Chapter 20: The Festival

We made it to Tucson by one, so we decided to stop by a local diner for lunch since we had some time to kill.

“What time is your film playing at the festival?” I asked in between bites of curly fries.

“Well, the whole thing starts at two, but mine won’t be up until four. So, I figured we could get there when it starts. Once we watch mine, we can either stay and watch a few more or hit the road and head back. I don’t want to get you home too late.”

There he went again, being so concerned about everyone else. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, because if my parents think something happened to me, you’re definitely losing your job.”

Caleb smiled, finishing off his grilled cheese. “Well, I wouldn’t want that. Then I’d have to find a new idea about my documentary, and I’m already so invested in the Whitman’s Pastries one.”