Chapter 3

Aria POV

"I will follow you My Lady..I will follow you until I die"

I said with conviction.I will do so even if I have to die..I love her with all my heart after all.When I first arrived to this Grayfia house,I saw her and choose to train harder because of that...She is a natural born seductress..that much I can tell from her bearing and aura.And I fell for her because of that mystery.I love mystery and thrill.I want to explore unknown territories and discover what lies beyond that.Excitements in the process,thrill that come with danger all that is my cup of tea.She is fully encased with that aura.From the first day I saw her,I get the feeling that all my buried dream will come true if I stay beside her.My instinct didn't lie.I fall for her in the process of research of course..But that's out of the point... Being devil or succubus don't bother me..I don't even worship Satans.Nah...Praying to someone is taboo for thrill seekers.Where is the fun in that?And there is a word she said'Leaving this world' that fully convince me.Unknown world? New dimensions? Sign me up....

Grayfia POV

Giggle**I love watching her reactions...She really is a gold mine I thought she was.She proved me that my skills in reading someone are not that low.Umu...I said to her

"Don't worry dear..I won't let you die.Even if your soul is dragged into the hell I will come to take you back..You are stuck with me for eternity.I promise as Your Queen"

"Yes You Majesty" She said with a bow...Can't hide her satisfied smile from me tho..How cute..But I mean it.. literally I mean like there is no hell that can stop me from taking what I want..I made it so that It stay that way..but she don't need to know it..right?

"Come here ...I will clean you up with my succubus Magic...You have to learn it after your awakening.And let's eat..After we ate You go back to your room and pack everything you might need.Come back to my room after taking all you need Okay?"

"Hai Grayfia sama"...We ate breakfast and she goes back to her room.I also have to prepare but..not much is needed I changed my clothes with my magic( Cover photo with a medieval style black color cloak) and I am done..Aria really takes her time tho...3 hours to prepare?The hell? When she comes back to my room.She look disheveled and her clothes and hair is in a mess.And her baggage is nearly the high of her neck... Seriously?

"What take so much time?Aria chan...How come?"....My eyebrows twitch uncontrollably.

"Ahh...I am afraid all my beloved books are going to left behind so...I was making sure to not let that kind of tragedy happened My Queen"She answered in her self righteous tone....Hahhh...whatever ...I just teleport all her belongings to her room in the castle inside my demon world...And I summon portal to my demon world and let her see the glorious view of My empty city...Stormwind..(A/N ::Yes that SW of Azeroth" Type Stormwind in Google if you don't know)...Not just Stormwind of course the whole map of world of warcraft from wrath of the lich king version is my demon world but .. except animals..there is nothing in my world...But I am not very worry.I have some plans to populate mine..Ufufu

....As for Aria ,She is wonderfully slackjaw-ing beside me.Thankfully her devil aura scare away the mosquitoes.Umu...I enjoyed taking my time explained how my world work to her and She become Jibril ver 2.0 after that..Hehh.. County bumpkins..(insert smug face)

Time to work for my project .. porpulate my city 1.0..I said in my mind 'reality jump'

Kelidoscope colored portal come out in front of us and I dragged Aria with me into it.

We arrived at Naberious Clan's Territory.After asking 'Nicely' to some very kind passerby and very corporative Guards Later,We arrived at the experimental site of nekoshous cat in this territory.I cast presence concealment to both of us and enter directly form front door like normal persons.And here we are ...In front of a near death Nekoshous child in her last breath.I cast memories extraction and took all her memories of suffering from all these experiment and Left her with happy memories of her childhood.We watched until her life fade from her eyes.At least at the last moment of her life,she was happy.We come out from experiment site after that..And goes back to demon world..In our way back,My Aria is not smiling.She is clenching her hand very hard and her face is the very definition of emotionless.We just sit at the wall of Stormwind for Long time.I was waiting for her to calm down.Then I started explaining what happened with nekoshous and how they will goes extinct in future and why.She asked me with a smile..

"You will slaughter Naberious Clan of our world Right? Grayfia sama"

I didn't answer her.I give her my warmest motherly smile and her expression become relax.My Aria chan is maturing surprisingly well.She has to mature if she want to follow me.I need her to grow up.I have too much plans for her.Ufufu

My work is not done yet..It's just started..

Before reality is the canon one.In that world Succubus Queen Grayfia doesn't exist.The sexy maid exist in that tho.

Now is to other alternative reality I jump one more time with Aria and here we are...In front of nekoshous village..I estimated all people inside with my sense.And I found out that there is only one ultimate level nekoshou.Low level over 200 mid 100 and ultimate 1.Not a bad hervest for today I guess..

Time to collect my Pokemons..cough*.. subordinates..