Chapter 886 - Dances

There was a large hall that could be used for large meetings to special events like weddings or funerals, but festive sounds came from it as Lind approached. He also smelled fantastic food!

When they entered the hall, the mass of people all turned and cheered his entrance. He saw most of his family that were at least having a lot of fun.

The little ones came running like a small horde! He opened his arms wide and then was buried by them! He only had 11 grandchildren at the moment but they all loved him! He played with them every chance he got as they were very recent and close to the time he had to leave.

"'Anda! You smell nice!" A tiny girl with silver hair and obsidian eyes smiled up at him as she clung to his arm. He smirked but saw his mother just looking on lovingly while his mother-in-law pouted that none of the great grandchildren came to her!