Author's Note 3

Hey guys, I want to write a bit of a love note to you.

Basically, this story has been in the works for a few years now (as it generally goes with novels at this length). The process of publication was arduous, to say the least. While traditional publication seemed to be my knee-jerk answer, I soon came to realize that the story wouldn't likely fit mainstream, commercial stories - even in the fantasy genre.

Eventually, I got to the point where I just wanted someone to read it. Initially, I posted it on a sister platform (which caught the eye of a WN editor - woohoo!) and here we are. At first, it was daunting to see other stories with millions of readers, and mine with barely four figures, but now, at 88K views, all I feel is gratitude.

On that note, I do wish there was more of a way to interact with my readers, but, for now: DezerayZ is numero uno with patronage. You've been with me damn near since the beginning! And you gifted me an ice cola - my favorite drink! Chavalon13 fed me a delicious pizza, and that made my week when I saw it! TheLazyDeathgod posted the first analysis comment regarding the story - something that is so cool to me. Debating symbolism and possible motives is my favorite past time. The only difference now is that I have all the correct answer (*insert evil laugh*) Lastly, for now.... Boingnoises... I was following your string of comments, trying to figure out which chapters hit harder than others and reinvigorated my motivation to power on! Please continue this. I beg of you.

The end.



Now for the fun stuff! Thought it was high time for some pronunciation! Most probably don't need this, but I know I always wished fantasy stories came with pronunciation guides, so for those who think like me, here we go...! Forgive my grossly incorrect use of phonetics :).


Heiko: High-ko

Celestino: Sell-uh-stee-no

Cele: See-l

Vincente: Vin-chent

Ingo: Ing-go

(Got the soft g and the hard g working here)

Ada: Ay-da

Herleva: Hair-lay-va

Aisha: Ah-ee-shuh

Kaifin: Kay-fin

Geoff: Joff

Gotthard: God-urd

Carmodeigh: Kar-muh-dee

Achterecht: Ack-ter-rekt

Cilla: Sill-uh

Enri: Ohn-ree

Cuilin: Coo-lin


Ilyos: Ill-ee-ohs

Ilysian: Ill-ee-zhin

Simo: See-mo

Simonese: Sim-oh-nees

Burke: Bur-k

Tyton: Ty-tin

Haroma: Huh-ro-muh

Isar: Ee-sar

Isari: Iss-ar-ee


Ozik: Oh-zik

Trochta: Tro-k-ta

Did I forget anything? Let me know~~