Chapter 609 - Forbidden Streets

When Lind had been learning of where he ascended, he had mostly been inundated by the lack of stars and sun cycle with all the other new information to process.  The names of the empires sank into his mind and were pushed aside as more issues kept cropping up.

Finally, as even his responsibilities as Emperor were delegated out in the last 50 years, he began to realize the disturbing feeling of one of the empires stemmed from the familiar name.

Orwellian was a term from Earth and the more he learned about that one empire the more he saw traces of Earth.  It had been quite awhile since anything so strong cropped up in his journey.

Yet, he noticed more oddities.  The few prisoners, whether they converted or not, always seemed to be very vague when talking about Orewllia Empire.  Given all the darkness around them already, it was likely that the subtle darkness slipped by.