Chapter 30

In the midst of Satans Angers caused by Grayfia statements and declaration a sword stab Lucifer from the back by Rizevim which make Lucifer eyes widen in disbelief and hurt of being betray by his own son.Two dagger also pop out from Leviathan's belly from her back and Leviathan is also in same state as Lucifer because of her closet and most loved daughter's betrayal.While Beelzebub and Asmodeus and their two heir are looking at this scene with confusion Aria use Blink directly in between four confused individuals and use ice nova to freeze their knee directly and use living Bombs to each of them in split seconds to not let them use all of their skills.Leviathan's daughter is now covered in white smoke and after white smoke is gone.Wild Akaneko appears in the place of leviathan daughter because her Hange no jutsu is cancelled by herself.Esdeath joined the fray and now four vs four very gore scene is started which ended with Asmodeus and Beelzebub headless body is now lying in their own pool of blood and their two precious sons were ripped apart by wild Esdeath's deadly claws and Aria's living Bombs.

Now..on the table in front of Grayfia is four Satans Heads placed in orderly manner.Grayfia watch that with a amuse smile while telling her subordinates "Can't you just let a girl and her brother sip their tea in peace?Why put this disgusting thingies Infront of us?Where did you learn this cruel behaviors from?" which make everyone rolled their eyes at this New Queen of hell.

Rizevim just offer the coin ripped out from Satan Lucifer soul to Grayfia in kneeling position and Grayfia took it elegantly.

"Oh...Satans even risk their live despite their battle injuries with other Gods reside in underworld.How surprisingly noble of their loved to devil race.They even asked me to rule and changed devil race to what they are supposed to be from the start despite dying with injuries.Your son was not bad huh...Onii chan.While their City and all of Satans loyalists who were wrongly thought about Satans true kindness with domination plans are massacred by reapers of Hades who died from Satans hands, they really satisfied themself with make Demons great again kinda thought and put their creation in my capable hands.You won't tell your fallen angel of this kind of sacrifices by 'accident' will ya Azazel?"asked Grayfia with completely innocent smile to Azazel who was surprised with all nonsense coming out of Grayfia's mouth.

Cough*"I might've done that one day."Azazel said with twitching lips.

"Peoples sometime make mistakes Azazel,I can't blame you for being honest individual."Said Grayfia with now very satisfied smile.

"So..Onii chan will you accept My nephew and his underlings back to Heaven?asked Grayfia to Biblical God with teasing smile.

"I would but. they won't want to come back So It's their choice to make if they want to come back or not."say Biblical God with calm smile.

"I ...I like being fallen angel father sorry for me not deserving your love "said Azazel with sad smile because even after their betrayal Biblical God never blame them for not

following his will or expectations or never hate them for what they did.In fact he respects their individuals's choice and encourage them to make their own choices by their own hand.Their mood become suprsingly somber if not for certain individual ruining their mood.

"Yes Heaven is boring anyway.Who in the right mind would want to go back.Hey Azazel will you come live in my dimension?I have very habitable one for you and your fallen angels.You don't even need to pay rent for it."which make Biblical God mouth twitch and Michael slackjaw-ing for Grayfia saleman talks.

"My little imouto please don't ruin onii chan's cool moments will ya?And you are buying my sons and daughters Infront of me for some cheap price you know?Why won't you up your price a little bit for our siblings relationship?"asked Biblical God to Grayfia with a innocent smile.

"Oh...Then here is the Grimoire of hell and Demon magic books that includes the ritual changing fallen angels into hells denizens and make them powerful by eating the sins of tainted souls.You will still be fallen angels but Hell's fallen angel nonetheless.So..Is this offer now acceptable my brother?"said to Biblical God by Grayfia with enlightened expression.

"It is"said Biblical God with satisfied smile.

"But how do you know the term Onii chan my dear brother"asked to Biblical by Grayfia with curious expression.

"Ah..that. You see there was the one failed experimental world we created and in that world is very interesting species called otakus whom used very interesting terms like this Alas we have to destroy that world because of abominations called lolicons and ugly bastards pop out from it in population and their breeding skill are very disgusting so.."said Biblical God with regret.

"So..Trihexa is also?"asked Grayfia with uncertainty.

"Yes she is hardcore otaku"answered Biblical God with a smile.

"How cruel of you to seal otaku without anime and manga with her?She might be suffering from withdrawal syndrome because of you now."said Grayfia with pity.

"I planned to free her now that Hell is going to be recreated."

"You better my brother or I will prevent anime or manga revival in this world with my utmost power."

"I will unseal her tomorrow!?Don't ?!"
