Chapter 456 - Raw Materials

"What do you want?"  Lind was floating over an idyllic view of white sand surrounding massive lakes surrounded by a few copse of trees and grasslands.  The being speaking was a massive salamander.

The azure scales showed it was clearly of water element but Lind also felt air strongly flowing through it.  The aether beast was a peak tier 9 and the alpha of its territory.

"I have come in search of several things as you may have heard over the last 10 years from others."  Lind had been very busy but had been essentially kicked out of his office by his wives to take time for his own pursuits.

Being a wise tactician, he surrendered and headed out into the deeper areas of the Wild Heart Isle.  He had felt refreshed to fight some beasts and to study his elements once more.  He had been at tier 4 for a short time relatively speaking but he had begun to advance once more at a much more rapid pace.

He also began to learn of the rich resources all around him.