A Suicidal Brainiac 03

A/n: So, imma change the schedule to Mondays update now. Bye~


Fei Yang wasn't in the least surprised. Xiu Lin's thought were those exactly of the Astix and their logic were all similar.

He asked the same thing to the Xiu siblings; Xiu Hao and Xiu Zuo back in the base why the Astix committed suicide, infanticide and basically killed their planet of any resources in the entire and their answers were the same.

And how they answered were very alike. They killed themselves for the reason that the war started because of people's envy towards what they were capable of. So by making themselves disappear, only will the envy towards them will vanish.

They really are an unambitious race. But others' hearts are muddled with the ugliness of humans that their prides will make them take hundreds of lives. He could say that he was no different from those people himself. He is someone who will defend the empire no matter who his enemy is. He will follow the desires of those people with higher authority than him and will turn a blind eye.

If he had been there in the alliance which planned to obliterate the Astixians, seventeen years ago, he will probably join into the operation himself for the honor of the empire.

He looked at the pale young man who still had a cast on his arm. The extent of his silvery white bangs hid his light purplish grey eyes casted in the shadow of his long curly lashes. He really looked small and delicate that the closer you are, the more you wish to hide the person under cloak and protect him from anything that will do him harm.

If possible, he wanted to keep him in this house. But honestly, since it was free lodging and meals, together with a nice bed, Xiu Lin would actually agree with that.

He remembered Xiu Hao and Xiu Zuo who always looked pouty when they were being demanded with a strategy. Those two whose specialty rotates around mind games and undefeated formations in fighting, preferred to lie down somewhere underneath the warmth and hug a pillow than work or do anything normal to be honest.

Everyone already knew how lazy these tacticians were, yet they were adored by the army not just only because of their intelligence, but also because they were beautiful. Although it is inappropriate to call two men who are in their teens and twenties like that, it is understandable.

Just like Xiu Lin, the other two looked very delicate and shorter than military men. Since they are obviously lazy without reason, their bodies were softer and smaller than a normal soldier. They even have androgynous faces and soft features that can make anyone feel endearment.

Their typical lazed look of light lavender eyes looking half lidded was somehow coquettish in someone's eyes. Seductive and inviting almost as if none could resist their set temptation.

It make one's heart flutter.

It was a good thing that Xiu Hao and Zuo were smart. They always have protective suits with them as to sense threats signal and immediately inform the military of their whereabouts. Despite weak, they are untouchable.

Xiu Lin finished his meal and went back to the living room to lazily watch the television. Meanwhile, Fei Yang cleaned the dishes and made some chocolate milk to give to the young man.

Xiu Lin naturally accepted the offer and held the cup with both hands, avoiding the hot area of the cup. His slim pale hands held the handle of the cup and took a short sip. The warmth quickly passed through his stomach and felt relief, melting into the couch again like a domesticated cat who found a perfect place to relax. It was actually very cute.

"It's good to sleep early, it will help you grow." Fei Yang said.

Xiu Lin looked up at him and then back to the television. "You have a point." He replied. It was tiring battling with a television that doesn't respond y'know. So after drinking his chocolate milk, Xiu Lin went back to the room he was staying and wrapped himself with blanket to sleep. Instantly knocked out due to the cozy feeling of the cold weather in contrast with the warm blanket draped around him.

Fei Yang, who was left in the living room leaned on the sofa and thought back about his conversation with Xiu Lin. Astix are not afraid to throw their own lives just to solve a conflict that could have been fixed by a peace treaty. Although the road to that peaceful path is 'time consuming' and 'energy consuming', at least it could have spared their lives, right?

But then again, Astix are Astix. Their calculations are fearsome that they were seen as threats to the intergalactic society.

But due to accurate calculations lead them to their own demise. What if one day, Xiu Lin would do the same? That was actually a possibility, especially when a lot of people had conflict with him in the past.

Now Fei Yang felt a bit worried. It is a big possibility after all and Xiu Lin seemed indifferent to his own life. He didn't even understand why there was a pinch in his heart when he thought about that idea as if he himself will be greatly implicated.

The next day, Xiu Lin was left at home again as Fei Yang had to go to the military headquarters to work. The training field had been filled with new recruits while the strongest squadron sat on the second floor fence watching as the commandant started his day with a booming voice.

Fei Yang stood in the middle of the squad, hidden in the shade of the tinted window while looking at the people who were having a hard time jogging one lap.

Du Jin, the squadron's sniper laughed when he saw someone tripped on his own feet and fell into the dust face first. "Looks like we have a bunch of puppies collected this year." He commented.

"I want to sleep." Xiu Zuo leaned beside his older brother Xiu Hao. It looked like Xiu Hao himself had already fallen asleep first so Xiu Zuo followed.

"Don't lean, you're heavy." the lazy older groaned.

"You're just weak." The younger responded with the same bored tone.

"You're one to speak." Xiu Hao yawned and closed his eyes again hugging a pillow out of nowhere.

The two were quiet once more, piled onto the side asleep during office hours but none complained about this normal occurrence. After all, sleep is how they recuperate after strenuous brain activities--at least that what they said. But it is somehow reasonable. They look exhausted just sitting down because their brain already accumulated data when their eyes and ears were open.

Fei Yang glanced at the two siblings who were leisurely asleep on their seat. He wondered back on what Xiu Lin could be doing now. Did he go back to sleep or is he arguing with the television again while melting in the sofa with boredom?

"Hao, Zuo. Don't you want to see your little brother?" he asked.

Hao opened one of his closed eyes and peered towards Fei Yang sleepily. "Why not just take him here. I'm too lazy to go there."

Zuo hummed. "Me too..."

Du Jin glanced at the two. "Bet your brother's cuter than you guys."

Fei Yang mentally agreed. Honestly, since Xiu Lin is still growing, he's smaller and cuter. He always obediently drinks the hot chocolate milk that he prepared for him and sleeps when he was told to. Unlike these two 'I'll do what I want which is nothing' team.

"I'll ask him to come after his cast is removed."

"Well if you can. Anyway. Why is he even in your house?" Du Jin suddenly wondered.

"The general's car hit him. Now he's amnesiac." Xiu Zuo explained.

Du Jin was quiet for a moment then laughed. "How strong could that impact be to cause an Astixian to suffer amnesia?" he asked.

"Do you want to try?" Xiu Hao glared at him.

"No, no. I'm just curious. Maybe I should pay him a little visit?" Du Jin suggested. "Bet he's cuter than you two lazy bums."

"We are Astixians. We are lazy by nature. But uh.. yeah. In terms of general standards you can say Xiu Lin is cuter. He's so small warm and cuddly too. He's like a cozy pillow when he was a baby that I always fall asleep when carrying him..." Hao recalled a lot when they were children. Being a four year old Astix citizen and the only one of the three Astixian left in the entire galaxy, he's usually in the front line of defense.

Taken into an orphanage where parentless children gathered made life less easy. Add in the fact that Astixians those times were misunderstood. The intergalactic alliance did not clear the reason why they waged war against planet Astix nor did anyone explained what happened to the citizen of Astix until five years later.

All the people knew that time that Astixians committed treachery against the empire and were persecuted until only three of them were left. For Xiu Hao who was bullied by other children the moment he entered, it was not a good end for the orphans... Because Xiu Hao, one of the most intelligent alien of this lifetime had given them a lesson that is worse than being punched.

To attack the orphans' most sensitive topics. Parents, adoption, new parents and all that could make a child cry and leave an emotional scar. Because of this, they eventually avoided the Xiu siblings. The three lived in solitary until they went to work at an early age to 'contribute' to this world. While the Xiu Hao and Xiu Zuo were sent in the military intelligence, Xiu Lin was sent to the research institute.

After years, Xiu Hao wondered why they're even working. Honestly, they could just develop a robot blue print, sell it and live off of it's profits. It's the easiest way around.

The problem is...

They were too lazy to write a resignation letter and the procedures.