Cell Evolving

With Saber inside of the T-rex's stomach and with a fleeting consciousness, he could only smile and thank his luck for not being someone who suffered from claustrophobia, simply because of how tight it was inside of the T-rex's body.




"Hah...hah...hah..." Saber's huffing could be heard throughout the canyon as his training Gi stuck onto his body because of how sweaty he was. Two weeks have passed since he fell from the cliff inside of the body of the T-rex. When they fell, Saber was even more injured by the impact of falling for hundreds of meters.

By whatever stroke of luck, he was able to survive, and he also was knocked unconscious as his body was bathed in the blood of the tyrannosaurus. As fate would have it, the atomic energy contained inside of the cells of the T-rex was a lot, and being bathed in such blood for two weeks would have either killed him...or made him mutate and evolve.

Luckily for him, one of his bloodline abilities had a thing or two in common with evolution hence he was able to survive and even become stronger from the blood. A week after the fall, Saber awoke from his unconscious state brimming with strength and a perfect body, as even his hunger had disappeared.

Calmly assessing his situation, he realized that this world was way too dangerous for the current him so, he decided to spend as long as possible in the bottom of the canyon training. Though the meat of the T-rex was already a week old, it surprisingly did not spoil and with no other option, Saber used that as his source of nutrients even if he needed to eat it raw.

Who would have thought that after two days, his body seemingly changed to accommodate such food as his canines grew longer and he was able to bite down on such creatures comparable to a beast!

For training in the past week, Saber punched the walls of this canyon and created boulders which he tied together with the vines that were stuck on the walls, then tied a vine to his waist and then connected it with the boulders. He ran up and down the canyon with the boulders dragging behind him, he climbed the walls of the canyon with the boulders still connected and he even placed boulders on his shoulders and then began doing one-legged squats.

Surprisingly for him, such basic training that he thought of after going through the memories from the time he was in his previous world worked in improving his power. Right now he was currently doing one-legged squats as his sweat dripped from his chin and dropped to the floor.

"Hah...1997...hah...1998...hah...1999...hah...2000!!" He shouted the last number as he threw the boulders away and dropped to his buttocks huffing.

'System, show me my stats!' Saber ordered in his mind as he then weakly stood up and began walking towards a barely recognizable T-rex body. The only thing remaining was its bones and only a little muscle.

[ Master Saber's Stats-

Title: Unregistered

Race: Unregistered

Lifespan: 16/150

Bloodline Awakening: 2%

Bloodline Aspects:

Evolution-Unknown rank

Regeneration-Unknown rank

Poison Physique-High rank

Luck Halo-Low rank

Physical Power: 999

Atomic Energy Realm: Peak Level 9 Body Improvement

Spirit Energy Realm: Null

Kill points: 1 ]


'I have had 999 physical power since a day ago! It did not even improve one more point even though I have gotten stronger compared to yesterday.' Saber thought. Even though his power has increased and he has suspected that it is even more than 999, the number hasn't increased at all on the system panel.

'Do I truly need to use it? Well, I guess I have no other choice. Even if I am willing to continue training here, the food is running out.' Saber thought, his appetite being rather huge since his healing seems to rely on the nutrients inside of his body. Saber then sat in a lotus position next to the skeleton of the T-rex as he closed his eyes and ordered his system.

'You said that kill points can do anything right? Then use the 1 kill point I have and raise the number which represents my physical power!' Saber ordered as his system immediately replied.

[Yes master]


Immediately after replying to its master, the system placed one kill point into the physical power, thereafter, an explosion echoed throughout the canyon. An explosion that's origin was shockingly from the inside of Saber's body.


A weak groan left Saber's lips, instantly after the groan left his lips, his upper body then slowly fell to the ground as he lost consciousness for the second time since appearing in this world. Even though he lost consciousness though, he was still feeling immense pain as his expression changed from that of his usual indifference to one of agony.




"Oh my! My master, my Lord, oh your such an intelligent being!!" Zeno, who was currently sitting on the top of a mountain of dead bodies said out loud. His gaze focused on a holographic screen which showcased the scene of Saber withering in pain even when unconscious. Over his head, sounds of crackling thunder resounded as the dark skies and the black sun which was spitting flames down onto the earth created a rather scary scene for any mortal.

"But, such abilities, such intelligence, and such talent are still useless in the front of true absolute power. When one has power, trickery and even beings with incredible talent are all simply ants in front of you.

This is why I have chosen this world for you!

This world where only strength rules, where only the strong have the right to breathe. In a world where the law of jungle is the only rule, you will be able to understand that raising your strength is the only important thing. You shall realize that everything that does not raise your strength is useless.

You will realize that even if you must become a devil, monster, or an abomination, you must do anything to raise your strength.

And that is what you must become! If you want to inherit the throne and lead our people to our rightful place, you must become an abomination...a never before seen monstrosity!!!"

Zeno said, his voice seemingly angering the skies as they shot down bolts of black lightning towards him! And with a mere snap of his fingers, those bolts of lightning mysteriously disappeared but, if that wasn't enough, the very world with which he was in also disappeared from the solar system as he appeared floating in the dark space as he gazed toward where a world once was.

"With this, war will begin and chaos will commence. By the time Saber reaches the third phase of this trial, the many plans I have to groom him into becoming the abomination he is meant to be will begin to unfold!

I shall forge him into the perfect Supreme being...he will be different from the wastes of brothers he has and instead become the Absolute and the Peak!!"

His voice did the illogical thing of echoing throughout the void of space as he wave his hand causing a space pod of sought to appear as he entered the two-meter pod. Thereafter, the pod disappeared from this location and approached Zeno's next destination.

It seems that the cogwheels were beginning to turn and the era of war and chaos was about to arise throughout the whole of existence.