Chapter 455 - Profound Science

"That makes on sense, Master, how can water make fire more powerful?"  A young demon put forth a question in the auditorium that was packed to the rafters with beasts and cultivators.

The reason being that Lind was giving a lecture.

He made a point of touching on complex to simple lessons.  He believed no Elder nor any leader of the Sect is too high to talk about the basics once more.

Lind smiled as he summoned fire and light to make lightning dance around him before causing a fire on the open table.  The arrays would prevent a disaster but all watched as water appeared but instead of extinguishing the fire, it became more intense!

"The elements are more than everyday examples.  Conditions, sources, and a myriad of factors can change the facet of each element to odd effects like this.  For instance, water can be ignited."  Some nodded in recognition but Lind had to vaporize water to make the right conditions.