Time Honoured Tradition With Personal Troubles

After a few minutes of silence, all of them pulled themselves together, each through their own way but they began to have a certain decisiveness to their actions afterwards

Mother and Naomi-san began to prepare the feast I had promised to my summons while the Ensui started to air his questions to Shikki, father stepped out after informing us that he was going to announce my summoning contract to the elders

Before he stepped out however he asked me what I was planning on doing today at which I couldn't help but dryly explain

" I summoned the equivalent of a chunin from another world, I am exhausted even though I do not look like it." And it was true, after the adrenaline from the meeting was done the exhaustion hit me like a truck

At my tone, Shikki suddenly asks concerned

" Do you think you have chakra exhaustion? "

" No. It's not that far yet, my chakra pool is exhausted but it's recovering. I think I will be back to normal by night "

" Are you sure? "

" Yes "

' I'm sure that chakra exhaustion is much more intense than what I'm feeling now '

After assuring them I turn back to Father to see his concerned face

' I guess I could take it easy for a few hours ' So I grumble and huff but I announce that I'm taking part in the tradition of cloud watching for a few hours

It put a smile on their faces so I guess that's a win in the end. Only for a few hours though because I do have a deadline to keep to in terms of training

' I'm sure that I'm not the only kid that thinks like this. Hell I'm pretty sure that Itachi is on the list at least '

And on the thought of Itachi comes the thought of the Uchiha massacre which I'm pretty sure happened when Sasuke was 7 and considering most of the rookies were considered the same age that means less time than I would like to do something

' The question is what to do? I mean the massacre didn't exactly meet my criteria of intelligent actions when I treated it like a story. Now that I live in the story -for the plot- is not going to cut it '

It appears that cloud-watching will have to wait. I walk to my usual haunt and immediately lay down and close my eyes to ponder this issue

If I did allow the massacre to happen then I would be

Killing off children for the results of their elder's actions ' Sasuke wasn't the only kid in the Uchiha clan and I'm not picking favorites as Itachi did. '

With the village weakened as it is, can we really afford to lose a combat-oriented clan? ' It may have worked in the story but here it will take some miracle to stop the villages from attacking at this weakness. And that is what the rest of the world will see this as, weakness. On both political and military fields '

But if I stop or otherwise interfere in this event

Not only do I alter the story quite a bit ' It might make the entire knowledge in my head useless '

How would I even begin to stop this? I read fics where the MC can fight Itachi and Tobi long enough for reinforcements or reveal the truth and save the clan but can I pull it off? ' There was a fic I read where the Shikamaru SI, like me, managed to meet Itachi, beat Itachi and in the process of humbling them, drag out the truth behind Tobi '

I feel my lips twitch in annoyance as I ponder this bad situation that I've gotten myself into, I even have to curse a few times to make the irritation fade

But that doesn't fix the issue. How do I proceed? What the hell should I do?

I take a deep breath and see where my limit is in this event

' I am not standing by while kids die, you can kill the ones that want to rebel but leave the others alone '

And that is acceptable as both the Uchiha clan and the hokage side felt pressure thanks to Obito playing with the barrier and inducing suspicion on both sides.

So I guess I'm saving the kids. Now I just need to figure out, how the hell I should accomplish that

' This wouldn't have been my problem If I was an asshole or selfish enough to ignore it. Why? Why the hell do I have to shoulder this when there are adults around me? '

I'll tell you why, because they are a part of the problem. This wouldn't have gotten to this point if the idiots had honestly chatted about it over a cup of tea without any discrimination, but no... that would be too hard for these dumbasses

' I know I can't hold off Itachi and Obito. But can I hold off at least one of them? No! '

At this period Obito is already strong enough to go head-on with the fourth hokage, in other words, I have as much chance as a snowball in hell

But Itachi on the other hand might be possible, holding off I mean. I sure as hell will not be good enough to beat him. However, at that thought, another point inserts itself, a point good enough that I immediately sit up

' I don't have to fight him at all! If the summons can't do it then ensure that someone strong enough is accompanying me on that day, true the location and time thing will be hard to explain but it's still lots better than doing it myself '

If I summon something big enough then that should get the attention I need ' But a summon of that size will need a greater chakra output than I currently have. Maybe I can try something out with the chakra pills... let's carry them around just to avoid suspicion at that time, besides it's a good precaution '

If I can't summon a big one then summon a flashy one or a psychic to get the point across.

' Can I give the information and act as if it was a favour from Giratina? I mean I have hyped him quite a bit. I can even try and sell it off as a one-time thing '

That's actually not that much of a bad plan. I mean sure some can and will question it but I can try and make something up with pantheons and dimensions to let the clan to accept it

' I mean that's a way to get the information. If Jiraiya can do it with toads and brothels then I can make the favoured thing! '

I would have tried the spying thing but that's going to make many people uncomfortable, though I still plan on doing some things

' Get a piece of that meteor with chakra, get a feel of that dragon chakra, get me some raw materials location like the chakra metal '

Though I have to see if ghost types can go intangible through sealed buildings, I greatly believe they should but even if they can't, some things will be accomplished much easier thanks to their invisibility

For the next three hours that would be my productivity, trying to come up with ways in which I could prevent a genocide while keeping myself safe and keeping my secret at the same time

By the end of three hours I hadn't accomplished much, but I was now completely sure that I had to get gai in the clique as fast as possible, I would try and drag Kakashi as well

' But Kakashi is somewhat... cracked during this time period. He needs to heal and I'm not sure if the environment will hinder him or help him in this regard '

I guess I have a passable plan.

Still, this would have been a lot easier if I was strong enough to take on one of them, but then a thought enters that makes me even more troubled and I can feel a cold shiver down my spine

' Itachi and Obito wasn't the only player there, I'm pretty sure that Root was there as well, which means Danzo. '

If I summon and save the clan then there is a chance that Obito and Danzo would work against me and this is after surviving a fight against Obito and Itachi

If I am accompanied by someone then there is a chance that I would have to still engage one of them till reinforcements arrive, whether that be the Uchiha clansmen or the Anbu

' So either way I'm going to fight and there is no way out of that. So I fight and get future enemies? That's a shit deal! Sure the Uchiha lives on, but this isn't my mess!! Why the hell do I have to deal with this shit? '

As the reason reinforces itself in my head I can't help but bash my head into the tree a few times

' Knowledge of the future... which will likely change after doing this. That's the reason... Damn it. '

' No. What if we revealed the truth? I mean both Itachi and Danzo should then be pissed at Obito, along with the whole of Konoha and in that scenario the only people that are pissed at me would be Obito '

But wait... Do I reveal the masked man as Tobi or Obito? I mean if I oust him as Obito then he will do everything in his power, helped by Zetsu, to make my life hell

But people believe that Tobi is mardara, namely Nagato and Kisame. The truth is going to piss them off and then it's going to go off like fireworks

' What to do, what to do? Do I reveal the truth behind the Kyuubi's attack and the Uchiha clan's suspicion or the truth behind Obito himself? '

Either way I look at it, I see benefits and drawbacks. I guess I plan for both scenarios and do the better-planned one when the opportunity comes

' Maybe I can base Tobi off on Kakashi. But I have to meet that wreck first personally to even attempt making a connection claim in front of others '

Hell, I have to deal with the fact that 'Kyuubi control' stuff and 'Mangekyo' Sharingan stuff before I even deal with the troubling bits. But I can sell that, I mean it's not exactly a secret... I mean it was a secret but the villagers pointing fingers at the Uchiha clan was because of this history, so I can deal with that

I nod my head

' Yes, let's try to trip Tobi and leave out a connection to Obito and while we are at it, let's trip that Zetsu too. Starting wars between people aren't you? Guess what mamma's boy... karma is coming for you and it's not going to be a beneficial visit '

I nod once again at that because I didn't like Zetsu. Come to think of it Zetsu is one of the characters that I hated the most in Naruto.

' People were surprised when they learned that. Sure he's doing everything to get his mom free again and he's certainly weaker than Madara and Obito, weaker than most people. And that's what made me hate him the most '

Because Zetsu was realistic, even more than Gai and Lee.

' Intelligent, backstabbing, cunning and average physique. That's the formula for most scammers out there '

Yes once I realised that, I couldn't help but hate Zetsu the most, even though his goal is more family oriented

But enough about that shit, enough lazing around. I don't have two years before I have to fight against an Anbu captain-level ninja or a Kage-level ninja. And I won't even be 8 years old

' On the bright side if I survive all of the obstacles, then my rep sheet is going to be legit!! And I want a platinum card. If Orochimaru gets one, I get one '

That thought brings a smile to my face as I begin my regime

_____________________________ Night time ____________________________________

It's currently 8.00 pm and I am currently wearing one of my better outfits thanks to my mother's insistence

' The fact that I met them in my normal clothes apparently isn't good enough reason for my lack of manners '

At least father agreed with my thoughts, even though he clearly didn't oppose mother.

I send an annoyed look at him while mother fusses over me like I was a child. It's not effective as the crowd just returns me amused looks

That's the other thing, Uncle chouza and Uncle Iniochi are here along with Ensui

' I mean Ensui should be slacking off whenever he can. What happened? '

But he's still sitting down while holding a dozed-off Himari-chan

" Shikamaru "

I look at my Father as he beckons me over with a smile on his face and after I reach where he's standing he lays his hand on my head and speaks

" Now you cannot actually bring this much food as it is right now over to that world. For instances like this, we use storage seals. "

Here Uncle Chouza takes over " While we can store food in storage seals, it cannot be left for more than half-hour "

' Wait, what? ' " What? "

Uncle chouza chuckles while speaking " Yes, it doesn't make sense. But the art of sealing is a confusing art for those who do not delve into it "

and Uncle Iniochi chimes in with " True "

' I mean, 30 minutes? Why only 30? You know what, let's be positive. We got half an hour '

" Why though? "

I mean I gotta ask

Dad steps in this time " From what was explained to me, there is some issue with the degradation and contamination of biological matters. "

Here Ensui also enters the chat " Yeah, it bugs me out too. I mean we came up with prisoner seals and we still haven't fixed this. Seems ridiculous "

' That is ridiculous. Prisoner seal, is that alive prisoners or dead people? '

I asked and apparently, prisoner scrolls have a summoning thing going on.

" Now how this works is that we'll seal the food and to unseal it you'll have to supply your chakra to the seal once you are over there "

I even get to try it out with a dummy scroll holding a spoon but...

' You know what I was planning on keeping it a secret but since I can trust these guys I guess I can pull out the inventory. Can my inventory store food better than these scrolls in the first place? '

But that needs an act which needs a suitable intro, so...

" How does it work? "

" We told you we seal it then- " Father repeats it to me

" Not that. Sealing, how does this work? "

Here dad smiles again " I know you like to learn things son and you can try and learn it again but that is after your rendevous with your summons "

I return his smile " Humor me. "

" Just tell him. " Ensui of all people supports me, which, wow.

After an explanation that's pretty much 'conversion' 'stasis' 'space' which I really didn't understand

' To be fair, it was a textbook explanation. They know that's how it is done but they still don't know how the hell they do it '

But I just pretend to think for a few moments before asking Uncle Chouza to hand me one of the dumplings, after uncle Chouza did that I engulf my hand using the shadows and before the disbelieving eyes of the crowd, store the food inside the inventory

And before they break out of their silence I bring it out. And I repeat the experiments a few more times to see if the heat changes but nope, I'm good

All the while Uncle chouza and Iniochi had their jaws dropped while poking at my father. Ensui had this certain tick on his face and my mother alongside Naomi-san was blank-faced.

To move on with this I spoke in a satisfied tone " That works " which finally snapped them out of their funk and after the usual procedure I left for the pokemon world after father gave me another scroll with the basic info on this world

' Wonder if it's censored '

And after a few minutes as I step into the room where the pokemon I can summon alongside the elite four pokemon are present

I meet their gazes and speak " Feast is on me. "