Chapter 40: Reunited

I was sitting at the run-down diner, nursing my cold coffee when I saw Duncan pull in. He looked around the lot nervously before stepping out of his car and trudging inside. I watched him scan the nearly empty diner before spotting me and grinning. He hurried over and slid into the booth across from me.

"Hi," he said softly, eyes surveying my face. What he was looking for, I had no idea.

"Hi." I grinned at him, finally feeling the tight ball of worry loosen as I realized he was really okay. Bobby hadn't hurt him. "How's Andrew?"

"He's fine. He's tasked with keeping Bobby busy if he gets too curious about my whereabouts." His eyes scrutinized my face again before he smiled wryly. "You look good, Emily."

"I do?" I was shocked by that statement. I was in a dress, sure. But my messy bun had become messier by the hour, and I had no makeup on to speak of.

"You do. More… ethereal. Happy. You look like not being in charge suits you."