Empyrean Rabbit - Part 4

Dinner was an array of cheeses and breads and jams spread out on silver platters. The meat that the ulfa were given last night was absent from the display, since, Cele learned, the prince couldn’t eat meat in the temple. Or that was his understanding. Heiko had mentioned something about how tomorrow he would be able to indulge – something about the presence of the Minder's of Trochta – but Cele didn’t quite follow the reasonings.

After dinner, sweetmeats were brought in, something that most of Heiko’s meal had consisted of.

“You're like a child,” Cele noted, eyes on the prince. He couldn't help but smile slightly at the almost endearing notion of it.

Heiko, on the other hand, was not fond of it at all. His eyes darted up for a moment in offense, as if it was only ever meant as an insult, only to flick away when he was met with the general's amusement.