Hashing Things Out

It turns out that being a trainee is much more beneficial than I thought, A private residence here within the league building, access to most of the information known to the league on the subjects like breeding, training tactics, evolutional items and evolutionary path and so on...

But as I represent a different situation in general there have been some changes

' Usually by the time anyone reaches this position they will already have an entire team or at least a trio of pokemon but I don't have any. They accepted that they would have to allow me to choose at least one pokemon, I mean I have to be a trainer. '

As this would ideally mean my starter/familiar and thus my ace/cornerstone I had to choose wisely, I had to choose logically and with the things I knew and my limitation of familiar typing of dark or ghost

I had several options but as I was sitting in front of literal experts

" There is one thing that you should know. Just as you guys hold a special place for starters, we hold a certain place in our traditions for familiars. A familiar is a being that can be summoned without that much restriction and is akin to a limb rather than a summoned beast. "

At my explanation Slowking asks " What do you mean by less restriction? "

" The more powerful the summoned beast is the more chakra you have to use in order to summon it. We don't use poke balls, we use literal space ninjutsu to summon beasts. The energy needed to summon one of you is several times greater than a rookie pokemon. "

" Makes sense to me "

" Yes, that indeed seems a natural thing "

Slowking and Jynx agree with me and seeing as none of the others interrupted me I'm guessing that they feel the same as well, so I continue my explanation

" I am able to bind a familiar with the typing of Dark-type or Ghost-type pokemon and naturally this is something that I'm greatly interested in. But as you should know I was able to borrow the jewel of life from Arceus, while the energy will theoretically work on everything, the pure ghosts will not benefit physically as much as the others and the ones who do not exist physically have pretty much the same disadvantage " I gesture to Gengar as I finish speaking

At this juncture, everyone is interested in the discussion which is natural seeing as everyone in this room actively strives to be better every day.

But while each and every one of them are knowledgeable about the different types, everyone knows most about themselves. "

So it didn't surprise me or the others that Gengar reached the conclusion that I had reached as well and relayed it to Slowking who spoke out loud

" You believe it is the lack of flesh and bones? "

At this I join in as well

" It's much more in the fact that they are not truly alive. They are dead, that is why most pure ghosts have trouble breaking the limits on their physique. "

Gengar adds its own points as well via Slowking

" The more powerful we become the more our essence becomes, but unlike yours which undergoes expansion as you grow ours undergo refining "

I add the point that will drive it in

" That's the real reason why unlike the others the ghost-type can remain at their peak much more easily than the others as time marches on. Remember muscles can atrophy as time passes on, this is natural. But they are essence come alive, they are matter come alive. Essence fades but they do not age, not like us. "

That is the truth and nobody can change it. Unless they try and do some screwed up shit like Horcruxes or things to that effect

' You know I wonder If I can recreate the super serum used on Steve Rogers or even the situation of Deadpool. True, cancerous cells aren't any better than death but hey, instant regeneration '

But I shake my head and return to the matter at hand and bring my issue to their attention

" The summons of my land are easily larger than most of you, I'm speaking of actual physique size comparable to the legendaries like Kyogre and Girantina here. So It's best for everyone's safety that there be giants of equal stature for those occasions. "

" What have you planned then? "

" The younger you are, the faster you adapt. You guys are not young! You might not be old but you aren't young and because of that while the energy will develop you greater than the rest, your development isn't really that stable and will not reach the heights you could have "

At this most of them have come to the point of the issue, this is proved by Jynx translating their thoughts to me

" This is the reason you wish for eggs instead of more experienced pokemon "

" Yes. The egg state is literally the perfect time period in which you can adapt to the energy and while young pure ghosts will be able to grow somewhat larger than others of its species, the energy will be much more focused on making their essence greater than expanding it. "

" Do you require large companions as short as possible? "

" By my calculations, within 6 more years. "

Here Gengar speaks to Slowking while looking at me

" My companion believes that you should choose a pure ghost regardless of their physical stature as your situation demands an unseen guardian much more greatly than a titanic totem "

At this I nod my head as I somewhat agree with that

" Yes, that is what troubles me. I must ensure safety from the dark before facing goliaths. But If I make the wrong choice, then a lot of people are going to die "

Most of them flash their own versions of smiles at me as Slowking speaks

" That's life. We can't fight that boy, we make the best of what we can and that's it. "

' But I'm going against fate anyway, I guess I should give it the finger as a pre-emptive strike and officially start the grudge match '

I shrug my shoulders at the thoughts in my head, true as they were

" Yeah, let's just do this. But I have a list of pokemon that meets the criteria and you guys can add to the list "

By their expressions they are ready so I hit them with the list

" 1. The Gengar line, I'm sure I don't have to add anything here "

I chuckle as we look to see Gengar preening as Its line is top of the list

" 2. Dusknoir - same reasons as the above line

3. Mismagius- same reasons, actually now that I think about all pure ghost types share the same reasons. It's just their potential that's different

4. Banette

and that's actually it. "

I look to them for their reaction and they don't seem to act like I missed anyone major so I guess that's a plus and take it as a good sign

For the next few minutes, I look by and occasionally speak up as we discuss the options we have, I brought up the existence of half-ghosts and I was shut down as "they cannot truly be intangible in the way that matters here"

' That shuts down the gigantic Dynamax Dragapult and goliath Golurk fantasies '

Dusknoir and Mismagius were quickly put down as their movesets are similar to both the Gengar line and Banette line which offers mega evolution as well

At that point, I naturally asked if I could have the keystone and mega stone for said pokemon

' Apparently, as they need a human to work most were kinda okay with me having it, something to note for when looking for future teammates '

Then I said that I wanted them to gather eggs from both Gengar and Banette lines and I wanted to see if I could hear their voice with haki and make my choice that way

My suggestion was well received on the accord that approval of said chosen pokemon would matter in the decision as well, which was something that I agreed with

" I believe that we should gather the eggs within the same age and allow them to briefly gather the energy of the jewel for a few days before eliminating the candidates "

This was proposed by Machamp voiced by Jynx and agreed upon by all

By then the rest of the league had been informed about the need for volunteers/test subjects for me to sign contracts with and some had volunteered or subtly joined the list at the suggestion of superiors

' But I win either way so that's okay. Still, I want to test something '

" If it's okay with Gengar, I want to see if you could phase through my technique "

I can honestly see the fact that I could use moves register to them in a flash by the expression on some of their faces and faltering posture

" Of course, my comrades are also... interested in this outcome "

" Then let's not tarry anymore, I do have a schedule to keep "

Then all of them walked out and motioned me to follow them

' I guess they want me to do that in a controlled position. '

Assured of my prediction, I followed them until we reached a big hall, a hall large enough to hold meetings and currently holding 1 dozen pokemon

But I corrected my count when I use haki once again

' No, it's 1 and half a dozen pokemon. '

The distortion of ghost types is clear to my senses now when I look for them with observation haki. But the fact that I have to actively look for them to notice such a thing

' I don't want to say it's a weakness, because I don't think anyone expects me to sense ghosts or other spiritual creatures. But on the other hand, it's a glaring problem '

But I shake myself out of my thoughts as the pokemon present in the room look at us when we enter, Slowking then introduces me and telepathically provides information on what, why and who to them in seconds

So now caught up on matters, they watch interested while Gengar and I walk to the centre of the field and stand as if in a Mexican standoff

Slowking even pronounces "begin" when I did my part

I stand in the shooter pose and muster up that blue corona of energy present within me and gather it in my fingertip and once I feel enough pressure, I pull the trigger " Spirit Gun "

And a bullet made up of chakra rushes at Gengar. The bullet to my surprise hits Gengar and proves that chakra, the raw chakra at any point could hit Ghosts and If raw chakra can do it, elemental chakra and nature chakra will also be capable of it

At this tidbit, I can't help but sigh depressingly

But then Gengar motions for me to go again, which I did. But this time the bullet frankly entered through him before exploding

" Hmm? "

After doing it two more times, Gengar was capable of actually letting the bullet go through its body without any problem on the last one. While I wondered if every ghost could also achieve this feat, Slowking spoke

" My comrade informs me that while your energy could cause intangibility to fail, that would be either because of non-acclimatization to your energy or because of very wide and intense concentration of it "

" Every high-level opponent is capable of both but we can work around that "

' At least It's not like every summoned beast brings intangibility to the table, sure it's a selected intangibility but that's still a new one. So I win either way '

By now every pokemon present looks at me considering what I have told them. But they come forward to claim a contract with me the same and with the help of the league I can summon two dozen pokemon that I can truly count on

By the end of the proceedings, my summon list has been updated


Xerneas ( able to summon )

Chansey + ( able to summon )

Haunter + ( able to summon )

Gengar ( able to summon )

Hypno + ( able to summon )

Starmie ( able to summon )

Pidgeot + ( able to summon )

Seel + ( able to summon )

Ponyta ( able to summon )

Machoke ( able to summon )

The first thing I did was change the settings to only show dialogue if there was a pokemon that I could not summon ' Otherwise that message it's just pointless '

The plus sign indicates that there is more than one pokemon and Indeed there were some pokemon who came in groups in negotiation

There were two Chansey's, 5 Haunters, 1 Gengar, 3 Hypnos, 1 starmie, 2 Pidgeot, 2 Seels, 1 Machoke and 1 Ponyta

' They pretty much covered all non-land escape bases for me. Get to water and summon Seel, get to non-enclosed space summon Pidgeot to fly or summon Ponyta to ride out. But Machoke is the one that's going to work a lot with me '

I intend to make it my training buddy and I don't think it's going to say no to it. Besides its fighting instincts are top notch and I want to see what Gai thinks of it or if it could activate the eight gates or even the marine-style

' So many things to find out, it's going to be a busy few months '