Chapter 14: Option Number Four, Part Two

“So, what do you think?”

Caleb’s voice sounded more like an echo, drowned out by the pounding in my head. My eyes were glued to Lila, who was on her way to the main building, which I knew Finn was just on the other side of. He may even be inside, with Heather and Mason.

It would only be seconds until she was in there. Until she could be face-to-face with Finn.

“I forgot something up there,” I blurted out, startling Caleb. “I’m gonna go grab it, but don’t wait for me. I’ll talk to you later!”

With that, I turned and started jogging up the hill, trying to make my speed look normal while also moving as fast as I could.

I ignored the ache in my chest that came from the expression on Caleb’s face as I completely blew him off and ditched him. In the split second before I’d turned around, I saw the smile that had been on his face fall. His eyes had dimmed, losing the brightness they’d had when he’d came up to me.