will not come to pass. We have decided to treat you as a potential elite trainee and this is not a favor that they can be granted as well "

' It would have made things easier but I never counted on this succeeding, I just wanted to know where the line in the sand was drawn '

" Good "

And my words take them out of the tense situation as they don't know what happened

" You will not push for it? "

" I will test you just as you will test me. Had you been willing to be hand over your own young to me out of some conceived notion of debt, then what guarantee would I have of your true loyalty? "

My words do the work as they believe that my words were some test, instead of the actual idealistic wish it was. But it is time to achieve what I need instead of what I want

" May I ask about the benefits of being an elite trainee? "


It's been a long delay and I'm sorry for that. But with my own writing block, exams and then the issue with the FB login I made you guys wait. Hopefully, that won't be happening again

Hope you guys are happy, safe and have a great day