Chapter 64

Hell is a gloomy and eerie property to own for any individual .But there is one in Qingyue's dantian . Qingyue's hell is full of Lava filled cracks, Hell flames filled lakes and active volcanoes which normal beings would burn just by standing there .For Demons ,It's comfortable place to live at .More so than their former home full of ice .Lava bath that doesn't make any demon dirty when bathing become favorite hot springs to Succubus .

Lava feels warm to demons .It's like bathing in warm water everyday just by living in hell So most of Qingyue's subordinates prefer hell over Asgard .

But for humans and more specifically Genderbended Girls of Black Dogs mercenaries ,this is literal hell burning them while Demons fucked them with horse dicks .

Grounds burn their feet and palm if they fall down and support themselves with their hands,if you don't want to risk for more burn to body.Getting burned while Demons fuck them makes the mind of mercenaries broken.

Not like mercenaries are better than bandits .They are just upgraded versions of bandits in medieval times .So their will power is pretty low when getting real tortures .

Former Female Cultivators are also having fun while harvesting the sins .This kind of pleasureable cultivation is right up their alley .

After half a year of eating and torturing them ,they are ready to let them go although reluctantly .Not much sins is left in them and their leader forbid eating all sins .It's would stop these souls from going to hell .So it's a big no no to all of them .

Letting them go mean getting rid of them outside or their soul would stay in Qingyue's personal hell .

So today mass execution of bandits and their leader is happening in dark castle with Orga and Chloe watching in euphoria .Oh even female mercenaries are killed .Demon girls abide gender equality rules ,Just because enemies are females doesn't mean mercy to them anyway .

Today will start the first attack of Human city to enslave the humans .Every worlds's porpulation will end one day .This world just happened to be early .

"Demons are about to attack and slaughter mankind ."

Celestine Lucross ,the High elf queen got the vision of future in her dream .She spoke to the princess knights and Alliance forces to make preparations to defend .

The words 'Demons' horrified her subjects .There was only monsters existed in their world and it's already enough headache for them .But demons?

Celestine never finished her prophecy.She knew humanity is done for .There is no real Hero existed in humanity . Humans are corroupt enough that when Black Dogs mercenaries comes and conquer the humanity ,all males directly join the group for free sex .There is no intelligent life forms existed in this world .

So Celestine also have to prepare for her ultimate demise .She can only see that their opponents this time is merciless unlike Orga .

Church was stirred and triggered by Celestine's prophecy .Demons existed in their Holy scriptures but it was myth .Not real ones declaring wars on them .

Demons attacking them mean all hopes are lost .They had hard time breaking weakened Orga's simple dark arts barrier but if it's demons from myth then they are fucked .

The first one to get attacked when they are preparing is Iris fort defended by Alicia Arcturus and her sister Prim Fiorire.(Images here)

A representative of demon army ,Jasmine comes in front of the gate of fort to declare war on humanity .

"Jasmine the devil is here on behalf of Demons army .From Today onwards ,We demon army will attack and slaughter human males and enslave females as sex slaves .Have fun defending us ,Insects ."

" How dare a demon !!!"

Princess knight Alicia is pretty pissed off by declaration .In fact the whole city and by extension the whole humanity is .But they are not yet learning the terrors of demons yet .

After Jasmine go to Qingyue who is followed by Orga and Chloe .The four peoples stand half a mile away from fort to let their prey be happy about it .

Indeed The princess knight Alicia don't know if she want to laugh or cry when all she see is two demons and two dark elves declare war on humanity .

Qingyue give series of orders to her subordinates inside her hell while keeping her eyes on soldiers coming out from open doors of fort and princess knight herself leading them .

It's about 4000 of them in mocking expression .They are now stationing in standard military positions .There is 300 or so female knights lead by Alicia in this army .

Pretty funny to watch but short time amusement here is done anyway .Alot of Qingyue's girls are already at the level of Earth profound just by black dogs mercenaries .

Qingyue snap her fingers and say with relax tone towards the army opposite of them .

"Go wild my girls "

Lead by Gong Yuxian with motherly smile all succubus coming out of portals and charged towards now afraid humans army .

Succubus throw hell flames towards the army while charging .Thousands of hell flames spewing towards them make army scattered like headless chicken .Some use their shields to defend but it passed through the shields to burn their souls directly .

Even Female knights lead by Alicia with Iron shields is helpless about this fire .

When succubus reached towards the army is massacre started .Killing males while throwing females to hell through portals looks pretty disgusting but such is wars .

Qingyue's former sect is not this ruthless .But being mind reading demons make them read the minds black dogs mercenaries which sucked out any kindness in them .

Princess Alicia is tied in rope and now kneeling on the ground in front of the fort . Qingyue look down at her and look up to the walls of fort .Fort doors are now closed because Qingyue allowed them to .

Qingyue want to let them struggle and despair which will make their meals sweet when they finally get the fort .

But there is one meal in front of her and 300 of her knights when after taking out of hell , trembling there like they just face their worst nightmare and torture .

"We are not barbarians who fuck on the public everyone can see right? Build some tents to eat your meals .And built me one also .I have this ...."

Qingyue put her feet with Force on princess knight's head to make her kiss the ground.

"Delicious meal to eat .".

"Don't worry princess .We chew even the bones to not waste our meals "

Alicia fainted while peeing after hearing that .