Your Talent Is Merely Above Average

Walking in the city streets was an aura less Saber who garnered zero attention from anyone. He walked toward the center of this city where he was able to see a 15-meter large platform where many humans stood separated into two lines.

The lines were either filled with males or females, and Saber leisurely strolled toward the male line where he stood behind a tall burly man with a ruff beard. After seeing the man's appearance, Saber couldn't help but wonder if there isn't an age limit for this exam.

Thereafter, his attention was taken up by what was in the front of the line. There he saw an adult in the middle of two large obsidian-colored stone pillars. When a contestant walks up to the front of the pillar, they are ordered by the woman to place their hand on the pillar, thereafter a number will appear.

Once it shows a number over six, they'll be given a talisman where they are to rip. Mysteriously, their bodies would then disappear with a flash of light. Of course, those with a number under six would be told to leave the platform in disappointment.

Saber was indifferent to this though, and his cold eyes gazed with contempt toward the talentless humans. Though he normally did not care, after appearing in this world, and running in with the female, Saber began to gain a dislike for weak humans.

Not that he liked the strong humans, it's just that he does not find the strong humans as annoying as those weak ones that rely on others to escape the grasp of despair. As his turn came closer, his attention was drawn toward the female line where a female with a pair of ice-cold eyes similar to his own placed her hand on the pillar.

Suddenly, a number shaped in a nine was formed causing the mouths of all the beings present to form O shapes. Saber was as per usual indifferent toward the scene but he also realized that the talisman that the examiner gave her was different in color.

Unlike the usual blue talisman, her own was golden in color which greatly interested Saber. She disappeared with a bright golden light that blinded most of the contestants present. The lines began to buzz with noise and whispers as Saber's turn also came.

"Simply place your hand on the pillar and let the pillar do its thing!" Saber was ordered by the adult, which greatly angered him. But, to keep a clean profile, Saber reeled his anger in and placed his hand on the pillar.

He immediately felt energy enter his body but left it to do whatever it needed to. Suddenly, spider cracks began forming on the obsidian stone, greatly startling all the humans present. Saber was now the center of attention, as they all watched on with shock in their eyes as the number displayed was 10!!

This shock left their jaws dropped to the ground, as even the examiner's mouth formed an O shape. The ring on her hand flashed with a dim light as a golden talisman with intricate markings appeared on her hand.

She walked up to Saber and handed it to him as he did not stand on ceremony and ripped it without any hesitation. His vision blurred and then darkened as he lost sight for a few seconds. His head felt a little dizzy when he suddenly appeared in a different location.

"What a handsome lad!"

A feminine voice rang out in Saber's ears as his vision which was previously blurred, instantly focused on his surroundings. He seemingly appeared in a room with a length of 25-meters, and width of 10-meters.

There were three rows of humans sitting on their knees as they faced a female who also sat on her knees all the way in the front. As Saber processed this, he completely ignored the female and instead walked to the back and took a seat.

His cold eyes swept across the room, making most of the humans in the room feel a cold shiver up their spines. Saber's indifferent eye then ran into the female who also had eyes similar to his. She had long flowing white hair and creamy white skin.

Her eyes were blood red and her cherry red lips looked soft and tender. Saber couldn't help but feel something in his stomach when seeing those features.

He realized that he felt hungry!

But, he calmed his mind and instead began a meditative session. His consciousness entered his mind domain at will and he then began absorbing the golden energy that was in his surroundings in the outside world.

The golden energy then entered his mind domain in the form of a gas. This had already signified that he was a Mid-Level Spirit Connection cultivator. In the past three days, he focused on fulling the whole of the dark blue space in his mind domain with this golden gaseous energy which caused him to be pretty close to filling it up.

"Oh my, such a fierce tiger you are." A voice entered Saber's ears, bringing him out of his cultivation greatly angering him in the process. His two canines began lengthening along with his nail, but before they could, he stopped them and calmed himself before asking the female.

"What do you want?" He asked in a cold tone. His voice caused cold sweat to form on the foreheads of the weakhearted.

"Hehe, did you not know, everyone here is from multiple different cities and are all graded with a talent of 9 or 10." She said, greatly confusing Saber in the process. He was unaware of her reason for mentioning such a useless thing and his confusion only grew larger after hearing what she said soon after.

"You are probably confused by me for saying such a useless thing. Well, let me tell you, I have seen a lot of arrogant geniuses like you two." She said while pointing her finger at Saber and the female who Saber felt like eating a moment ago.

"But, such talent is common in my sect! We are the strongest sect in the world and are home to many talents such as yourself. So get this in your brain, your talent is nothing but slightly above average!!"

Blood began trickling down Saber's lips as he tried to restrain himself from killing this woman. She had a red gem in the shape of a sword on her forehead which signified that she was an outer disciple of the Sword Art Sect, which deterred him from instantly killing her.

He first needed to figure out where the hell he even was, then he could think about killing. But, for now, he'll hold back his anger and wait for the right chance to deal with this woman.

The female who Saber was slightly interested in also had similar thoughts to Saber.

'I, Adrianna of the Black-Heart family have never been on the receiving end of such disgusting words, I have never felt an embarrassment such as this.' She thought in her mind while her hands which were covered by a pair of white gloves clenched tightly.

Her blood-red pupils flashed with a ruthlessness that shouldn't be possible for an ordinary beauty. She gazed at the female who was smiling and talking with the contestants in the front, causing her to smirk evilly in her mind.

'You will die!!'

Both Saber and Adrianna thought simultaneously.