The Plan

--- The Day After----

The arena buzzed with anticipation as Shikamaru faced off against the formidable Lucario. The air crackled with an energy that spoke of an impending clash between two powerful beings. The referee raised the flag, signaling the beginning of the battle.

Lucario, a growing warrior who was earning quite the notoriety in the league, wasted no time. With a burst of speed, it lunged forward, its aura flaring. Shikamaru, ever the strategist, braced himself. Lucario's first move was a swift barrage of punches, each strike leaving a trail of shimmering energy.

Shikamaru, with agility honed through relentless training, dodged and weaved. Lucario's physical prowess was formidable, but Shikamaru's movements were a dance of evasion. The crowd watched as Shikamaru's nimble footwork allowed him to sidestep the onslaught.

As Lucario closed in, Shikamaru responded. Directly raising his chakrams from their latches and infused with Armament Haki he signaled the Lucario to come forth, a call that was gladly answered. The chakrams whirled through the air in a bid to stop the opponent but Lucario dodged it in a deadly dance of precision and closed in on Shikamaru. Soon after the clash of steel and energy resonated through the arena.

Lucario, undeterred, unleashed an Aura Sphere, a concentrated ball of energy hurtling towards Shikamaru. In response, Shikamaru activated his own Haki-infused defense. His arms, encased in Armament Haki, intercepted the Aura Sphere with a resounding clash. The collision created shockwaves that rippled through the arena.

Despite his small stature and age Shikamaru's body could not be underestimated, to do so would be nothing more than a mistake.

The battle intensified. Lucario, tapping into its own Aura, unleashed a series of bone-crushing strikes. Shikamaru, relying on his physical strength and Haki, met each blow head-on as best as he could, outright matching some and deflecting some. The crowd could feel the impact of the punches as the two warriors engaged in a close-quarters duel.

Shikamaru, displaying mastery over both Chakra and Haki, infused his punches with Haki-enhanced strength. The echoes of his blows reverberated through the arena, a testament to the raw power he commanded. Lucario, a skilled martial artist, countered with a flurry of Aura-empowered kicks.

The clash reached its zenith when Lucario, gathering its Aura, attempted an Extreme Speed. Shikamaru, attuned to the ebb and flow of the battle, anticipated the move. With a precise application of Observation Haki and Armament Haki, he intercepted Lucario mid-charge, bringing the Aura-infused assault to a sudden halt.

In a final display of strength, Shikamaru unleashed a devastating Haki-enhanced punch. The impact sent Lucario skidding across the arena, a trail of dust marking its abrupt stop. His team erupted into cheers, witnessing their trainer achieve victory with strategy, Haki, and raw physical prowess.

As Shikamaru stood victorious, the echoes of the battle lingered in the air. Those who taught him were glad of his power and those who knew of him found themselves respecting the child even more. The clash of Chakra, Aura, and Haki had created a symphony of power that resonated with every spectator. The battle not only showcased Shikamaru's combat prowess but also highlighted the seamless fusion of his unique abilities.

After the intense battle, Shikamaru surveyed the arena, the remnants of the clash still lingering in the air. Lucario, though defeated, showed a commendable resilience as it rose to its feet, a testament to the warrior spirit that defined it. As Shikamaru approached, a moment of understanding passed between them—a silent acknowledgment of the strength each possessed.

Shikamaru extended a hand, a gesture of respect. Lucario, its aura pulsating with a mix of exhaustion and determination, placed a paw on Shikamaru's hand. It was a symbolic gesture to show each other that there were no hard feelings.

With the battle concluded, Shikamaru turned his attention to the young Gastly, his potential new familiar. The Gastly hovered nearby, its ethereal form radiating a soft glow. Shikamaru sensed the familiar unique energy emanating from the ghostly Pokémon, a resonance that hinted at untapped potential that was no lesser than his.

Approaching the Gastly, Shikamaru extended a hand, offering a smile. The Gastly, intrigued by the gesture, floated closer. Shikamaru, with a gentle touch, felt the cool, otherworldly texture of the Gastly's form. 

Shikamaru asked the young one if they would like to know him, with the positive answer he received Shikamaru began to travel to his room within the league with his team in tow after saying his goodbyes to those in the room.

In the silence of his room, Shikamaru communicated with the Gastly on a level beyond recommended, he did not hold anything back. His goals and dreams flowed between them, a silent conversation that hinted at a shared purpose and understanding. The Gastly, though young was smart, it asked for time to truly understand this path.

Shikamaru gazed steadily at the Gastly, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that transcended the room. The ethereal glow of Gastly's form seemed to flicker in response to the gravity of the decision laid before him.

" This is and will always be your choice Gastly " Shikamaru spoke with a calm yet resolute demeanor. His eyes held a sincerity that invited trust. 

" None will pressure you into this. I have no need for a forced companion. I will have friends, partners, family. If you wish to join me, then I will welcome you. If not? Then you and I part that part of our lives. You become the young Gastly with potential. We might become friends or stay strangers. Once again, it's your choice. "

The Gastly bobbed up and down, a gesture that seemed contemplative. The translucent orbs that were its eyes fixated on Shikamaru, conveying a mixture of curiosity and perhaps a hint of uncertainty. Gastly, after a moment that felt like an eternity, politely distanced itself from Shikamaru's room and informed him that he would need more time.

The door creaked softly as it closed, leaving Shikamaru alone with his thoughts. The air held a quiet tension, a moment pregnant with possibilities. Shikamaru's expression, typically a canvas of calm, now revealed a subtle blend of hope and anticipation.

In the corridor beyond, Gastly floated, caught in the currents of its own contemplation. The dimly lit hallway seemed to amplify the weight of the decision. Gastly's form swirled, and its eyes, reflective orbs of ethereal light, flickered in the dimness.

The moments passed, a dance between silence and the soft hum of spectral energy. Gastly, in its ghostly pondering, conveyed emotions without uttering a sound. Shikamaru, waiting on the other side of the door, recognized that this would take time and thus returned home after telling his team to train hard and rest well.

The familiar aroma of his mother's cooking wafted through the air as he stepped into the room from the backyard after returning home. 

" Shikamaru, you're home " Yoshino greeted with a warm smile from the kitchen, where she was preparing something delicious.

Shikaku, reclining on his favorite chair and reading the newspaper, nodded in acknowledgment. " How was your training today? "

Shikamaru with his usual nonchalant demeanor, replied " It went fine. The team is coming along well. "

Yoshino emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on an apron. " Sit down, I'll get you something to eat. You must be hungry. "

As they gathered around the table, Shikamaru shared the day's adventures, sparing no detail about the new techniques he was developing and the progress his Pokémon team had made. Shikaku, the ever-analytical strategist, listened attentively, occasionally offering insights.

" You did the right thing, Shikamaru " Shikaku's voice held a note of paternal pride as he observed his son. The lines on his face, etched by years of leadership and responsibility, softened with a warmth that only a father could exude.

" In my heart, I know I did right, father " Shikamaru replied, his face revealing a subtle conflict. Pride in his father's approval warred with a shadow of doubt. 

' But in my mind, with the dangers so near us, was it good to leave this decision to someone else? '

Shikaku, perceptive and wise, met Shikamaru's gaze. Their eyes locked, conveying a silent understanding.

" With everything we are doing—from the weapons to the chakra ores and fuinjutsu, and least of all, your explosive growth rate " Shikaku continued, his words carrying confidence and anticipation " I already know that you will reach the same level as our Hokage. All that is left to be seen is whether you will break my timetable, though I do believe that you won't make it longer. "

A faint smirk played on Shikaku's lips, a blend of challenge and paternal pride. Shikamaru, despite the uncertainties swirling in his mind, responded with a nod.

" Of course not Father " he affirmed, determination lacing his words and continued speaking with a certain hard glint in his voice

" I'm not content on just reaching that level, I'm going to benchmark the highest point a Hokage has reached. " 

" Oh... Are you quite certain of that Shikamaru? The Shodaime was an altogether different beast, the one who was referred to as a god by everyone regardless of where they called home. Whose power constructed the very forest that surrounds our home. Do you truly think you can match such a man? "

Shikaku's gaze was complicated but conveyed his doubt in his claim. Had it been anyone else then Shikaku would have taken it as nothing more than an empty boast till they proved it, if they ever did. But with his son making this claim he did not have that luxury, his son who seemed to enjoy breaking his limits, who created and strengthened himself in ways that he could not even think about.

 He had participated in enough battles and seen the strength of Kage-level opponents, he had been the ones making plans for long enough to understand that level of strength better than most. He had also seen the devastation every kage of his village was capable of

Minato with his Hiriashin had made a tomfoolery of Iwa and Kumo, killing so many in such a short time that no one wanted to face him, well aside from the current Raikage who was ever so excitable, a dark part of his mind had even wanted the Raikage's challenge to be accepted if only to have achieved his death by Minato's hand for all the trouble that he was causing. Minato's calm demeanor along with that striking intellect were more than enough to intimidate others, even though he was a pacifist at heart. He was also one of the masters of fuinjutsu that Konoha had and no one would deny the sheer difficulty of reaching that rank.

 While he had not seen the Sandaime fight the fact remains that Sandaime was the one who inherited the Shodaime's title of the God of shinobi when even Nidaime didn't, in an age where they still remembered the strength of Shodaime. 

And even though he had never met Nidaime and Shodaime, their very strength had left visible marks upon this world that couldn't be erased.

While the Nidaime was weaker than his brother, he more than made up for it by his intelligence. He like most of the upper rank of Konoha's shinobi knew that more than a quarter of the forbidden techniques in the forbidden scroll were contributed by the Nidaime himself, add to that his phenomenal control over water and strategic insight and you would get the man who helped Konoha prosper, cement its position of the strongest of the five great village.

The Shodaime was the Shodaime and that was all that needed to be said. Every ninja, civilian, summon beast and even the tailed beasts themselves recognize his strength. And now his son is saying that he plans on surpassing him.

On one hand, Shikaku is proud of his son for his goals but on the other hand, he cannot see anyone crossing that threshold.

Shikamaru understood why his father hesitated and he did not blame him. But how would he tell his father that the strength of a kage would only buy him a decade of safety? That Shodaime level of strength would only buy three decades at most?

But he knew he had the potential to do it, all he needed was time and to survive long enough. It was a dangerous thought considering that he would have to face Tobi within 2 years at best, but he knew that if he could not even aim for the stars, he wouldn't even rise to the mountain peaks. So he spoke his mind

" Shodaime left quite the mark on the world with his strength. I'm going to bury it with my shadows " Shikamaru declared, his tone carrying a determined firmness that echoed through the air. The weight of his words, the echoes of past powerhouses, all distilled into a singular claim—a resolve to surpass, to evolve, and to cast his own shadow over the annals of history.

"I'm going to redefine this world father" Shikamaru proclaimed, his words cutting through the air with a quiet yet resolute determination. 

" I'll right the mistakes, pay back debts and secure our home. "