The Understanding

" How sure are you that you will be able to get these beasts allegiance? "

" It's a fifty-fifty chance "

" Can we raise those odds? "

" I already plan on it father. But I have to earn their trust first "

" Like everyone else "

" Yep "

As our conversation ends the others pepper me with questions and after assuring them " Himari-chan have to prove herself as well, but there is a workaround that ", " Yes, they have their own medical practices and yes, that is why you were invited ", " I am alright mother, do not worry ", " I needed a smokescreen "

Though Ensui in particular did not agree with my reasonings

' But that's on him. I mean I plan on eventually foisting him over to Shikki so he can learn the medical practices of both worlds '

As if sensing that I was planning to overwork him, Ensui glares at me

" Now that I have given you guys the brief version of what happened, let me brief you on the pokemon "

" What does that mean? " Naomi-san asks me but father answers before I can

" I believe it's what the summons prefer to be called "

" Kind of. You see the other thing that you should know, is that there was a society of humans in that world. I could not save them as I wasn't there but this world was inhabited by these pokemons and humans. They had their versions of governments, regions and kingdoms. So when the humans faded, pokemon are in charge now. "

" Are there any hostile factions against us? "

" Actually most of the common pokemon would want a human presence in their world. They believe that what happened was not right "

At this Ensui speaks up

" What did happen? "

" You know the saying ' The road to hell is paved with good intentions ' "

" ...Yes "

" Now you know, granted there was some weird shit included but pretty much the saying "

Father and Shikki accept it at face value because they don't need to know any further as this was something that was hurting the summons world and thus didn't hold any value in it

But the other adults were bothered by it. Suddenly Naomi-san speaks up

" Will Himari have to become a shinobi now? "

This time I answered before Father could, mainly to make my intentions clear about this

" She can become a shinobi if she wants to be one, nothing else, nothing more "

" Are you sure? "

" I made Himari-chan sign it as both sides agreed that there should be a contingency plan should I die. Himari-chan with her age and innocence will be able to better ally with them than I could and this way I ensure her safety as well. That is why a child signed the contract instead of active shinobi "

" Shikamaru is right in this regard. Naomi I will not ask her to be one, but I will not hold her back either. That has been my attitude since I became a clan leader and I do not see why that has to change now "

Our words calm her as she bows to us, to which we immediately ask her to just sit normally

After doing that I speak again

" Now I will grab some introductory packets when I go there again which will help you in understanding them much more than I could help you. But the main thing is that they have access to a different energy than ours and access to more elements than us. With a pretty much diverse kind of animals within every element. "

" I don't get it "

" Give us an example "

" Imagine if there were clans specifically for all elements, like the Uchiha and Sarutobi representing fire. They have a lot of clans for each element, and each clan themselves boasts an average of 100 something in numbers. "

" So a lot of numbers? "

" They primarily inhabit the world, instead of being confined to just one location, it is expected that they are going to be in large numbers "

"...That does make sense "

' Of course it does, most pokemon for all the jungle law and hunting actually thrive in that world, it's just a few of them that can't actually crack it '

But that doesn't matter here

" Now I'll tell you the elements "

" Standard elements right? "

" Standard elements plus Psychic, Dark, Ice, Bug, Grass, Ghost, Fairy, Steel, Poison, Dragon and Fighting "

With each one I added Shikki's eyes bug out even more and the rest of them weren't any far behind. Father in particular looked like he had struck gold

" And all you have to do is prove yourself to them? "

" Yep "

" You have my permission to pull out all the stops as long as it doesn't negatively impact you or the clan "

" Shikamaru when you said Grass, are you actually saying- "

" Yes, they can use techniques like mokuton "

After I answer my mother's question, each and every adult in the room looked at me in a way that I'll admit made me a little nervous. But I square my chin and meet their gazes head-on

' I met with omnipresent beings, I shouldn't be intimidated by this '

But alas what the mind knows the body doesn't

I speak to get out of this situation

" So should I summon one of them now? "

" Which element are you summoning? "

" Psychic so that you'll be able to understand him clearly. Oh yeah, most of them can't speak our language "

" But they will be able to understand us? "

" Yes "

" That's a little strange "

" Yes, yes it is "

After that, I informed them that the one I'm summoning was the equivalent of the government version of special jonin. After mother brought out a few more dishes and especially fruits after my suggestion.

" So that will be all? "

" By the way, when I meant psychic I meant Psychic "

"... Yeah we got that "

" As in telekinetic, telepath and mindreading psychic "

" We work with Yamanakas, that's not something that we aren't used to "

With their confirmation, I summoned the least powerful of the Hypnos. I did it the usual way, though I can select one from the window and summon them, but I think I should keep it a secret for now. The difference that everyone notices is that smoke isn't the way they appear. The Hypno appears as if fading in, which is another great thing as this way more stealthy than the usual approach is

Immediately most of them are struck by how different Hypno is compared to the usual familiar-looking summons, but to their credit, they immediately settle themselves.

While another pokemon might have noticed their faltering, Hypno did and thus simply gazed at them after a " Greetings summoner and kin "

The stare-off between the adults and Hypno would have continued a lot longer if Himari-chan hadn't babbled at Hypno. Though credit to that Hypno he didn't turn back to spare a look at her, just slightly floated her out of my arms into the area near the adult's head so he could look at her

' Wow, that's just... Wow '

That was cool, though even with the warning I gave them and the assurances they gave me, some of them could not control their reactions after the telekineses but Hypno did put Himari-chan into Naomi-san's stretched arm, so I guess that's okay

" I assure you the feelings you have Ensui... is mutual "

' There it is, there's the moment that I could see the panic on Ensui's face. What the hell were they expecting? Some hand signs or shouted words? You know what? That actually sounds like something that I should have specified '

But I just shrug the moment they look at me

" In my defence, I told you! "

Here Hypno adds its own two cents

" I thought they would be as unapproachable as your mind is, I am somewhat relieved to see that while they have some mental defences, it is not unassailable "

" I'm sorry, Shikamaru has an unbreakable mind barrier? "

" Yes "

" Explain Shikamaru "

" I am focusing on a lot of things, I don't have time to be caught within illusions or mind techniques, so I took care of it "

" You... took care of it? "

" Of course he did, why do you expect anything else from your beloved hellspawn Shikaku "

" That hurts Ensui "

" Get over it and once you do that, leave me out of your plays "

" I'll have to think about it "

" Why you- "

" That's enough "

" Is it always like this here? "

" Believe me the rest of the children are normal, Shikamaru is just... special " While I winded Ensui up again, Hypno conversed with the other adults in the room

It wasn't a particularly flowing conversation, but they got acquainted the same. Even tasted some of the fruits, liked watermelon but didn't find oranges that pleasant.

We also learned that Hypno was named Jake by his trainer, I offered him my condolences after which my parents followed my examples but the conversation was a little stifled by that

Finally he kind of approved of Himari-chan, actually he said " Could be worse " but we kind of get the feeling that he was a pessimistic dude so that didn't offend anybody

After that, he wished to go back and as we didn't have anything else planned, I obliged him. Though he could go back without my permission and he knew it as well, the fact he informed me was nice of him

After dismissing there were a few moments of silence which Father broke

" So that was informative "

" Indeed "

Then Father looked at me and asked a question

" How many can you summon now? "

" One legendary under very emergency situations and 12 elites "

I heard Ensui mutter " That was fast " but could not respond to it as Father resumed talking

" I presume that you will now go their world to train as well "

" Every environment and some instructors and a chance to raise the numbers. In other words, yes "

" You know my condition "

" I actually don't want to die, you do know that right? "

At my question, some of them chuckle

" Sometimes son, it's quite hard to see "

" Well, now you know. So I need some info books to give them and most importantly food, one of them is especially interested in the fish dishes we have. So I am counting on you Mother"

At this Mother replies with

" Of course you do! How big of an appetite are we talking? "

" Similar to the akimichi clan, I'm not sure but as there is a team of dragons- "

" And I'm supposed to whip them up within noon? "

" I would not give such a short window "

" Good cause- "

" Before night "

At my words, Mom twitches but as Dad is holding her shoulder and Naomi-san offers to help her, she calms down

I don't know if that is going to change so I make to get out but before I could Ensui interrupts me

" I still don't understand why I'm here. I mean Shikki because of medic things and Naomi-san because of Himari-chan, but why did you call me? "

I stand outside the door when I answer him

" Did you know that one can become a moderately good medic within two years? if you work hard at it and are smart and have even meager talent you can actually do that. But Shikki is the clan medic, he can't always have free time to study the new materials but then I thought, if only there was a person who had good control over their chakra and was smart enough "

By this point everyone knows what I'm aiming toward, Ensui gets it too and he does not look happy about it

" You want me to-"

I cut him off before he begins his rant

" I want you to work with the best of both worlds and learn from them, you are going to learn something new Ensui and I want you to do this because I trust you. None of us has time to be at peace anymore, not when the shinigami equivalent see a lot of death in my line, within a decade "

My words snapped them out of the normality we were in. Most of them look serious and even a little resigned now ' I wanted to warn them and Girantina is a convenient excuse '

" Are you sure about it? "

" I told you that my generation would be tested. Apparently they won't allow us to grow up. "

Ensui cuts in now

" Am I the only option then? If war is imminent then should not everyone capable learn it with me "

" That's why you are learning Ensui. I don't know all of them, but you guys do. Prepare a list and get ready "

Shikki looks at my father and remarks "War again? " to which Dad mutters " damned world "