Chapter 610 - Empty Warehouses

The daytime of Celestia was far more friendly but Lind noticed the oddity of how some of the visitors staying in the tavern were talking to the blank faced Soul Realms as if they were responding.

Lind and Lili made similar moves at his direction as they relaxed in the city.  The entire time Lind felt like something was carefully pressing down from above but just light enough most would miss it.

It was not there previously so it likely had to do with his near capture last night.

LIli had been to the city before and guided him.  She was no longer dressed as a Soulmancer but her battle aura was reflexive to the point even the bland faced Soul Realms parted the way for her.

Lind was noting all the reactions but unlike the Soulless there was clear signs of life in each person.  They simply did not respond the way they should.