Chapter 51

"This is his soul.You have a way to make it disappear right?"

Xia Qingyue gave Yun Che's soul to Grayfia who appear after Qingyue rip out the soul.Yun Che was very intelligent and after he knew that Qingyue's inside are especially made for sex He tried to back off.But Emperor profound strength vs elementary 1st level profound strength is not really a match.He was raped to death by Qingyue.

"You can just destroy this You know?What changed your mind?"

Grayfia asked with a smile.

"A soul cease to exist mean the end right?That's something I would do to my enemies.Not to someone who was my husband till one minute ago.He wasn't my enemy.He is just someone that shouldn't exist for my plan."

"You used emotional manipulation after all.Its double edge sword if you don't know how to use it.But hey I have a way.I can just let this soul reincarnate in some world after wiping all the memory.As long as this soul stop existing in this universe,You win."

Grayfia teasingly say to Xia Qingyue.If Qingyue just destroy the soul,she won't accept her marriage proposal later on.Humanity is not something to discard when someone's ambition is to rule.

"Your teacher is trying to break the barrier I put on for a while now,So I will leave now.But before I leave,Take this poison and let the corpse shallow it.This is something he was poisoned before original one died.And take this document for proof.See ya after part 3"

Xia Qingyue just took the poison and put it in the corpse mouth and use her energy to make the poison go into stomach.Barrier cancelled itself 3 minutes later and her teacher come into the room and surprised when she saw the corpse of her disciple's husband.

"How did he died?Did you killed him?"

"Murdering heart powder killed him.I am about to go to in law for justice but you came first."

"Qingyue You are different than before.Your aura and posture changed.Did you?"

"Yes We consummated.I am not a virgin anymore."

"You know what It mean to disciples of frozen cloud Asgard right?Why would you do that?"

"I want to go beyond this world.Our sect cultivation art was holding me back and Someone free me from it.You see this in my palm?..."

With that said Qingyue put her palm upward and Hell fire come out of her palm which surprised her teacher.Her teacher is not surprised at heat or anything but danger of that fire.Her survival instincts are going haywire just by glancing that fire.She use ice art to freeze that fire but ice melt in seconds.

"My ice arts are still there.I can use it whenever I want.But I now prefer fire more.Sorry master."

Qingyue say with regretful tone but teasing smile in her eyes betray her words.This girl grew up.Its what Chu Yueli is thinking.

"You know our art is incomplete?It was created by someone from a higher level cultivation realm known as Snow Song realm.They used Ice phoenix bloodline and more advanced method of frozen cloud Asgard.If we want to cultivate without destroying our bodies in process,we need that bloodline."

"Where do you learn that from?Why are you telling me this?Are you revolting against the sect?"

"I have a lover who can wipe everything alive on this world with a snap.She told me about my former sect's history.I am not revolting.I just quit from being one of the disciples.I want to rule the sect."

That nearly made Chu Yueli lost control on herself but she is holding back.She is not stupid.Qingyue's energy is not profound energy anymore.Its more sinister and that eyes are freaking her out.That crimson eyes which is making her feel like all her life's bad deed are exposed in front of Qingyue make her hold back from repulsive action.

"You can taste the life without pain and power if you offer your loyalty to me.I can make you an immortal just like me"

Immortality is something cultivators striving for.No one want to die.Chu Yueli is now interested in this proposal.But an offer without a proof is not something she would go for.

"Show me the proof of your immortality"

Qingyue just took the fork from the table and stab herself into the heart.She took out the fork after she properly stabbed the heart.She is smiling while looking at Chu Yueli.

"Do you want to cut my head off for more solid proof?Feel free to do so.I won't die anyway."

This seal the deal.Chu Yueli is now convinced that Qingyue is immortal now.But how and why is she don't know.

"A book about what you are getting into is necessary So here you go.Come back to me after you read this book.Think carefully my master.Do you want to keep living in pain? Better yet Do you want to live eternally without pain?"

"I will be waiting for you"