Chapter 31

Paperworks are the most greatest torture invented by universe.Grayfia as a ruler of demon have to conquer the paperwork in demon way or it will ruin all her rewarding time with DxD girls she planned to sleep with.

Brainwashing whole devils race is surprisingly easy after making Satans as saints.All of Grayfia loyalists Zekram,Lord phenex,Runeas Gremory The Head of House Gremory and Lord Sitri etc..also help in spreading the new of Satans sacrifices and demise of Satans household make them started to hate the other pantheons but a little bit of Grayfia's brainwashing technique nip the bud from the root of sprouting hatred.After that Grayfia started to change all Clan head under her to Demon Head of 72 pillars.She accidentally let them know their life and death are now in her hand to make them obdient.

After that she let them change their family only to their respective pillars.Except them individuals are still demons yet.So Grayfia started making rituals circle in the Lucifaad Capital city to let them change in to their prefer demon form to make sure all of citizens life and death are in her own hand.There is not just Succubus and Ceberous as demons in demon race.All of other demon are still in it like Draconic demons,imp,Abbadon and Beelzebub it. Unsprisingly most of them choose Leviathan or Beelzebub as their new demon fom.It was the most fun periods of watching 72 pillars head drooling except Naberious house because they were wipe out.72 pillars heads are very raring now to go and recruit them in their households but Grayfia forbid all of them for her future plans.

Changing hell from underworld is very simple because just place them all together and voila they started integrating and become a palm size coin in strange symbol and Grayfia put that coin in to her soul to integrate with her soul.But there was one unexpected result come out from integrating the coin.Grayfia's horns and tail disappear and at the back of Grayfia pop out a Draconic style wings in hell fire and her succubus race and unexpected race buried in demonic coin started fusing making her a new race.She just called it devil form to make it one and only now that there is no devil existed in Hell.And Grayfia herself changed her name to Grayfia D Diablo to make it little bit more cool.Yes she is chunninbyo in core so..

The days of coronation was started today and finished after giving Grayfia of Diablo household to Satan title and Queen of Hell title.Now in throne room inside the castle of Lucifaad city all the clan heads and heir are standing in front of Grayfia to get their position and job assignment.

"Irene Belserion former queen of Dragnof city,On your kneel"said Grayfia to let everyone know Irene capabilities.

"Irene Belserion,You are to be Minister of Sin revenue to control the sins and their flow coming from workplace of Hell to distribute them based on marit "

"Yes your Majesty"

"Serafall Sitri of House Sitri on your kneel"

Serafall come Infront of queen in disbelief and joy with robotic movements and kneel.

"Serafall Sitri You are to be the Minister of Foreign affair to interact with other race on behalf of Demon race as whole.Do you accept this honor?"

"Yes I do,Your Majesty"

"Sylvanas Windrunner on your kneel."

"You are to be Marshal of Whole demon race military you accept this honor"

"Yes your Majesty"

(A/N I am bored to keep writing assignment so I will just put in paragraph format.Official works are not my cup of tea anyway)

In conclusion Grayfia assign Zekram as Head of the Senate and noble households heads as senate members and effectively taken all of their power and give them positions without real powers.No system is perfect.Even democracy was not perfect so corruptions will always come to those with great powers holding in their hands.What more if that is demons with their personalities. Sirzetch Gremory is now a general of military with fabian as his deputy general.Ajuka is Head of research institute which he asked from Queen for that position.The most troublesome and Extremely annoying position of Ministry of labour goes to Lord Phenex for the sins of his son he will give birth to in future.Lord phenex who is in joy without knowing how torturous future is awaiting him don't know why his colleagues without any powers are looking at him in pity.

Ministery of Education is now in the hand of Runeas Gremory to torture her bubbly personality temporarily.Sona Sitri will try her best in future for that position so Grayfia don't worry that much.

After their boring job assignments and positions giving ceremony now Hell is on track to working.Famous currency of hell is now sins extracted from sinners by workers demons.Sins work as valuable currency not only as a way to increase in power but also to buy everything they want.Sins are now traded in the form of liquid with small potion bottles of thumb size everywhere around the hell.One small bottle can buy three meals for a day cooked with liquid sins so.(A/N I hate this type of brainstorming chapters,My brain cells are dying one after another.)

One worker extracting sin will get Thirty bottle of sins per month.Grayfia as the Ruling queen get the 200 bottles of sin per month So with Grayfia as a example they tried to make it work.

(A/N if you can please help me with this kinda thingies I am not good with economic )