The Team

But as I was preparing to go home after my morning spar with my partners I was stopped when Jake the Hypno entered the chamber with the news that the remaining eggs were hatching.

Immediately we left towards the chamber where there were still 2 eggs we were waiting to hatch, the other 3 hatched 3 months back. If it wasn't for the fact that every medic alongside Celebi and Mew promised me that the eggs were fine then we would have been quite worried but as we had their expertise we were only slightly worried.

Though none can say our worries weren't without due reasons

' With the presence of the Jewel of life every hatching was safe, it both accelerated the majority of the eggs hatching and prolonged the hatching of the eggs with the voices '

3 eggs hatched a few months ago. While the newborn Gastlys proved to have prodigious aptitude as well as a leaning towards Haki, aside from one of them, the other two did not show any signs of actively generating Haki.

They were however born with perfect IVs and that alone ensured that they would be mentored by the elite because now it was becoming clear to us that there was a chance that this was already as perfect as we could get within this period.

' I'm actually okay with that, I'm certain that I can grow and allow my familiar to grow with me regardless of whatever less-than-ideal conditions we have and let's not forget that our less-than-ideal condition is a Pokemon who has perfect IVs and can withstand Haki ' 

Perhaps we expect too much from them, perhaps our belief that the presence of haki alongside the Jewel of life would allow them to welcome another energy for the Gastly to manipulate was too ambitious.

With that understanding in place, we had already started to bring other eggs into the room. Some were actually placed here by the league pokemon to ensure their survival, some parents were even happy enough to inform me that they expected me to be their trainer.

' A duty that I was all too happy to accept and intend to do as honorably as I can '

However some pokemon were also present in the chamber, these pokemon were my team. Of the ones I scouted most of them agreed to my proposal, with only a select few refusing.

As a person with knowledge of the pokemon world, I naturally knew some pokemon had higher combat potential than most. While I knew that aside from a very few pokemon, there was nothing that guaranteed a pokemon could not reach the height others could, combat potential or not. 

' This was the real world, talent alone wouldn't cut it. Whether they be geniuses or prodigies, their rise depended on their hard work and commitment. '

Though most of the pokemon knew that inherently and if they didn't, nature would teach them. That was how I met my first team member.

I was shadowing Machamp who was searching for a particular miscreant Fearow and flock in the area when we stumbled on a particularly arrogant Tauros. 

The calf was young but it was prideful enough for the entire herd, despite its young age it was still old enough to remember the humans before me.

While the fact that there was still a trainer and would be several in the future had spread, the young Tauros did not care for the future ones.

Raised by the stories of those of the herd who fought and grew strong among the trainers, their adventures and tales had been embedded deep into his heart. 

It was so deep that his first thought upon seeing me was to challenge me to fight for the right to be its trainer. While I was amused by the reverse parody of a trainer equivalent of a pokemon, the calf had already taken my smile as an acceptance of his challenge.

For his age he was strong but I remained stronger, had it been just that I wouldn't have wanted him to reside in the chamber. No, what impressed me was the fact that despite being forced to the ground by me, despite being bruised and utterly pressed into the ground by my conquerors, he tried to stand up.

He did not succeed, but the spirit he showed me was enough to sway me.

' On a logical side, there may not be any advantage in standing again and again to fight an unwinnable battle, perhaps it may be downright foolish of one to do so. However such foolish behavior belongs to those with enough arrogance and pride to think of themselves as unique. Maybe it would lead them to death, but those without the will to pick themselves up repeatedly may find their rise to the top more difficult than they would assume '


He did not do anything less than what I would do, he saw a challenge and fought and even when he lost, he showed enough determination to challenge them again. Compared to me who is set to face things far scarier than me, who is the bigger fool?

And if he doesn't have the probability of success, then do I even have a chance?

So I gathered a team of similar fools like myself, egoists, prideful and arrogant enough to challenge themselves and the norm. I have only become more content with them and they have never shown the inclination to let me down.

As I walk into the chamber I can see them waiting for me alongside the Elite pokemon who monitor the chamber and Elite four pokemon who are currently in the building.

I nod towards Gengar and Jynx while striding towards the eggs while my team spread around me. My first partner, the prideful Tauros whom I christened with the name of Atriedes met me with a light bump to the midriff, he was already as tall as I was and was bound to grow even larger thanks to the jewel.

With him came Kovu the Liteo who despite his name wasn't as obedient as the one before him, but was still loyal enough to completely devote himself to me after I told him of my goals after I met in Kalos. 

 Mob the Psyduck who was so confused that my conquerors were an unknown effect to him, despite the repeated bursts I showered him with when I saw his group in Cerulean.

Laboon the Walimer who was jolly enough to easily forgive my intrusion into his pod and seemed enamored by my strength and brave enough to venture into the unknown with the simple belief of growing strong enough to solve every challenge.

Sandor the Taillow who was more interested in challenging rock and electric types than those whom he had an advantage over, by his own words the 'future overlord of the Hoenn skies'.

Zuko the Charmander for whom I paid a visit to Charizard Valley, a brave little lizard who was there alongside the adult Charizards by challenging me to a fight after I used my conqueror haki.

Gaea the Onix who was fond of fighting but came with an even keener mind in everything but self-preservation, who was already planning her rise when I found her in Mt. Moon.

Mavis the Happiny who was an absolute menace of a fairy that her elder was so happy to hoist on me, who had the gall to try and make me kneel by using Gravity when she realized that she could not get up.

Manny the Swinub who was big of heart and dumb of mind, brave Manny who did not hesitate to put himself into my way in the belief that I was an intruder, who proudly claimed that I could have half of his food if I wanted after beating him.

Tide the Magikarp whom we never forgot when they introduced him in Sevvi Island, who evolved months after absorbing enough energy, he who currently holds the title of the largest Gyarados in the league, receiving personal teaching from Lance's own Gyarados

Artoria the Elegyem who seemed to hover over Mob more than others, who took her name after understanding the weight of that name, ruled by logic yet prideful enough to claim that to not have her in my team would be nothing but utter foolishness on my side. 

Gojira the Croconaw who was feisty enough that she was recommended to me by Wallace's Milotic, prideful enough to only listen to the name Gojira after hearing its legend despite my repeated claim that Gojira was a male.

Zoro the Grovyle who traveled from his grove to the Hoenn league to verify and then demanded me to teach him the ways of the shadow.

Whose tale inspired Nagi the Mudkip to do the same, the little princess who did not balk at any hard work, who seemed to admire Kyogre to the point where even I knew that she would have been perfect for Archie.

Jarvis the Porygon, my digital companion who was named for his behavior and was an utter delight to be around

My latest addition Zeref the Deino, malevolent and ruthless yet still having a strict code of honor that an elder Trevenant taught her. Who was a fierce protector yet an aspiring conqueror

And as I watch the eggs hatch, feel their presence coming into being, surprised when I see a Shiny Gastly and feeling nothing but calm when I stare at the one who still suppressed its shiny brethren, whose response to my conquerors was a pointed deterrence using its own. Who did not separate his eyes from me till he fell unconscious in exhaustion?

Without my own knowledge, a smile had etched itself to my face and when I knew it, I saw no reason to reject it. Filled with joy I looked toward Gengar and Jynx who were excited just as I was.

Gengar immediately introduced itself to the young ghosts and began to nurture them on the basics of being a ghost.

" It appears we have your familiar, Shikamaru " The calm voice of Jynx informed me of her opinion and I met her acknowledgment with a contemplative expression

"We don't know if the young one will accept yet, and you know how I feel about it," I expressed, my words carrying a mix of reservation and respect for the unknown partner that awaited me.

Jynx turned fully towards me, her gaze a piercing yet gentle inquiry into my thoughts. In response, I mirrored her action, turning to face her directly

" You are pessimistic about the silliest things child " Jynx spoke, her voice a smooth resonance that filled my mind " Pokemon, especially talented Pokemon, want to grow stronger. You, who are the only one who can use the same energy as them, you who will certainly grow strong, who can offer adventure and opportunities—what child will say no? "

My brow furrowed in thought, absorbing the weight of the elder's words. My mind, ever analytical, was processing the layers of meaning within her counsel. " You make it sound like they are not going to be pressured into joining me " My response had a touch of skepticism in my tone.

Jynx chuckled, a sound that seemed to echo. " Yet none deny it. Sometimes, for some people, pressure is needed. That young team you are gathering is also within these beliefs, is it not? This drive to grow stronger that you possess, that too is a factor of pressure, is it not? "

When my gaze met hers, a silent acknowledgment passed between us. The weight of responsibility and the expectations placed upon my shoulders only emboldened me. 

" The child has the drive, train him to be the best of your abilities, for I assure you, none of us will accept anything other than the best " Her declaration, for it could not be anything else was enclosed in words carrying the weight of her expectations of me, of their belief in me.

What could I do other than live up to it?