Chapter 885 - Farewell Banquet

Lind saw Romana follow Fey back up to the teleportation weaving. The dry dock had been left as is but moved to the very limit of the sky he could put it.

The main advantage was no one could see it unless they looked far up and had the ability to see through Annabelle's illusions. As that was a very small list, it was basically no one.

It served 2 purposes.

One was a secret place to send promising members or close friends to comprehend the Laws for the elements. Secondary elements could be helped as much as primary elements. Demons, humans, aether children and so forth could all use the spheres.

Protean had actually been imbued into the core of the drydock as well. His spirit was now growing and understanding at a pace that was impossible before.

Haro was unsure what would happen but transferring weapon spirit to other mediums was not unheard of to save them. As Lind had created both forms, the spirit was completely compatible.