Chapter 39: Space

I drove. I drove for so long that the miles all seemed to blend together. Every field I passed, every town I drove through, I put more and more distance between me and Ezra. I put more distance between the fate I couldn't escape and the decisions I wasn't allowed to make.

As I drove, I shed the skin of me. I wasn't Agent Emily Johnson, a half-breed vampire hunter. I was simply Emily Johnson, a woman who was completely confused about who she was. Ex-vampire hunter, potential mate of the vampire king. How the hell did that happen? It was like going from one extreme to the other.

The further I got from Ezra, the more I noticed a pressure in my middle. It was as if the bond was a physical thing. A rubber band pulling tighter and tighter until the tension would cause it to snap. Would that happen to us? The further I got, the more likely I snapped it? And would it snap my soul or simply the bond?