Chapter 2

Grayfia POV

Sirzetch is interesting to be a friend but I don't think he feels that way.His look say it all.If I said fuck me,he might just do it right here in the middle of party.Thats how high his arousal is I can feel that shit from miles away.But I am not into him for now.And I know my body the best,my succubus body can't be satisfied with others male except incubus.Succubus body can only be satisfied by female or another succubus.Thats how I made it to be.I was originally a man after all.I can't change my preference just by becoming female.No thanks.

Changing my race don't have any fanfare like sudden pain or anything.It just change .I got a tail,horn and tattoo like any other succubus.But my horn look more like albedo from Overlord.And now here it's come.Horniess of succubus assault me like a wave.I nearly goes berserk just by holding myself back.Thankfully there is a maid just right beside my room So I called her with my devil Magic telepathic phone..

'Aria are you there?huff...huff hur.ry..come to my room!!'

Aria come in to my room in hurry.She is only in her pajamas and her hair is in a mess.

"What's wrong!!?Young Miss!Ahhh..You have horns!!?Are you fine Young Mis-muah.."

She asked me in a hurry But that's not important now.I just took her in my embrace and kiss her suddenly.And her eyes goes wide by sudden kiss out of nowhere and started to lost her focus in a while.I wrestle my tongue with her for dominance and in just a minute she started convulsing uncontrollably while making inconprehensible noise.In fact she is now weakly relying her head on my shoulder while drooling and breathing heavily like a fish out of water.I give her time while savoring her delicious lust and demonic energy.Devil sure is a great representative of seven deadly sins for sure even their lust is tasty like morning dew.I lay her on the bed and strip her pajama.I strip my clothes and channel my lust to my tattoo on my crotch..then a tattoo glow and a dick come out from it..I try to control my lust output to control my dick size.7inch will do good job for a virgin maid so I just settle down for that...I put my dick near the entrance and look up for confirmation.She is looking at me bewildered and ...aroused? Oh..My succubus Queen Aura might be active and facing full blunt of nearly berserk succubus'lust aura work wonder on other creatures.She nod for green light and I just put it in...slowly ...inch by inch..and when it's in half way she convulse while drooling.Did she just cum?I licked my lips and just rammed all the way inside.She convulse harder and her expression become straight ahego out of hentai manga.10/10 I approved.I waited until she calmed down.And when Her breathing become normal,I started to move rhythmically .Then while moving I tasted her lust a bit and that's when I lost it.

30 minutes later ..

When my mind become clear,my maid is fainted right under me on the bed with silly smile.Some drool are coming out of her mouth and she have her tongue out.Oh...I just fuck a devil until she fainted huh...That's a somewhat great achievement If I do say so myself.My race doesn't count.Nope I won't let you take away my achievement.I put her in my blanket and sleep beside her while pulling her inside my embrace.I kiss her lips and whisper goodnight to her ears.I will give her reward.I have a good feeling that I know what she is gonna want from me Ufufu.

I woke up at the morning .When I look at my maid she is still sleeping.I guess last night exercise tired her too much huh..I clean myself with succubus Magic and go to kitchen to get two people worth of food for us.Of course I used illusions on myself to not let them see my succubus features.I am not strong enough yet.My strength is at most low level Satan right now so I rather avoid any shit coming my way.I go back to my room and waited until she woke up.I check my status and saw that all spell are unlocked already nice.Now I have a maid to kidnap and then I can start all my plan.I check on my maid and she only have 1/4 of her energy left in her energy core and she is a mid rank devil so..Sex with a ultimate level succubus cost that much I guess.for me it's only 15% is assimilated in my core thanks for her lust.Her lust alone basically filled 9%of my core.My bloodline have it's. disadvantage huh.Not that I am complaining about it.This speed is already faster than traditional way anyway.A succubus have to fuck after all.Thats all what succubus is.Ah...she wake up.

Yawn*..."Ah morning..Oujo sama"

She is still not sober up yet...and she look to me and say hi I just smile to wait for her reaction.Ah..She is thinking back of last night..Her face is becoming tamato very fast.She look at me and her eyes become wider like puss in boot.And then she pointed my head and shout..

"Ojou sama your horns!!..How?!!And last Night You and me here in the bed...?!!Why do you have a dick?!!What is happening?!!"

"Calm down Aria chan...My race change last night and I become a Succubus Queen.And when A succubus is awaken they goes berserk until they are satisfied.Sorry for last night" I sincerely bow to her because I really want her to become my girl.

"Ah..It's that what happened?Ah..ahhh...don't bow me ojou sama..I don't really mind about it.I got a great first experience anyways.I am just worried that Something wrong is happening to you.But Oujo sama. Isn't succubus low level demon race that is available at familiar forest?Why would you become one?"

She asked me worried and also very curious of why I become some low rank species.Thanks for your concern but..I am somehow offended..but still..this world is really messed up in species order ..Fuck.

"Succubus Queen Aria chan" I correct her first and say "And no.. succubus are not really low rank species in universal rank.Its just that rank in this world is messed up.And I am not same with these succubus in familiar forest.My race come from actual hell denizens.In fact Peak Ultimate level of my race is stronger than peak Satan level of this world So....I have a offer here for you...I am going to disappear from this world from Tomorrow until the war nearly finish and I want you to be with me.If you follow me you will stop being a devil and have to become a succubus.If you choose other choice then you can say farewell to me after this breakfast and I will go.So What's your choice?Aria chan"

She is thinking about my offer.A minute later her expression change .She looks determine now that she is finished She look at me seriously and say..