Chapter 6

"Violet,come on! Let me in!" Vikki shouts as she bangs on my door.

"No...go away."I say bluntly.

"But Violet,it's been a week!"

A week?! Has it really been that long,how fast time flies when you lock yourself in your room because you just broke up with your boyfriend and your mate is a donkey. I'm giving up swearing for now...

"Fine."I groan as I get up and unlock the door which flies open and smacks me right on my forehead.

"Ow! Vikki!" I groan in pain.

"I'm so sorry Luna."she Snickers.

"Luna? Don't call me that! Who in the whole flying world told you I'm gonna be his mate?"

"Oh! He hasn't told you yet?" She sits down.

"Told me what?" I'm only in for a week and they've already got secrets.

"You're gonna begin your training as Luna anytime soon."

Training...Luna...soon...WHAT!!! I am not accepting that my mate. I am going to reject him. He ruined my life and I am not gonna forgive him for that.

"And Ray hasn't really been himself,he keeps losing control of his wolf. He needs you."her voice sounds pleading. I guess as my beta,she sees it as a responsibility or something.

"Nope." I fold my arms."I am not training for anything."

"I see you've got a hickey." I gesture towards the mark between her neck and shoulder.

"It's not a hickey,my mate marked me." She rolls her eyes at me.

"Yay... more wolf stuff." I say.

"Having a mate isn't all that bad." She sighs.

"I know know I don't want to be a wolf and you know why."

" I know,but could you at least give it a try... please."her eyes are pleading with me. "

" Okay, I'll give it a go." I give in.

" So... When are you gonna let her come alive?"

"Who?" I ask.

"Your wolf, you know you're gonna need her now that you're gonna be Luna. "

I know she's right and I have to start communicating with my wolf but how do I do it. All my life I've trained myself to block most of my wolf features I can't unblock them now, can I ? It's not like she's dead,I just don't talk to her.

"I'm not really sure about that but she has come alive once or twice... mostly when she found her mate. "I tell Vikki.

She's about to respond when a knock is heard and the door opens slightly.

"What do you want?" I fold my arms and roll my eyes as I see who it is.

"I came to talk." He looks tired and worn out. I can tell he hasn't been sleeping well,well neither have I .

"There's nothing to talk about,you've ruined my life as it is."I deadpan him.

"I think I'm gonna go now."Vikki says as she shuts the door.

"What would you possibly want to-"

"I'm sorry." He says cutting me off.

" I should not have behaved the way I did and I apologise for it,I just couldn't control my wolf and he really got pissed off when Ken held you possessively."

" Fine, but did you have to try to kill my boyfriend?" I sit on the bed crossing my arms.

" He's not your boyfriend, you're mine." He growls and his eyes change to red and then back to normal.

"Sorry,my ex." I correct myself,I'm not in the mood to get his wolf pissed off.

"We're having a full moon tonight."he informs me.

" So?"I roll my eyes.

"You're  going to experience your heat cycle."

Heat! He did not just say heat! How could I have forgotten? Heat is a period where a she-wolf experiences severe pains, cramps and heat waves.

"Geez, thanks for the info Sherlock, but I won't need you."

" I highly doubt that,you will need me."he says confidently.

" Don't get too cocky."

" I'm not being cocky,it's a fact."

" Fine... fine just leave please,I need to go for a jog."

He has a firm look on his face and he leaves.

Although,I have to admit,he is a hot guy...


I walk over to the bathroom and strip. I turn on the shower Jets and let the cold water drown out my pain or rather the pain I'm going to face today.

After the shower,I put on a pair of sweatpants and an extra baggy t-shirt,then I pack my hair in a messy bun.

I look myself over one last time before smiling and leaving the room.


I've spent hours out here and it's getting late,my heart is pounding due to the number of hours I spent jogging. I may not run as a wolf but that doesn't mean that I'm out of shape as a human.

I'm about to go when I hear a branch snap. I turn my head towards where I heard the sound and then I hear a voice.

Run! It's my wolf, that's when the scent hits me, Vampire!

I start running and I can hear footsteps behind me. I'm not too far off from the pack when a wave of pain hits me! Oh no,my heat is starting.

"Help!" I groan in pain and I see someone run towards me.

It's one of Ray's gaurds, Luke.

" Oh my gawd,your heat's about to start." He says as I notice his eyes darken,his wolf is starting to surface.

"I'm trying to link alpha,but something is blocking the link."he says as he picks me up and heads towards the pach house.

I groan as another wave heat's me and I tighten my hold on his chest. My wolf stirs as she loves the attention she's getting.

I hear him growl, clearly he's fighting his wolf but it looks like his wolf is gaining control.

He drops me as soon as we get into the house.

"Run, now! I can't hold myself much longer, your scent is irresistsible to my wolf"he goes as far away from me as possible.

I get up and try my best to get to my room,I hear a howl as I go up the stairs and I know that an unmated wolf has picked up my scent. I let out a small sigh of relief as I see the door to my room.

I get in quickly but as I'm about to lock the door, another wave hits me and a young unmated wolf rushes in. His eyes are fully darkened with lust as he locks the door.

"N-no please." I beg.

He takes two more steps closer and holds me. I lean into his touch. My wolf was accepting him and I needed relief. He pulls me in and crashes his lips on mine.