Chapter 52

The poison mixed with prolonging substances make the corpse flesh so Qingyue will tell them tomorrow about Xiao Che's death.Tonight she have a work to do.

She go to the courtyard and assimilate the pearl in to her right hand.That pearl just stay there without resistance.After properly assimilating she started to feel vibrations coming out from pearl.WTF...She thought.Is this a sex toy or something? Grayfia just told her to assimilate this pearl in her right hand without telling her what this pearl can do.Sudden pulling force coming from pearl make her surprise.

There is gut feeling telling her to go to the place the pearl is pulling.So she just go straight out of house to the direction of mountain.Climb the mountain until the damn pearl stop pulling her.Go to the cliff on the top of the mountain she climbed and it's stop pulling.

She looked around but didn't manage to find something note worthy.Oh there is the bunch of grass at the direction the pearl was pulling her.The thing is this damn pearl is flashing from courtyard to cliff and it's still doesn't stopped.Which mean there is some kind of precious medicinal grass in that common bunch of weeds.

She just lower her hand until her right hand is on the bunch of grass and feel the vibrations.Vibrations are becoming intense as her hand moving on the bunch of grass to certain direction it's pulling.Suddenly vibrations stop but flashing is now very very blinding to her so she pull out all the grass under her hand to examine one by one.

I can use this hand as vibrator after getting some medicinal herbs to glow.She thought some nonsense in her mind.She saw white light flash across the corner of her eyes so she turned around to look at that place.

A fallen star like thing just fall to that place she is looking at.

She sigh and take out her wings to fly to that place.Oh she just forget she can fly when she was climbing the mountain.Am I stupid or what?She reprimanded herself while flying faster.

Grayfia look at the new lover wanna be from the sky while concealing herself.She knew Qingyue and Jasmine will meet at the destination Qingyue is going to.

Grayfia feel the surrounding concepts trembling with the suprise of Ancestral Goddess's will.She know that Original Ancestral Goddess's will watching the outside world is shocked from Destiny of fate getting cut off.

Grayfia teleport to Xiao Lingxi's room while looking at the sleeping girl furrowing her brows.

"Are you aiming for me?You don't belong to Primal Chaos or Abyss of Nothingness.How did you breached into my universe?"

The voice of Ancestral Goddess directly transmitted to Grayfia while she is drinking tea.

"At first I come here for fun.But this universe is fuck up.You know What I mean right?Concept of life in primal Chaos and Concept of destruction in Abyss of Nothingness separated by thin layer of barrier Which can be destroy with a normal punch from a peak level Creation God.And your fascination of Xiao Lingxi's obsession make you sacrifice 600 of your reincarnations to create Xia Qingyue out of nowhere to suffer for Yun Che."

Ancestral Goddess was surprised by unknown intruder's knowledge.Yes Xia Qingyue is not supposed to exist.Originally there was only one child in the Xia family.Its Xia Yuanba.Xia Qingyue was created from Xiao Lingxi's begging after she witness Xiao Che's death.Ancestral Goddess was reincarnated for 999 lives and this life was supposed to be her last one.

Xiao Che's marriage partner is Situ Nian or something.But Xiao Lingxi didn't like that partner as Xiao Che soulmate.At the day they are about to marry Xiao Che died from poison.Xiao Lingxi despair and sadness fill with determination broke the seal inside her body which Original Ancestral Goddess will slumbering inside and woke up the will.

Because of her twisted love she asked Ancestral Goddess will to transfer Xiao Che suffering to someone else and make Xiao Che someone who get anything he want with little to no effort.All creator have voyeur fetish.Ancestral Goddess like certain someone from DxD universe want to know what would happen if she fullfil that wish.So she didn't resist the will of Xiao Lingxi although she can.So she sacrifice 600 of her reincarnation to use her power and reshuffle alot to make Xiao Che a son of heaven.

Tadaa..Xia Qingyue was created at the day of their marriage with heart of snow glazed glass which is only there to make the owner suffer.Thats why in canon there is no family love between Xia Qingyue and duo of father and son of Xia family.

"Should I kill you here and now or not?I am very confuse my Ancestral Goddess.Normally a Creation God cannot kill Ancestral God.But you are not one yet.You are just reincarnation of former Ancestral Goddess after she exhausted all her Primordial Energies which she used to command the concept.And Now that you are done for after wasting 600 reincarnation for some incest love story. You can't summon enough power from leftover 399 reincarnation to defend yourself right?"

Ancestral Goddess just listened the intruder speech and thought about what she should do.Its right she is not in her former glory to defend this shit.

"But I can still kill you.You would die if your soul is destroy by someone right?"

Ancestral Goddess pull the last straw to renegotiate with intruder.If this little shit is someone of lower level strength,she can just wipe her out but That cheeky girl is filled with more than two concepts in her body which is protecting and submitted to owner.Even Ancestral Goddess herself cannot control the concepts like that.

"Will I ? I wonder if I can die for real.You will go for kamikaze huh..You know?I never wanted to kill you.I am just pissed off at you.The reason is not injustice Xia Qingyue is going to suffer.But You made me work hard for first time in my life.You know how much suggestions and mind control it takes to made me integrate her to her family?Even time and reality jumping to alternate universe is needed for fuck sake."

"So you rile me up because of you were annoyed?How petty you are."

"Yes I am that petty.So now that our qurrel is done.Its negotiation time for us.I am expert of mind and soul because of my race."

"Let's make a deal Ancestral Goddess"