Sword Art Sect

For reasons that are as of now completely unknown, Noelle hated arrogant people such as Saber and Adrianna, but even then, she would follow what the elder said and explain to them the workings of the Sword Art Sect.

While entering the sect, Noelle began speaking in what now seemed to be a polite tone.

"I'm an outer disciple of the Sword Art Sect, and my name is Noelle. Right now, we will be going towards the Elder Hall of the Sword Art sect for your registration. After that, you guys will be considered external disciples. Once one of you reaches the Spirit Formation realm, you'll be able to enter the Outer Sect."

She said while leading them deeper into the sect. While that happened, the brown-haired boy energetically asked.

"How many external sect disciples are there? Since this sect is the strongest in the continent and also rules over it. Surely there are a lot of disciples." He said with a slightly high-pitched voice.

"There are more than 10,000 disciples in the external section. But it matters not how many disciples there are in the external section since they all do not even qualify as cannon fodder. Every three months the sect will hold a competition for the external section where the top three will be able to receive Spirit Foundation pills.

Once swallowing it, one will be able to enter the Spirit Foundation realm and simultaneously be able to enter the Outer section." Noelle casually said, Saber's ears perking from the mention of the so-called Spirit Foundation pill. Not only his attention was peaked by the mention of such a pill, but the always cold Adrianna also had a change in expression after the mention of such a pill.

They continued their walk deeper into the sect and soon they arrived at the external section buildings. Most of the buildings looked antique. There were also many external disciples on the streets.

Not only were there cultivators, but Saber sensed that there seemed to be average humans who weren't cultivators at all. It turned out that there were many mortal slaves in the sect. These slaves were used by alchemists to help in refining pills or taking care of the herbs.

These humans were also willing to serve the alchemists. At the very least, they wouldn't encounter any life-threatening situations and would also be able to fill their stomach with the number of spirit stones they are paid.

The Elder Hall was located in the center of the external section of the sect. It had two floors, and the entire place was filled with a strange scent. Noelle took the trio toward an old man who stood behind a counter with what seemed to be a book in his hand as he read quietly.

"Sir, these three cultivators are to join our sect today." Noelle respectfully said to the elder. Even though she was an outer disciple, any elder in the sect had more esteem than her, so she had no choice but to be respectful.

The old man lazily took his attention out of the book he previously read and gazed at the trio of disciples. He first landed his gaze on the brown-haired boy and only shook his head with what seemed to be disappointment clear in his eyes and sent a token into the palm of the boy's hand.

Thereafter, he shifted his gaze toward Adrianna and couldn't help but let out a smirk as he nodded his head in what seemed to be approval. He then threw her a token that mysteriously appeared in his hand, as he shifted his gaze toward Saber.

His brows immediately knitted and he instantly threw a token before turning his gaze away almost instantly. His forehead seemed to contain sweat which greatly surprised the rest of the disciples and gained the interest of Adrianna as she glanced at the being with a long flowing red vest with a long backside and her eyes shined with a light of interest.

Saber on the other hand was surprised by the fact that the old man was able to see his aura. But, he then thought that it may be something persons who are at the realm higher than the Golden Core rank can do. Yes, unlike the previous Outer sect elder, this elder was surprisingly stronger than the Outer sect elder and was at the realm higher than the Golden Core Realm.

After gaining the tokens, the trio was then sent toward the external section housing, where all two cultivators shared a room. It was akin to a modern-day college dorm room. Saber was told to share a room with the brown-haired kid and did not mind it.




"Oi, brown head, what's your name?" Saber asked since he couldn't simply keep calling the brown head...well, brown head. The boy on the other hand quickly replied with an energetic tone.

"My name's Andre. What's yours, are you also from a rich family, how old are you anyway?" Andre asked Saber multiple questions at the same time, greatly annoying Saber as he was about to slit his throat. But, he calmed himself and replied.

"Firstly, please do not ask someone so many questions at the same time. Secondly, my name is Saber and that is all you'll get to know. Last but definitely not least, do not, and I mean under zero circumstances are you to interrupt my cultivation.

Saber said coldly, his voice sending shivers down Andre's spine while his cold eyes caused cold sweat to drip down Andre's back. With that out the way, Saber closed his eyes, leaving a scared stiff Andre to stand there in a stupor.

Appearing inside of his mindscape, Saber's transparent body stood side by side with another transparent body that looked exactly like his.

"Why were you so cold to your partner...your brother!!" Deep-voiced Saber teased his counterpart with a gloating face, causing transparent veins to bulge on Saber's transparent forehead. His voice then sounded as he coldly replied.

"We need to start converting the Sage energy into liquid so that we could step into the High-Level Spirit Connection rank." His voice traveled through the dark blue space while he gazed at the eyes of his perfect copy.

"Hmm, yeah, this needs to be done. It is better for me and you to fuse so let's begin the process of breaking through ranks at unseen speeds.

Let's show these untalented what truly gifted lifeforms are, even if our bloodline hasn't fully awakened, and our speed through realms isn't as exaggerated as it would be in the future, let's still show these oblivious mortals the difference between heaven and earth!"

Saber couldn't believe his counterpart could say such cheesy worlds but, he did not pause on that too long and instead began absorbing the energy from the surroundings into his soul form. After that, he would then refine the soul energy and turn it into liquid energy.

It was a slow process but, thankfully with the help of his other half, Saber was beginning to get the rhythm of it and also began to refine the energy faster. His other half also absorb the energy into his soul form and then refined it into liquid energy, but he did it at a much quicker pace than the 'original' Saber.

This continued for quite a long time, and quite a few days went by with doing simple things such as refining the energy.