A pure Yuri chapter

Once Xia Qingyue saw Grayfia pop out in her bedroom she lost her mind .

That girl appears in her life to save her from suffering no matter what her ulterior motives is .There is no love involved in it .But there is something else that makes Qingyue lose her mind .

Amusement ,A common way to relax from boredom .A emphatic being with no regard to life saving her from abyssal hell of future .This is not just about love anymore .This is more than that .

Qingyue knew that her existence was fake from the day Grayfia converted her .That day she become real .Someone belong to a world and a family .A fake existence that was created for someone sake becoming real in truest sense .

That's what made her killing Yun Che difficult .She was created for his sake after all .Never was she existed for herself .

After killing and handing Yun Che's soul to Grayfia to dispose it ,Xia Qingyue feel free in first time of her life.After awakening she understood why ?.Why succubus goes berserk ?Why succubus never feel painful when they goes berserk ?

When succubus awaken ,their body got their first tempering with lust concept .That's where berserk comes from .Lust is simple and effective concept that make receiver lustful while losing conscious .

After receiving lust as her primary concept that fill her body ,She understood that there is no past of her.She can't find one when searching for it even after using magic of Grimoire of hell .

There is no past memory of her life .She didn't existed until the day she married with Yun Che .

The one who makes her existence real was Grayfia .Who even after knowing she was a existence that doesn't make sense , Grayfia never abandoned her .

Her passion and obsession goes beyond ordinary love .She loves Grayfia more than her existence .

She wanted to make it real .Her existence , her love ,the way of life she made real for herself to live .

She kissed Grayfia with passion .She love this woman more than her life .She want to know Grayfia more ,her body ,her curves and the way Grayfia feels pleasure from her touch .

Her love is radiating from her touches so much that Grayfia didn't make her boner come out . Grayfia also kissed Qingyue with soft kisses after knowing her little girl is feeling insecure .

Grayfia also knew that her girl is feeling afraid .Afraid that her lover would leave her .Her proof of existence abruptly disappearing will surely make her sad .

This time with Qingyue is also the first time experience for Grayfia who never felt love from someone else .Aria was afraid to go after Her queen and give up in half way which made Grayfia somewhat sad .Nevertheless what's done is done for Grayfia but this time there is someone that needed her presence and someone who feels safe just by appearing beside her .

That would make any living beings emotional . Grayfia pat her lover's head while kissing softly to the softest lips .

There is no lust involved in their kisses but its make them want their partner's body .

A strange thing Grayfia is now experiencing for first time in her life but there is no way she is going to turn down any excitements .

Grayfia lay down on the bed to give her body fully in Qingyue's hands . Qingyue didn't disappointed Grayfia .She kiss while wandering her hands everywhere to feel every ounces and curves of Grayfia's body .When Qingyue is about to go for clitoris Grayfia stopped Qingyue's head and said .

"Let's go 69 ,I also want please you my love ."

Qingyue smile at her lover's words and change their position to 69 to make it easy .

The love and passions between them will stay long to eternity .They have alot of eternity to explore each other anyway .

(A/N How is it? I never tried one but I think it's fine? Heh (*Insert Anya's Heh Image ) )