Vivian found MacKenzie in her office in the main building of King’s College, the long hallway sprinkled with students sitting outside offices waiting for office hours or their turn most likely to plead their case for a better grade or an internship they don’t really deserve. There was one of those outside of MacKenzie’s office. Vivian smiled as she stepped over her, and pushed open the door to MacKenzie’s office.
“No, it’s not time yet,” MacKenzie barked, her head down over her desk.
“MacKenzie.” Vivian had to make sure that she did reveal anything else to Liam before tonight, not to mention she actually needed to make the plans.
“Oh, girl! Oh my gosh, shut that door,” she demanded, rising quickly and making her way around the desk to grab Vivian into a massive bear hug. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick after the party.”
“I’m fine. I just had to go away for a few days. I forgot my phone, so stupid. But everything is fine.”